Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Paul asks…

How to make money fast?

I am a 13 year old so I can’t get a job, and I need money for b-day and christmas presants. And there arn’t any kids in my area so I can’t babysit, and My mom doesn’t give me money for chores. Is there any fast way to get money and no, i dont sell drugs its bad!

Nagesh answers:

Ok here goes:

A. In fact, weather almost always provides a good way to make cash.
Summer: Mow Lawns!!!
Fall: Blow/Rake Leaves.
Winter: Shovel Snow.
Spring: Help Gardeners.

B.You may have already thought of this, but you could make art and sell it, and maybe you could do it in abstract ways (i.e. Customize game controllers, etc.)

C.Baking. You don’t even know how many people drive around and are very hungry but aren’t near any restaraunts (or don’t want to spend much money) , you could set up a cookie selling stand or a lemonade stand, etc.

Hope that helps ^.^

Carol asks…

What is a good way for a high school kid to make money fast?

I already have a job but I need alternate ways of bringing in income.
Angel*F: stop being a crazy bittch. I was asking the question becuase my parents really need my help to pay the rent and bills. I already work 40 hours a week in the summer and I just needed some ideas of extra things I can do. Thanks for making me feel awful you dumb bitcch.

Nagesh answers:

Breed Animals; Start a car wash, ect.

Daniel asks…

Fast Money For Kids I need 310$?

I need 310$ for my band we need a good microphone and a drum set, we have some picked out but we need fast way to make money, We have bunch of gigs in like 2 weeks, HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Think about you can do to enhance a product or make a product better. The ability to use that mind to create is powerful and

keeping it thinking about the next big idea. Watch Donnie Duetche The Big Idea to understand what I am talking about..,.. It

is a tv show that discusses millionaire ideas and people that come up these ideas.
The education isn’t easy to get if you already have kids but I would highly recommend paying the price to get it so you have

the ability to earn high level of income at home. PS some education 2 year and 4 year programs can be done at home online.!.!!!!

Joseph asks…

OK, i’m saving up for something, and i really want it soon. i need a really fast way for a kid to make money?

i need a really fast way to make money. plz help me right away.

Nagesh answers:

I wrote my own newspaper and sold it in my area when I was a kid/teen. I made about $30 a month from it, and probably could have made more if I’d put more work into it. If you start your own business, you can do pretty much anything. Think about things you like and things you are good at, and somewhere in there you will find something people will pay you to do or make.

Two books to check out (try looking for them at the library, that’s where I found them):
Fast Cash for Kids
Better Than a Lemonade Stand

Sandra asks…

What are some easy ways to make money as a kid?

I’m trying to make money to save up for something, but I don’t know what’s a good job to do. What are some fast and easy ways to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Hey if you are 13 or older, check out I joined this site when I was 14 and I made $340 in my first month.

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Saturday, June 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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