Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Ruth asks…

94 honda accord problems can someone please answer my question ab my car?

I have a 94 honda accord and it all started out with me using my cruise control on a regular basis when i really shouldnt have and then it quit working,then i noticed if i slowed down too fast or went down a big hill my check engine light would come on, and then my speedometer quit working,but i had a gps that showed me my speed so i didnt have to get it fixed….i thought, and then my milage stopped counting, and my d-4 light would blink after i started my car and drove down the road a little ways, my a/c also would make my car shake at all stops and sometimes cut off my car and pull a lot of power from my engine…well months later or so one day i noticed a loud noise from the passenger side of my hood and a little smoke, but not much, by the fuse box then i turned my car off, crunk it, tried to put it in gear but it wouldnt move from park so i put the key in the manual shift thingie and put it in neutral and then crunk it and my gears would move, i also notice my windows and sunroof stopped working as well as my(rpm,temp,and gas gauges) and the lights in my dash, but my outside lights and blinker still work. Now i either use the key before i crank it to put it in gear or either use another key, or i dont put it in park until i am ready to turn off the car. now i tried to turn on my heater and it doesnt get warm… Could all of these problems have occured (besides my ac) because of that main wire thing that smoked by my fuse box and that the wiring has gone bad because a few months ago i fixed my cigarette lighter because it would blow my radio fuse and i redid all of that wiring?? i thank you, i am a college student and looking for an answer first before i have to spend money to know whats wrong

Nagesh answers:

It is most certainly a electric issue. It could be some faulty wiring into the under hood fuse box, or it could have popped acouple relays in the under hood fuse box. Relays usually control lots of things and if they go bad, lots of things will go haywire.

These of course are just guess based off what you said, in this situation it would hard to say for sure what is wrong without actually seeing it. One suggestion is taking it to the automotive program at your college(they should have one?) most schools do, and they will work on your stuff for a good deal so they can use it as a teaching aide.

Donald asks…

How can I make $400 by tomorrow?

I am a college student and I took over a girls part of the rent for an apartment in November. I was planning to move in in January and the girl told me I had to pay rent for January. I went home for the Christmas break and my roommate failed to tell when rent was due. Especially since I was out of town for a month and I don’t get back until tomorrow. I did not recieve a key and I haven’t moved in yet. Rent was due January 3rd and my roommate called me yesterday saying that I had to pay rent plus late fees by tomorrow or we get evicted. My parents were planning to help until I get a job but since it was last minute notice, they refuse to help me out this money. I do not have a job and as of now I don’t have a place since I live 8 hours away from home. Is there any fast ways besides loans and selling clothes to get this money? I do not have a job and all the fast loans require a job. What should I do? Please help

Nagesh answers:

Im sure you have friends that are more than willing to loan you the money, or you can just beg and pleasd the landlord and just say ill pay it plus 200 dollars next month and stuff like that idk im really sorry for what happened

Maria asks…

(My Love Life) Need help!!! *Trolls* & *Haters* STAY AWAY!?

(Gender) Male
(Age) 17
(Location) Uk Scotland
(Job) College student Game Designer
(qualifications) none
(Friends) Around 3-4 at best

Hello there, I need assistance with a mental health problem that if been experiencing this past year.

I have a girlfriend that is in the usa, I need to come up with £2000-£4000 to see her & live the rest of my life with her, I dont have that type of money! What’s been bothering me the most is that i’m not going to be able to take care of my own girlfriend when i’m in the usa because i wont have enough money.

I will have to work for another (2-3) Years at college, Maybe more, She will not wait that long for me, No one can wait that long, I have enjoyed game designing but i’m just terrible at it. I know im a guy but somtimes my eyes tear up.

Telling my own girlfriend that really is Desperate to see me once again i can not see her because of the money issues. I cant find a job anywere because of my location, I need the money fast! I can only think of 2 Reliable & Regrettable ways to get money,

*Joining The British Army* Or *Live a life of crime temporarily*

These two options are very regrettable. My Girlfriend never wants me to join the British Army. She threats of leaving me for it, She cant stand not to see me get hurt/shot/Not there for her anymore/etc

(The British Army)

I am willing to kill for money in the British army. I will follow every single command they have given me. To kill to piss to Eat to do what ever they command like the film (Full Metal Jacket) Once again to remind you my Girlfriend never wants me to join the British Army she threats of leaving me for it. I will not go behind her back.


(A life of crime)

I am willing to bend the rules “here and there” temporarily just until i get enough money for my girlfriend. Selling drugs etc, Harmless drugs like (Weed) & (Cannabis & cannabis Seeds) & (Pot) & (Pot Seeds) Etc I can do this for one full year 20 hours per day and make alot of money enough to traval to usa. Once again to remind you my Girlfriend never wants this to happen!

