Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Joseph asks…

Paid Apprenticeship/Trade School Or Finish Air Force/Army to finish pay for college?

Well , currently I am 22 year old community college student going to graduate soon and have an A.S. degree in Computer Information Systems but during the years there I did not really learn any (skill) fully to use in the real world. I am planning on finishing and getting my Bachelors degree at a university however, I think its not worth it. The reason why I say this since browsing for jobs in my field most jobs want lots of experience and programming languages and even if I had a Bachelor’s same thing and I do not want to graduate with loans an still not have a job, also there example of some students who graduate and do not have guaranteed job . Luckily I have no loans and I want to keep it that way so I was thinking of going to a trade school for Programming/Information technology and work overnight or go the army spend 4 years there then go finish up my 2 years at 4 year university and finish up, so which one is better move to getting a decent job and not waste time in the end ? However, I am currently 22 and I have wasted so much time but I learned from my mistakes over years so I want to do something fast/secure to make decent money so I was thinking the trade school route so what do you guys/gals think ?

Nagesh answers:

If you are considering joining the military, then you should join getting the same job you are currently going to school for. The Navy, for example, has a lot of jobs with computers. But don’t ever sign up for the military unless you go in for the job that they said you are going to get. It’s not like they send you to bootcamp and automatically assign you some random job. The whole thing about signing a contract is you do four years of whatever job you picked. Plus, by the time you get out you’ll be able to say “Yeah, I went to college for xxx and then did four years in the military on the USS xxxx doing xxxxx”. People will hire you like crazy. But never join the military unless you have everything you want in writing. Never settle for anything.

Charles asks…

Feeling suicidal because of college, help?

I know that a majority of college students feel this way, but I’m really starting to feel depressed and suicidal from school work and other things. (Relationship, work, money). I’m only in my second year, but I’m already failing hard and of course on academic probation…

I had firm A’s and B’s in high school, and I work hard when I motivate myself enough.
But anything I do in college doesn’t seem to be working for me. The professors speak too fast and I can’t write down notes well or fast enough. I’m having trouble even making friends with other students. (They’ve even stolen numerous items from me, including a $120 textbook).
And any test I take seems to be written in foreign language for me, I just can’t do these tests as well as I did with the SAT, etc.

I’m also lost on what to change my major to, or how to find one that will work more for me. I’ve gone through counseling to see if they could help, but I really have no idea on what to choose.

I really, really want to take a break from college, but if my parents find out I am failing; they will beat me until I’m blind, cut my head off, and set it on a pike to rot under direct sunlight.
They have very, very high expectations of me because all they want is to brag about their daughter graduating as some highly-thought-of-profession and comparing to other cousins and shit.

I’m seriously tired and feel like suiciding so I can end all this bullshit. I’m not whining and saying my life sucks more than everyone else’s, I already know tons of people have it worse than me.
…But that still won’t make me stop thinking of suicide. I really need help

Note: I am not going to consider drugs or drinking because that shit’s disgusting, so don’t mention any of that as part of any solutions.

Nagesh answers:

First of all I’m very sorry you feel that way. College was the hardest time in my life. The transition can be very frustrating. But it is just that: a transition.

Now lets really see it for what it is.

I guarantee you that if your parents knew what you were psychologically going through they would be empathetic. Please talk to them. Tell them about your anxiety. It won’t be easy but please do it.

I’ve been out of college for a couple years and now I look back at that time as the hard times that built character and made me realize that if I could power through that, I could get through anything.
Life doesn’t get easier. You just become better at handling the stresses.

Talk to your folks and talk to a counselor. It will save your life. Try not to think about your problems as one big lump of crap. I promise you that if you write down everything you are struggling with and organize it into categories it will put things in perspective. What you are doing now is thinking about one problem and before you get a chance to think it through you start thinking about another one. This creates a lot of anxiety. I know because I’ve dealt with it. Write them ALL down and take care of some easy ones just to get the ball rolling. You are in a funk and its time you get yourself out. Nobody is going to do it for you but understand that we are all capable of overcoming these fears. You are equipped to succeed.

This is your life were talking about. Your life and your soul. It’s your decision how to solve everything but I promise if you make that list, just start taking care of a few things, and understand that everything on that list does not control you things will get better. Feel free to talk about it because a few words of encouragement can go a long way. You are stronger than you think.

Chris asks…

Do you think I am doing well and typical college student affair?

