Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Sandra asks…

Juice Fast 3 day diet?

I do not want your opinions on whether or not a juice fast is “healthy” or not I am doing it either way I just have some questions on the types of juices.

I plan on doing apple juice (freshly made) on monday and wednesday and on tuesday I plan on doing orange juice (also freshly squeezed).

I do not like vegetable juice so please do not recommend that.

I am a poor college student on a budget and I want cheap good tasting fruits to juice. I am making it in a blender and adding water and then squeezing it through a fine strainer. I do not have the money or access for a juicer so this will have to do.

Nagesh answers:

Also try Pineapple juice, it’s said that pineapple helps break down your enzymes and speed up your metabolism.
It’s cheaper if you buy a can of pineapple thats like $1 at the store. Open the can and rinse out the sweet juice it normally comes and then rinse it out with water again. That way the pineapple is nice and fresh.
I’m trying to loose weight too. I have also tried eating peaches. The ones that come in the cans. They are also like $1 and only have 60 calories. Once you eat a can you basically feel really full. I lost like 5 pounds buy waching what I eat and eating fruits and juices to fill me up.
Also since your normally supposed to eat only 2000 calories and no more you can loose at least 1 or 2 pounds each week if you only consume 1500 a day.I actually found that easier for me because I could actually eat what I wanted without passing the 1500 calories and still loose weight. If you want try it for two weeks and see if that can also help you.
I wish you Luck for i’m trying to loose weight and its hard. Wish you the best! 😉

Robert asks…

legitimate home typist jobs?

i’m looking for a LEGITIMATE home typist job where i can make a decent amount of money fairly quickly. I know i wont get rich fast but im a college student and need to get money for a car and laptop asap. i dont mind spending a little money to get started on the site if it will really work and pay off in the end. i would prefer one that doesnt have to mail you software: just work online.

pretty much i just want to know if anyone has tried any sites and which one(s) would be the best. please help! also, if there are any scams that you know about, that would be helpful as well so i dont get pulled into a scam.

thanks so much!

by the way: i have been looking for a job in my area. but there are absolutely NO jobs. i live in a small town and the only way to get a job is to go to one of the surrounding areas. without a car, this isnt possible for me… help!

Nagesh answers:

Go to and

There are message boards with lists of legitimate companies. I have never done it, but I looked into it and these sites were recommended to me.

This is a hard thing to do, which is why I never followed up with it. Is there anyway someone could spot you some cash so you could get a car to start working? You can also contact your local assistance office and see if they offer auto assistance, because I know some of them can help or flat out give you a car. It might as well go to someone like you who is deserving of it and working toward a bright future.

Ken asks…

Should I stop being a vegetarian?

I have been vegetarian for just over three years now. A year ago I tried being vegan but it only lasted six months before I couldn’t handle it anymore. I couldn’t handle THAT because I had to cook every meal, there were few eating out options (or at least none that I liked). I didn’t feel I was ready for a commitment to that diet. I actually do like cooking, but I’m a 20 year old college student with no money and not much time, so fast food makes up a lot of my diet. It’s not the way that I wanted to eat when I went vegetarian ( for ethical reasons). Being vegetarian is important to me because I love animals, but It’s hard when it comes to family meals, dating and hanging out with friends. There are things to eat, but it’s not fulfilling anymore.

Nagesh answers:

Your problem is easily fixed. You just need to change the way you think about food.

Instead of looking for places that have the food you can eat, you should just bring your food with you. You shouldn’t be cooking every meal. Even if you weren’t a vegan you shouldn’t be eating cooked food all the time.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

All the fruits that are difficult to take with you like berries, mango, pineapple, etc. Make a huge fruit salad of them once a week. Then instead of eating cereal for breakfast every morning, eat a big bowl full to the top, of that. You only have to make it once a week when you go shopping and you can change the type of fruit salad every week, so it doesn’t get boring.

Since you are on the go a lot, buy a lot of fruit and vegetables that you can take with you like apples, bananas, oranges(this one might be better for the stay at home list), peaches, pears, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, pea pods, etc. None of these things need to refrigerated or cooked. If you don’t like eating plain vegetables, make some hummus and take that with you as well.

You don’t have to cook your dinner either. Eat a big spinach salad with fruits and nuts on top. Though if you want to cook dinner every night you can. There is no reason you have to cook food for breakfast and lunch everyday though.

You could do the same thing for lunch with vegetables as I mentioned with breakfast with fruit. But it sounds like you aren’t home to do that.

Look online for different vegan fruit salads and to keep from getting bored try eating fruit and vegetables in season. Eating fresh is also cheaper than eating fast food and/or processed foods. It is also quicker, because you can just grab it and start eating, instead of having to prepare it.

James asks…

I Think That My Father is Being UnFair. What Are Y’all Thoughts?

I’m a 20 year young full time college student who’s paying my way through school. I bought my own car, which is a 2001 and needs maintenance, when I was 19 and I buy my own books and have my own credit cards. I’ve been on a long and wild roller coaster ride with my parents, especially my father. We’ve argued back and forth about me attending an out of state college that had my particular major because of the high cost ever since I was 18. Because of this, I had no choice but to attend a community college and take up a major that is useful, but something that I don’t want a career in.

