Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Sandra asks…

I’m only a kid, and I need way to make money fast?

I can’t go on ebay, can’t do jobs around the house, but my sisters will pay me for doing stuff and if I apply, I could clean a pool for $40. any other options?

Nagesh answers:

How old r u? Try mowing some lawns. Maybe paper route? Sell some of you stuff?

Paul asks…

Does anyone know how to make money fast on the internet?

I am in a bind and looking for a way to make fast money on the internet. I dont want to dish out any money. Please only respond if you are doing something that is making you good money on the internet.

Some people assume I dont have a job, I am a MA graduate and hold a great job, but that still doesnt mean I cannot get in a bind and start exploring my options, so as far as getting off my *** and getting a job, I am a engineer full time, a full time mother (single) mother of 3 and my kids are all under the age of 5 and one is autistic. So I have been off my ***, so to the person who told me to go get a job, thank you, but I got a job already, I was just trying to explore options over the interenet becasue e-commerce is huge these days!!! But thank you!

Previous answers:
Yeah, sell your computer and disconnect your internet service.

d n
jesus christ. Get a real JOB. Theres no such thing as easy money. Quit being lazy, get off your azz, and get a job.

Nagesh answers:

Wizjp, I see you are a mighty pessimist. My goodness, take a big swig of wine. Not everyone that makes money on the internet is a scammer….. Seriously!

I dont’ have a way for you to make a lot of money. I’m a stay at home mom and make some extra cash by visiting some sites on the internet, but I don’t think you would make the money you want, unless you are really good at marketing.

If you want to see what I use, you can look at my blog in my profile.

If you are worried the sites I use are scams, I have a link at the bottom of my site that takes you to a list of all the reported scams and sites taht are on the watchlist.

I wish you luck and I hope wizjp starts visiting questions where he has something positive to contribute.

Steven asks…

How to make money fast for a good cause?

Basically I have a family friend in the Dominican Republic in critical condition that needs several surgical procedures done on her heart. She has 5 kids, and is not economically well, and we are trying to make money from all the way in the United States.

Any suggestions on how I can raise about 23,000 dollars fast?

Nagesh answers:

Start selling products or services

Daniel asks…

What’s a good way for a kid to make fast money!!!?

no fake money making websites!

What can I do!!!???

Like rake leaves, etc.?
Wat else is there?

I need at least $10 per sale!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You should babysit…if you know a friend who knows someone, or maybe your parents friend or something that needs a babysitter…you could make pretty good money off of that.
It’s better if the parents are rich…cuz my friend babysits and she gets paid more than 10 bucks an hour…she usually makes 60-70 bucks a night…and it’s easy cuz the kids go to sleep early, so you mostly just sit there and watch tv or something. :]

Donald asks…

How can i make some extra money?

My daughter is 11 and she is looking for ways to earn some extra money fast. You know kids, when they want something, they want it right then. I DON’T want her babysitting and there are no leaves to rake or snow to shovel where we live. thanks in advance!!! 🙂

Nagesh answers:


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Friday, October 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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