Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Nancy asks…

What is a way a kid can earn money fast online?

I want to earn moeny but most of it is 13 and up and i’m too young, so tell a fast online way i can earn money free.

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make extra money you HAVE TO try this out. It has worked for me, my family, and friends.

If you have a computer and the internet (and an e-mail account), that’s all you need to make money at this website I found. It’s completely legitimate. They are an American company, but residents from all countries are welcome.

This website is the ONLY website I’ve found so far that actually pays you money for doing very little work.
All you do is fill out simple surveys and sign up for websites.
All you need is a valid address where they can send your monthly cheque.
I’ve only been with this program for a few months, but I already know that it works. I have received numerous cheques from them totalling well over $800.
I only spend a few hours on the site a month. This means that I earned about $20/hr for doing next to nothing. This IS a legitimate website with thousands of users who are earning money as well.

The reason I’m posting this is because I have an opportunity to earn even more money. If you sign up for the site and start earning money, I earn an additional 20% of whatever you made.

So here’s the link, give it a try. What do you have to lose, you don’t have to put in your credit card information or anything. Here’s the link….


You’re the minimum age the site accepts, so take advantage of it!

Laura asks…

What is the quickest way to make money?

I’m between ages 13-16 and my parents wont let me get a job. How else can i make big money fast.

Nagesh answers:

When i was 13 i made my first job. In migt be a problem now but then again i dont know becuase i dont go to your school. When i was at school you couldn’t get much from the snack or lunch lines. So i decided to go to the store with my parents and buy certain candy… Then i would resell them at school higher… But them in packages and you make more. If that doesn’t work… Try going to garage sales and buying little stuff there Really cheap and then resell it online… If you cant do that… Then sell stuff you already own but dont use anymore… If you cant do that… Try… Selling homework answers to other kids…. If that doesn’t work then try… Bigger allowance… Washing dishes doing laundry… If your parents say no then say… Mom i want more resposibility and it’ll teach me about the working world… Working to get paid…. If that wont work…. Illegal gambling at school or at home with poker nites… If your not good try to find a way to cheat … Lots of ways to make money there… Let me know if i helped.

Thomas asks…

What are some ways that a 15 year old girl can earn money?

I am 15 and I want to take horseback riding lessons. They are like 100 dollars a month or maybe even a little more. Well I really want a way to earn some money REALLY fast and that isn’t going to be TO hard. Please help! I really, really want to do this. Thank you all so much!

Nagesh answers:

Horses are expensive.

Call all the lesson barns in your area. Some are willing to let kids do barn chores in exchange for lessons.

Here’s other suggestions:
1) Babysitting
2) Yardwork
3) Dog walking
4) Pet sitting (lots of people need pet sitters over Christmas)

Good luck!

Mandy asks…

How can a kid make money really fast?

i am trying to get more money to buy an ipod touch and i need some way to make money fast! please help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Negotiate fees with your parents for extra chores around the house. Try to pick things they might hire a professional to do (like detail the car) and charge them half price. Ask your parents if you can clean the house each week instead of them or your housekeeper. Do your laundry and the dishes. This can be a weekly sum. Do the chores properly or your parents might not think it’s worth their money. Parents are sometimes more willing to help out if they know what your plan is, so share all the details with them.

Shovel snow: Go to every house in a good sized neighborhood charging 5 dollars per driveway, or 15 dollars a week for shoveling the snow. Do this every time it snows. Someone may pay you in advance for a month if they know you or like your work!

You can also pass out flyer’s and Business cards for people who need help advertising.

Mow lawns for your neighbors. You can make a lot of money, but it’s hard work and takes up a lot of Saturdays. Also consider the maintenance aspect in respect to the lawn mower itself – hours on motor, oil, spark plugs, blades if this is your parents mower. However, most parents will not care and just be thankful that you are out making money.

Babysitting is easy to do and many people can also consider it as practice and a way of gaining experience if they intend to get into the house and elderly care business. Babysitting is a less complex job as compared to others, and if you are lucky enough, they will end up being paid to study while watching some cute kid napping off in front of the television.

Hope i helped !

Mary asks…

How can I count money faster?

Usually I read the money amount in words on the bill. That is how I count money. However I have seen other people count money a lot faster. How can I count money faster? This includes coins and bills. I am actually a very young kid.

Nagesh answers:

People ask me this all the time.
I work with money all the time.

Ex: The 20’s
I count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
When I get to the 5th bill – I know I have 100 dollars
You can count thousands really fast that way – try it

Same with 10’s. Don’t count them 10, 20, 30
Count them 1, 2, all the way to 10 and you have $100
Ditto for 5’s – 20 of them make $100
Dimes, the same. Count them 1,2,3 – 10 of them make $1.00

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Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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