Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Thomas asks…

How can you get a good well paid job without any qualifications?

I am a young 18 year old girl who left school without any qualifications. I dont really want to go any further with my studies. I would just like to find a job that pays well and is not hard to do and you don’t have to use your brain too much. I need the money like real bad so I don’t really have the time to earn any degrees or anything. I just want the job. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

To Americans who may be answering: understand that in Britain, qualifications in this context means a high school diploma. I assume the asker is British. She’s saying that she left school without graduating, not that she isn’t qualified for anything.

I don’t know what Britain’s requirements are to get a job. What does it take to clerk in a store, clean hotel rooms, or work in a restaurant? In the States, you can usually get those jobs even if you’re a high school dropout (our equivalent of leaving school without qualifications).

Whether those jobs would be hard to do depends on what’s hard for you. They’re not hard in the same sense that schoolwork can be hard, and they don’t take using your brain in the same way. They do require physical effort. In the case of waiting tables, it takes the ability to think fast, on your feet, and keep track of multiple bits of information flying at you at once. Some people have a knack for that. Others (like me!) just can’t pick it up. How good you are at that has nothing to do with how well you did in school.

For quick cash, you might be able to do odd jobs for people: clean houses, walk dogs, babysit, etc. I don’t know what it takes to set yourself up in business in Britain. In the States, if you do that sort of thing for serious income (not just as a teenager earning a little spending money), there are certain tax requirements, certain forms to file. It would be worth looking into, though.

None of these jobs are likely to make you rich, but if you’re reasonably frugal, you can earn enough to get by. Over time, you can advance in those businesses, perhaps start your own business if you’re enterpreneurial minded. Even if you had gotten your school qualifications, you probably wouldn’t be able to get a high paying job at first without a university degree–you’d have to start somewhat lower and work your way up–so either way, there would be some work to put in before you’re well paid.

Betty asks…

What do you think is the best way to easily lose weight fast?

I’m only a teenager and I’ve always wanted to lose weight because I’d say I’m over 50 pounds over weight and I don’t have enough money in the family to go on a slimfast diet or LA weight loss and i need some ideas of what to do.

Nagesh answers:

It is mostly NOT your fault, if you need to lose weight. The way we have been taught to eat is responsible for making obesity the number one health problem in the world (according to Atlantic Monthly magazine) replacing hunger and infectious disease. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin. Not a diet, but diet lifestyle.

Find out about fastest way to lose weight, gradual ways to lose weight, most effective exercise and anti-water. Lose bodyfat and retained water which also makes you a lot fatter (bloated). Most important– make sure to read the last “fat loss tip”, first before anything else, to see the number one food that causes Americans to be fat. Take 5 minutes to read teen advice first.


Michael asks…

What is your personal opinion on taking Adipex for weightloss?

I am considering taking adipex for weightloss. My doctors appointment is tomorrow and I am somewhat nervous about taking them. I really want to lose weight and I have heard that its really good for helping weightloss. But is it worth the money? Does it work? what were your results? side effects? please give me your personal opinions.

Nagesh answers:


The fastest way to weight loss is by taking weight loss pills and supplements. But the risks involved with taking diet supplements significantly outweigh the results any person would receive. Most people believe that diet pills and supplements will solved their overweight problems overnight. If you are taking diet pills & supplements to weight loss, the moment you stop taking the pill, your weight will reverse back to where you start and sometime worst or you will be hook to the diet pills in order for you to maintain your idea weight.

I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then.

A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I’ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven’t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan.

Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life.The weight loss program has proven to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight The weight loss program is affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and you will gain more weight when you stop taking it.

The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won’t be disappointed. Get your free “Top Fat Loss Tips” and discover how you can become noticeably thinner in 15 days by eating in a way you’ll actually enjoy.

Mandy asks…

How to get my parents to let me do gymnastics?

I am 11 and want to start gymnastics. But I am already in dance, so my parents won’t let me do gymnastics. I REALLY want to do gymnastics. How can I convince them to let me take gymnastics? And please don’t say quit dance or pay for it yourself. Because i don’t want to quit dance and I don’t have the money for gymnastics. It is a really expensive sport. Not that we can’t afford it. Also they keep telling me gymnastics is a sport where you have to start young at. Is that true?