Money is like time when you run out of money you run out of time”. People Stop to know you & careing for u, Just like a homeless man on the streets. when you run out of money you dont exist like a homeless man. If a homless man gained lots of money. People will start to Recognize him/Personaly Know him/Moving up in the world & Respect him/Etc Without money he will never be Recognized just like me.

I do not want to be a homeless man without money. I will do everything in my power to avoid this stage. Only the smart survive this world! This is for sure im not very smart. Im very dumb. I keep causing accidents and Mistakes. I always will, I am not built for this world. I have thought of committing suicide on a regular basis, Maybe 1-2 times per week but the only thought that keeps me going is my girlfriend being with me raising a family & getting married,

I will not stop at anything! NOTHING! untill i get enough money to go see my girlfriend, No matter what God or the goverment/Judges/ Have to say about it! Somtimes you need to brake the rules to get what you want in life. This is from Experience i’m sure you have Experienced this also.

Please help me! Just remember before you say, Get a job! There are no jobs around here I am not willing to work (20) Hours per day for (3) Years to get £3000-£4000

I want this money right now! Instantly! I will do anything & not stop at anything to recive this type of money within (1) Year, I promiss you this my girlfriend! My everything is wanted for *17 Years* I will not stop at anything!

I dont want small things like,

*Your a pussy!
*Grow up!
*Be a man!

Etc, I want 1000-2000 Word salution to my problem, Not GET A JOB! Because if said why!

Nagesh answers:

Hmm. You do have a tough situation. I think that if your girlfriend will leave you for joining the British army, then she might not even be worth it, but I’m not sure, considering I still don’t know your situation fully. If she doesn’t mind you leading a life of “crime”, I’d say, go that route, if she does, then talk with her and tell her you will join British forces. If she breaks up with you for that, cut your losses and find a better girlfriend. It would be different if you would be joining only because you liked the idea, but because your ultimate goal is to see and take care of her, it shouldn’t be such a big issue, I know that I have had a similar problem with my significant other, in that he wants to join the marines, but I just don’t want him to have the chance of being put in danger. But both of these situations are dangerous, and you have to realize that if you make a lot of mistakes, it could aid the fail of your goals with both options. I’m sorry that I am unable to come up with a third, better option for you, but I truly wish that everything will work out for the best.

Steven asks…

Does this news article about textbook piracy make any sense?

A textbook case of piracy
By Alex Beam
Globe Columnist / September 9, 2008
I was heartened to learn that college kids are wielding the same Internet piracy tools they used to bring down the recording industry to download textbooks. Although the textbook oligopolists are fighting back mightily – the Association of American Publishers uses Covington & Burling, a take-no-prisoners law firm in Washington, D.C., to hunt down malefactors – there are at least two sites still around offering books: Textbook Torrents tends to be shut down, and moves around the Web, but the last time I checked, was offering such books as – well, you’ll see.

As a writer, how can I support this? I should be an absolutist on copyright protection for all books, magazines, and newspapers. But I’m not. The publishers have disgraced themselves, and they are paying the price. Three-hundred-dollar textbooks in the hard sciences are not unusual, and the companies are selling to a captive audience. Hundred-dollar add-ons, masquerading as digital workbooks, or problem-solving sets, are not uncommon.

Publishers love to put out bogus “new” editions to drive a stake though the heart of the used textbook market, which was gaining its second wind at online auction sites. It’s not as if calculus changed since Newton invented it, is the rallying cry you hear from student activists.

How do I know textbook publishers are nothing but pirates in pin-striped suits? Because when the fast-buck artists take over a company like Houghton Mifflin, they never talk about how proud they are to be publishing Philip Roth and J.R.R. Tolkien. They know they are going to make a killing in the profit-choked textbook division, which gorges on the goodwill of parents who want their children to be properly equipped for college courses.

Now most textbook publishers are going digital, and Amazon is promising a larger-format Kindle reader for the student market. The publishers say that iTexts, which often cost less than $100, save students money. But their opponents, led by a coalition of Student Public Interest Research Groups, point out that the password-protected digi-texts put the sword to the used-book market so despised by the publishers.

Congress has gotten into the act, legislating more “transparency” in textbook pricing in the just-passed Higher Education Opportunity Act. It looks like a jumble of half-measures to me. If it had any teeth, the publishers would be squawking madly.