It seems like every few months, my father and I get in a huge argument and he threatens to kick me out or tells me to get out, knowing that I don’t have any money or any friends or family members I can stay with. Also, if we are having a small disagreement, he will say “If you don’t like it, then leave” and it’ll be over something so small and outside of the house. I talked with some family members and they said that I just need to keep quiet because it’s their house. I have a hard time doing this when someone is wrong and unfair, but now I’m learning how to say nothing.

To make a long story short a couple of hours ago my dad and I were discussing my tax refund. He wants to claim me as a dependent if he owes the government money, and I told him that I’d rather him not because I am trying to save money to move out and plus I want to use that to help pay for my college loan and credit card bill. I explained this to him nicely and calmly and he said he understood where I was coming from, but it seemed like I didn’t care that he would have to owe the gov thousands and has a 3,000 medical bill to pay. I told him that I’m actually helping him out because the more money I save, the faster I can leave and be on my own, plus, since he didn’t want to co-sign for me or help me pay anything for college, that money that he owes is kinda like what he would’ve paid had I gone to an out of state college. FYI, I’m also filing for a tax credit for everything I paid for college from last year.

I acted like it didn’t bother me and he still found something smart to say. I just ignored him but it pisses me off that he’s such a hypocrite and so biasd. How the hell can you say “well we’re letting you live here rent free and not pay utilities so the least you could do is let me claim you.” I pay for all of my own sh** without their help! We’re not poor whatsoever, my dad makes 90,000 a year, but got himself in debt and act like it’s my fault. He’s old school and has in his head, because I’m an adult, I should be out of the house by now and paying for everything myself. I’m very young and the purpose of a parent is to guide their children and help their children throughout their young lives. Every parent I‘ve encountered with even said they do this for their children. This is not the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, or even 90’s anymore. Inflation has hit and it’s hard as hell for a COLLEGE STUDENT WITH A PART TIME JOB TO HAVE THEIR OWN PLACE OR EVEN LIVE WITH ROOMATES! I could understand if I wasn’t in college and had a full time job, but I don’t. What I said obviously made sense to him because he said he understood, but he’s still being so biased. My point is, because you will not help me pay for anything and don’t think you have an obligation to help pay for my expenses, why are you complaining about paying a higher amount for utilities, letting me live here rent free, and having to owe the gov more money? On top of that, you keep on asking me, when will I move out? If he didn’t keep on purposely doing things to get under my skin, was helping me pay for some of my school, and not asking me when will I leave, I would do it, but now I can’t trust him or my mom.

I know this is long but what are your thoughts? Can anyone relate?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, letting you live there rent free is unfair.
If you don’t like the living situation, you can always move, and pay rent somewhere.
Now that’s fair.

Jenny asks…

I almost kind of wish the fast food place I work at could go out of biz, so I would have an excuse to get out?

The only reason I’m there is because I NEED the money. I live with my parents, but I’m saving up for a medical assistant class this summer which will amount to over a thousand bucks. In addition to that, If I didn’t have a job I’d have to give up internet and my phone. I know I sound like I’m whining but some of the people, particularly in management are ridiculous and need to take some anger management classes.

Since my time working there, I’ve dealt with a hothead team leader who never seemed to be pleased with my performance, until I was there maybe over 4 months, maybe he took some meds, or something who knows. My original manager there had me working for almost 2 months straight 3 hour shifts for an ENTIRE WEEK!!!!!!!

I’m serious: 3 hours for the WHOLE week. Once every Friday. My paychecks amounted to 20 bucks. I knew this was a ploy to make me quit, but I didn’t cave in and toughed it through. That manager left because his sales were too poor apparently and a New manager came in who was a lot more generous in doling out hours. (15 hours per week is a lot better than 3!)

Today we had an asst manager curse out a storm over a burger that was going on minutes and geez, she should direct her anger to the guy at work who didn’t show up; not to those of us in the kitchen that were there doing work.

I’ve always been the type of person to keep my cool, think things out rationally and deal with stress in a healthy way because I view this job as sort of a challenge. It’s a test of how well I can keep my sanity together before I snap and say screw this, I quit.

but ya know even working 15 hrs per week, (but all these hrs are usually concentrated between 2-3 days (weekends)) so being a college student, it is kind of tough getting back into the groove of things after being not working for 5-6 days. I always think of it like this: Fridays: I’m a little slow, by Saturday I’m kinda back into the groove of things, my speed begins to kick in…

I could look for another job, but I am kind of settled in here and the fact that it’s within walking/biking distance is a huge plus for me. Im also lucky to have a job in the first place, so part of me as much as this job is a pain, part of me refuses to give up.

Thanks for reading my personal diary of sorts on my little part time job haha

Nagesh answers:

An employee who doesn’t like the job is poison to a business. How do you like to be waited on by someone who really doesn’t care a out you or the place they work? Not much, I would think. You need your job, so change YOU.

You can psych yourself into a good mood, (work-mode,) get some positive feedback from your customers, get some more hours and just be a “go-getter” while you’re on the clock-fake it if you have to, but you’ll soon notice that people love a person who is perky and good at what they do.

That, in turn, will make you feel more confident and it will be of help when you move on to other jobs. Turn stress into fun. The boss will treat you better also-if you’re not busy, get out on the floor and get the dining area spiffed-up. Just keep moving and Time will fly.

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Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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