Nagesh answers:

Ok, first off. No 11 is not too old to start gymnastics, particularly because you are a dancer. Most competitive gymnasts do start somewhere between 4-7 years of age and yes by the time they are 11 they are usually at least level 5-7 competitive gymnasts. For those going to the olympics by 11 they will already be at least level 10 training 28-30 hours a week.

But, lots of people don’t start gymnastics until they are older. Often teenagers and adults and they still become excellent gymnasts, so 11 is certainly not too old. Also dancers tend to progress much much faster when they start gymnastics. A lot of the work you do on beam and floor will be dance and you will already be excellent at it. Also your dance will have given you strength, flexibility and coordination. So you should progress very quickly.

If you want to do to the olympics or even get a college scholarship then yes you left it too late. But if you want to learn some awesome skills, and become a successful gymnastics competitor then you can do it with no problem.

Gymnastics is not an expensive sport at the recreational level. Dance is generally much more expensive than gymnastics. Gym only becomes expensive when you start competing and start having to train many many hours a week and go in expensive competitions. When you start you will be in beginners classes and it will only be once a week and won’t cost a lot.

If you want to convince your parents talk to them about letting you have a try at gymnastics. Ask them if say for a term you could do it once a week as well as your dance just to see if you like it. That way at the end of that term you will know if you want to stick to dance or do gymnastics. They may think thats fair and let you do it. And then you never know, at the end of the term they may decide that it wasn’t so bad and you can do both.

If you want to get to a higher level of gymnastics though you will struggle with dance. I don’t know how often you dance but I am assuming at your age you are at the dance studio 3-4 days a week. The problem is that to compete in gymnastics you will need to be in the gym just as many days. On average it is – Level 4 – 9-12 hours a week. Level 5 12-16 hours a week. Level 6 – 14-18 hours a week. Level 7 16-20 hours a week. Level 8 – 18-24 hours a week. Level 9 – 20-26 hours a week. Level 10 – 22-30 hours a week. Elite 25-40 hours a week. Basically this kind of schedule does not work with a busy competitive dance schedule.

Ruth asks…

Is there a safe way for a teenager to loose weight in a matter of weeks?

I have a 14 year old daughter who is wanting to loose weight before school starts. I was just wondering if there was a fast and safe way for her to do this. She is wanting a smaller tummy and upper thighs.

Nagesh answers:

Before you start a diet and exercise program read the following articles:

The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you’re trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:

*1) Burn more calories then you’re consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity minus the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). A website that explains this formula in more detail and will help you determine how many calories you need to reach or maintain a certain weight is at

Get an online, desktop, or cell phone diet and fitness calculator. This will allow you to easily calculate the above formula, set goals, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities.

Set realistic goals for your ideal body weight. Here are two websites that will calculate a suggested body weight:

It is difficult and unhealthy to lose more than one or two pounds per week. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you eat 500 fewer calories per day for a week you will lose one pound. If you burn through exercise 500 more calories per day for a week you will lose one pound.

Here are two articles on how to break through a weight loss plateau:

*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement.

Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Avoid “High Glycemic Load Carbs” (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as potatoes) and drink lots of water. Read this article for more information on high GL Carbs:

The following are food pyramids and several articles on what you should eat everyday:
Food Pyramids:
Antioxidant Superstars – Vegetables and Beans:
Antioxidant Loaded Fruits:
Good Carbs Mean Better Weight:
The Benefits of Protein:
Some Fats Are Good For You:
Antioxidants in Green and Black Tea:
What You Should Eat Daily:
Best Foods to Fight off Disease and Keep You Healthy:

*3) Perform cardiovascular, core, and/or strength training on most days. Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure you’re doing all exercises correctly.

The following is a website and numerous articles on cardiovascular, core, and strength training:
Exercise Prescription on the Net
Starting an Exercise Program:
Strength Training Basics:
Cardiovascular Machine Workouts:
Balance Your Way to a Stronger Body:
Understanding Your Training Heart Rate:
Exercise Errors:
Getting a Flat Stomach:
Weight Lifting – Does Order Matter:
Encouraging Exercise in Your Kids:
Strength Training Safe and Effective for Kids:

*4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety.

*5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005”. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at
Look at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier.

Send me an email or yahoo instant message to “gainbetterhealth” if you have any questions and good luck!

*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Sunday, October 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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