A young Northeastern University student named Shawn Fanning wrung billions of dollars of excess profits from the record companies when he invented Napster. Yes, it’s true that recording “artists” now gouge young people 10 times more aggressively at the concert turnstiles than they ever did at Tower Records stores, which no longer exist around here. But Steve Jobs found the right price point for music at iTunes. Between the pirates and the publishers, we’ll find our way to the right price point for textbooks, too.

Now it’s time to arbitrage . . . tuition.

Don’t steal this book
Inevitably, a reviewer will call John Hanson Mitchell, author of “The Paradise of All These Parts: A Natural History of Boston,” a latter-day Henry David Thoreau, not necessarily a compliment. Call him what you will – in real life, he edits the Massachusetts Audubon Society magazine Sanctuary – he is a smart guy, walking around, paying attention. I’d name his genre nostalgic realism; Mitchell certainly knows where this city and its many peculiar institutions come from, and he understands modernity as well.

I love that his brother owns a boat named after Richard Henry Dana, and that it doesn’t have an engine – there’s Boston in a nutshell. I think this book will take its place next to Walter Muir Whitehill’s “Boston,” with engravings by Rudolph Ruzicka, as one of the treasured Hub tomes of our time.

Able was I . . .
Ere I saw Alaska? Send in your Sarah Palin-dromes! A palindrome is a phrase that makes sense read forward and backward – e.g., “Madam, I’m Adam.” I think there’s a lot to work with here: Is Levi vile? Close, but no cigar. I’ll buy the winner a used copy of the kind of book that Governor Palin wanted to keep out of her local library – “Huckleberry Finn,” perhaps.

Alex Beam is a Globe columnist. His e-dress is–+Living+%2F+Arts+News

Nagesh answers:

Don’t you hate people that spell loses as “looses”

Carol asks…

I am very broke college student and i need financial advice?

I am a senior in college and I graduate in May. I currently have about $50 and I am expecting $900 to come my way hopefully next week. I need to put away 500 of that to hold my place for graduate school. So that leaves me with $400 to pay for my grad invites, cap and gown, a car fixing, car registration, food, and gas (until may when hopefully people will gift me with money). I know that I need a job, but I am taking so many hard classes this semester that i don’t know if i can handle a job without jeopardizing my grades and graduation. My mother suggested that I take the test to become a certified pharmacy technician instead of getting a part-time retail job, since I want to be a pharmacist. The test is about $130 and then I have to pay to be state-registered another $40-50. My savings are quickly depleting and the money I have coming to me is practically spent. I do have a credit card, I can put it on, but i don’t have a job to make payments so that would just not be smart. I just need some advice. I can easily study and pass the pharm tech exam, but i’m not sure that i will find a job fast and in time for the summer. (It could be a waste of money if i can’t find a pharm tech job). Should i just get a job in retail to make some money now…or should i follow my mom’s suggestion? I am soo broke and so depressed. I never have money to do anything or hang out with anyone and I have so much crap to pay for.

Nagesh answers:

Get a cap and gown from a second hand store, or like over the internet for like a dollar. Find someone else in a different town, city, state that already graduated with the same color, and see if you can’t borrow theirs. Theres always borrowing from the school without saying anything, then giving it back when you’re done. Get a job where you can study, or do your homework while working. Retail jobs have that, as well as many hotel, or labor jobs. Newspaper companies have paper stuffers that litterally have 2 hour paid breaks that you can get tons done if you can handle the monotonous work ethic. See if your Mom will front you the money for the pharmacy test, being that she brought it up, and it would be a secondary plan off of what you already have going, and either way you’ll pay her back. College can be a time to rack up your credit, and is worth it as long as you get a good career/job afterwords. Military has awesome college/job/career opportunity as well. I would suggest getting an emergency job anywhere, and walking in with your school schedule. A loan is out of the question since you don’t have a job unless you get a co-signer, so seriously have your Mom front you the money for the exam, get an emergency job for now to make ends meet with school schedule in hand, keep your goals in sight without running up your credit too much, keep pushing, and you will succeed. I’ve been in similar situations before, and each crappy time seemed like absolute hell, and like I would never ever be able to stop sinking. But I just kept going, and ripping myself out of the seduction of giving up over and over again till finally (and this may sound like dumb or whatever, but) s*** just started working out, and kept getting better, and better and better till I had to chill out a bit, cuz my head was getting too big. You’ll be alright, even if you feel (literally) like you can’t move because it seems there is no way out, keep sight of your light at the end of the (seemingly) long a** tunnel, and shit will get better. Stay up, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if you need it. People (although not everybody) want to be of assistance whether you believe it or not. Good luck.

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Saturday, October 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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