Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

James asks…

HELP! whats a good way a 15 year old can make money fast?

ive been invited to go to china with my boyfriend and his parents to meet all of his family

but the thing is i need to have atleast 1,500 dollars by the end of may

my boyfriends going to try to get a job to save money
and i would as well but unfortunantly theres no way i could get a ride anywhere until late at night

if theres anyway anyone knows to make money from home being 15 (even though there probably isnt)
or a good way to save up money .
or any ideas on what to do please tell me

pleasepleaseplease help me ! itd be so greatly apreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, Shovel snow, mow lawns, clean houses.

Donald asks…

I am a Father and Husband and I need a way to make additioanl income FAST from home. PLEASE HELP.?

I dont mind LOW start up costs. But PLEASE we are drowing here our home is in forclosure and we can’t pay any of our bills. PLEASE PLEASE do NOT send me info about something that can’t make me money FAST with little investment. We need $200 or more per week. PLEASE HELP ME! I have two little girls…please help.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sorry but you do not have a money problem and making more money will not fix the problem. A flat tire is NOT a “tire” problem, it is an “air” problem. If you can’t pay ANY of your bills and your house is in foreclosure then you don’t have a income problem, you have an expense problem. You have created too many bills to be paid with your current income and IF you find a solution to bring in another $200 a week then you will only delay the next “money” problem.
Face the fact that you are spending more then you make and THAT is a money “management” problem. Until you learn to control your expenses then your income will NEVER be enough. Bigger income just means MORE taxs, more expenses, and more debt.
If your house is in foreclosure then TALK to your lender and explain the situation. They do NOT want the house back and most lenders now are doing everything they can to keep the homeowner in the propety. I have seen banks FORGIVE ALL late payments, ALL late fees, and ALL interest charges to bring payments current AND lower the monthly payments by over 30%. Some are adding these fees on the backend of the loan and some lenders are just writing these costs off as a business loss.
Instead of looking for ways to make more income, take a realistic look at your monthly income and expenses and then get on the phone to the people who you owe money to and ASK them to help. Most lenders are more willing to work with you and get paid something sometime rather then writing everything off as a loss never to be recovered.
You CAN’T just refuse to answer the phone and hope it will go away. Put every bill down on paper and then cancel what you can, restructure with the ones who will work with you, and then learn to manage your income. Read a book called “Richest Man In Babylon” That story is EXACTLY what you are going thru.

Mark asks…

is there a real legit way to make money fast?

Like many people I’m need money. =/
and I’ve seen and heard so many way that you can make money either online or from home. But I really want to know if there is a way to make money without investing and that really works.
I do have a job and work hard for what I have, I honestly do not need bad comments so, if you don’t have an answer that could help please do not waste your time with bad or negative comments. Thanks to those who respond =)

Nagesh answers:

Well, you could try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada (maybe the UK too, but I don’t know).

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Paul asks…

Making money from home?

How can i make money from home without attracting negative people.

I tried selling mobile phones and stuff like that but i get problems and the people who come are not very nice people.

I tried to sell bmx bikes i make good money and they sell fast but i had a problem with a bmx dealer who got upset because i would not sell one of my bmx for peanuts.

Is there any way i could make enough money to live on by working from home. I feel happier at home ,safer & i dont have to go out in to the world and mix with people (i find it hard to trust people).

Nagesh answers:

I make money from home by filling out surveys and completing offers. I don’t like mixing with people either. :/
If you wanna try it, there’s a link to my top four sites on my profile. Good luck. :]]

Mary asks…

legal and illegal ways to make money fast?

i need 5,000 dollars in 3 months and need some ideas on how to get it. i need ideas that really work i dont want any of those stupid work from home internet scams. i also dont have any money to start out with. the only thing im not willing to do is prostitution. i also dont know anyone that has anything to do with drugs so i wouldnt know how to begin with that. what can i do? ill except all ideas no matter how far out there thay seem

Nagesh answers:


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Saturday, August 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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