Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Chris asks…

What is a fast way to get money and the best and easiest way for a ten year old? Thank you!?

I am a ten year old boy who wants to know ways how to get money. I can not babysit yet so dont give that as an answer (: Thanks a ton!

Nagesh answers:

Yard work is always a good way and it doesnt take alot to get started. I have lots of adult friends even that do it full time and make a good living at it but you can do it as a kid and might even go into a good business someday.

Lizzie asks…

What is the best and fastest way to get your house organized?

I also need to make a budget and stick to it. How should I handle the bills? So what is a good way to do that? How can I get organized with 2 small kids in a few weeks (we are having a house warming party)? That why I need it done in a few weeks? Thanks for all your answers in advance!!!

Nagesh answers:

I am going to assume you know how to create and stick to a budget and just need organizing help in keeping the bills paid, filed, etc.

Check the mail, open the bills, write checks for them, and put them back in the mailbox. Sounds simple, but so many people set them aside to pay later and lose them, resulting in late charges and slow payment histories on their credit reports. If you are living paycheck to paycheck and have to set aside bills because the money isn’t there to pay them, then that is a different story.

I know this isn’t the best method, but I have a basket that I throw all bills into and about twice a year, I go thru all of it (usually labor day and memorial day weekends). I toss all utility bills older than 6 months, file credit card bills/receipts for major purchases, file bank statements in a binder, and toss the rest. Just make sure you don’t toss any receipts that are needed for tax write-offs.

Laura asks…

How much money to bring on a family trip to Disney world.?

We are going to Disney sept 29- October 5. Two adults and a 5 year old. We have the meal plan. I’m wondering how much money to bring for souvenirs, tips, and whatever else. We are renting a car one day and driving to cocoa beach. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

If you already have the meal plan, tickets, room and air paid for then you really will not need much more.

You will need to tip at your nice sit down places but it is really no more than you tip at home. You will not need to tip at the Quick Serve meals. We stay on property and use the magical express two and from the airport and we usually tip $1 per bag we have under the bus.

I would bring an extra $100 for extra food/drinks but do not be shocked if you do not use all of it. Keep in mind too that if you do not use a snack for the day your spouse or child can use it. Also remember that a “snack” on the meal plan is more or less anything in the parks or resort under $8. They say things are labeled but we have found nearly all are not. If there is something you want under $8 just ask.

With gifts it just depends on what you want to take home. If you like a ton or big expensive gifts than you will want to take more. If your kid is happy with a plush and you are happy with a shirt then far less.

For the Cocoa beach trip I would take a few hundred to cover the rental, gas and any food/gifts you get while there.

When we go to Disney we stay on property, do the meal plan (one snack, one quick serve, one sit down) and park hopper tickets and we are lucky to spend another $250 for the entire week.

Have a wonderful time and if you have questions pop me an email.

Oh by the way, make sure you make your sit down dinner reservations far in advance as the best places fill up fast. There is no charge to make reservations, change or cancel.

Susan asks…

What is the best formula to become slim without doing exercises and spending money?

i need to get slim in the shortest period of time and dont ask me why.i think im fat and how should i be slim without exercising or spending money?help me

Nagesh answers:


I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping people lose weight.

There is no way to become slim without exercising or spending money because nothing in this life is free. If we keep doing the same things and expect a different result, we are just kidding ourselves.

You either got to work for it and exercise or you spend a small amt of money to let others teach you how..

The easiest and FASTEST way I know to lose weight is to detox.

My mentor also lost 15 pounds within a week doing the detox 😉

A detox is healthy because it brings balance back to your body and losing weight is just a by product of the detox. So at the end of the detox, you will find yourself get more energetic, healthier, more radiant looking as well.

And the detox is simple. All you need to do is three things.

Number one, follow the detox programme which requires you to change your diet a little bit. Eg, take more vege and less meat and seafoods.

Number two, use 1 minute a day to take some natural health foods that I take to enhance the speed and the effect of the detox.

Number three, drink lots of water to flush the toxins out..

And that’s it.

The rest is up to you.

So what do you think? 😉

If you are keen to find out more about my detox programme, you can email me at

George asks…

Can you give me some tips on how to save money at Walt Disney World?

I need some tips on how to save money at Walt Disney World. We’re probably going in February which is good because that’s off season and that will save us some money. The whole family is going so that’s what’s going to cost us a lot. There’s nine of us. Please help me.
There are three kids. The ages are 6, 10, and 12.
Please don’t put stay off-site because we will be staying on-site probably at one of Disney’s value resorts. We’ll book through Disney itself or Expedia. Thanks for your answers!

Nagesh answers:

Book Through Disney, K now that I got that out there this is what I would suggest.

Do the Disney Magic your way package this is what it consist of:

FREEE transportation to and fro the airport( if your flying)
Your room, and tickets for the parks and food will all be in this package.

You will save a lot of money doing this becuase mainly of the food package. You pay like 40 $ a day per adult and like 25 or something per day per kid and you get a great deal of food.
You get one counter meal, which you can use whenever you want. It would be any “fast food” resturant
You get one sit down meal, ANY sit down resturant ( well there is a few that you can’t use this option, but with the kids your probably not going to go to them any ways’s
and you get one snack, like a bag of popcorn a pretzle a pice of fruit, a bottle of water whatever.

Each person gets this per day. And its not just a sandwich. With each meal you get an appatizer or (side) and a dessert and a drink. So for your fast food you can get a cheeseburger fries, brownie and coke.

For dinner or your sit down each person can order a sepperat apatizer a entree and a dessert. You get plenty of food so your not going to starve. They explain the plan to you when you check in with examples and at all the resturants they will let you know how it works.

You can also add the three meal option for little more a day so you get breakfast lunch and dinner, but really the orginal plan is plenty!

Other wise if you not into the package this is my tip:
eat a good breakfast, if your going to eat a buffet eat it for lunch it’s usually cheaper and your getting the same food. Really if your going to eat any big mean at a nice sit down resturant do it for lunch, your going to get the same meal, but cheaper and smaller portions so the kids wont waste if they aren’t big eaters. Have snacks in the room so your not spending five dollars for a small bag of chips.Stay at a vaule resort and use the free transportaion to all the parks. Oh and you can still get the free transportaion to and fro the air port if you stay on property. And yes try to avoid the shops the kids will want everything. I would give them each a set amount for a suviner and remind them that most all gift shops are the same unless they are themed for a certin attraction.

I would suggest Pop century , the rooms are nice the price is right and the kids will love it, i’ve been three times and goning back, its a very nice, clean new resort!

Other wise just save save save your coins and any cash you can set asside and do your best to keep the cost down.

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Saturday, December 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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