Ok, I will tell you what I do and more, etc. First, I am 20 years old, from NY, I am in college (1st year) for Bachelors degree in Business administration/ advertising. I am very healthy and I excercise every day. I am 5’7 1/2″ tall and weigh 120 lbs. I measure 34-26-34. And I wait for the new president, Barack to be president and I havn’t voted and I hope he does well. Ecn. crisis is bad I hear, but my family and I are intact and unaffected quite fortunately. As I attend college full time M-F, I work several hours each day. My aide assists me in writing and helping me to understand everything the professor lady is saying. I have a very good IQ of 112 and I am very good at learning and school work, but my aide helps me because it is very hard for me to write ALOT in my laptop, in fast paced learning which I do not do well. I am doing well, thankfully for my aide and guidance counselors. I met a girl, a college girl, recently, she is 17, she has blond hair, I have brown. We have been dating for a few months now and we both love each other. We have not had sex yet, we decide to after we are married. We are both Catholic/not very religious. She is 5’6″, I am 5’7 1/2″. I visit her a lot after class, I go to her dorm and we talk a lot. Sometimes we even have drinks (she offers) and I say thank you. And I act as a boyfriend to her and am courteous and offer to buy her drink for her (even though it is hers). She thinks I am very sweet and flattering. Later, she drives me home, sometimes my Mom picks me up in her relly nice car a white Acura TL with leather seats and gps, etc. Oh, and I do drive, but I have some fears about driving, so I only drive out around town to stores, and when I go out with my g/f to nearby clubs, bars (they don’t ID there and we both love that!!) and movies, golf clubs, restauraunts and more. Oh, and my work, I do odd jobs, at home for my parents. I do my chores, extra chores and stuff and I earn 39.00 a week, I used to earn 13.00 a week, but it was tripled, since I work very hard in college and so I can have extra money to take my g/f out and still have money leftover for me. (I know what you must be thinking, but my parents don’t treat me like a little boy, and they help me to make it easier for me while I am in college). I plan to get a professional full time job in business management / advertising when I graduate in 4 years. I once did a non prof. job selling shoes at dept. store for a month and hated it. So, my current allowance is a lot easier, and my parents know work at a workplace is too stressful and a lot for me since I do College full time. Also, I do well with money in other ways in addition to 39.00 a week, I earn a lot each time I rake leaves, shovel, garden, etc. for my parents and neighbors. I say I am doing very well for myself right now. My girl friend and I are very happy together, and I am happy and not too overworked and have plenty of time to enjoy my weekends with me and my parents and younger sister, and older sister (who lives 5 miles away from me in a luxurious gated community overlooking the long island sound), and I see her every week and we hang out and play video games, watch movies, walk by the sound and more. I also spend a lot of time with my girlfriend on weekends we do a lot of clubs and parties and drink and kiss and party and she stays over at me and my parents house if she feels tired or drank alot and I take real good care of her. Anyway, my life couldn’t be any better. So, what do you all think? What do think of my life? Sounds fun? Would you enjoy the life I live?????

Nagesh answers:

Well if you ask people to evaluate your life you might want to consider why you felt it necessary to ask. Are you satisfied with your own life?

I do envy you for your secure relationship, because i know how fulfilling those can be. A good girlfriend and a happy relationship are things to be happy with, and it sounds like you are treating her right (though you seem a little fumbling about it).

In other respects, i could care much less. Your life sounds relatively normal, even if you seem a little isolated from the troubles of life. Your IQ is significantly less than mine but still around average, and highly intelligent people find happiness harder to achieve.

But i wouldn’t want your life. My life makes me me.

Kadin: How was that answering the question? Advertising your pyramid scheme or online business is bad enough but at least make a token attempt at answering the question. That is what you are here to do, after all.

David asks…

Should I start asking her hand in marriage soon?

My girlfriend and I have been going out for a long time now. We’re both close to our mid 20s, and we’re also in college. Yes, we’re also black Christians.

Me and her talked about some things last month. We talked about certain things we were going to do at the beginning of 2011, like trying to get an apartment together when school starts back and other certain things that will help benefit the both of us.

One of the issues that had happened was that the current college me and her go to screwed with her a little bit, so she decided to transfer to another college just down the road (14 minutes away from where I live). I came by and visited her some weekends whenever I get a chance (she lives in Memphis now, I live in Nashville).

Last weekend when I came by to visit, she told me how much she couldn’t stand being away from me. I was surprised a little, but I knew that she had fallen for me more than she ever did. In her case, she saw me as a changed man ever since I gotten baptized almost two weeks ago (I told her on the phone why I did it and everything else that had led me to that position, and the future I see for us). It made her happy, thus making her this way now.

Around that time when night came, me and her were talking, and she brought back up what she told me on the phone. She told me at that time that she was ready to settle down and everything, and she could tell that I wanted the same because of the tone of my voice. She then brought up about commitment. I gave in and told her everything I felt then and now, and about the commitment part of our conversation. So she asked me if I was ready for it as well, and knowing what I was thinking in my mind, I was. So I told her that after thinking about it awhile back and how much I loved her, I was ready, but I didn’t tell her about when I was going to ask for her hand in marriage. But I know that’s the moment we’re both waiting on.

Besides her transferring to the other college that’s only a few minutes away, I’m getting impatient on this whole thing. The moments we had, our past issues and situations that me and her shared since we both can relate them to each of us, our conversations and the fun we had, it’s all coming together. She told me that her plan is to stay in Student Housing for a month, find a job, and then get our apartment.

Honestly, I’m just a little worried. I keep thinking a few guys are going to try to “mac” on her and crap, and I know how most guys in colleges are (since it happen a little when I first met her before people found out we were together). Funny that she thinks that too of me, other girls going to try and talked to me while she’s not there since she knew some girls wanted to talk to me before I met her. I told her that I never knew that, and I don’t care about it one bit.

THE POINT IS, that my heart is going fast, and from what we both want, I want to make it happen. I really want to buy an engagement ring for her with most of the money I saved up. I used to have a job, but I don’t now, and I really don’t care how much I have, I want to use most of the money I have now to get her a ring (like a price between $700 and $800).

Should I start asking her hand in marriage soon?? If so, where would be a good place to buy an engagement ring between $700 and $800, since that’s most of the money I have now. I just want us to be engage and then handle the marriage after we both graduate. I want us to become one mind, soul, and body, and having her as of this day, I thank God for bringing her in my life.

Nagesh answers:

Lets be real. Only YOU know how you feel and only YOU should be aware of all the consequences later on after you use the money. Personally if i was in your position. I would go for it. Why wait? Your both ready and your both so deep in love, Lifes is way too short to stress over things like this, thank God you have found someone for you now make it official and i say do it! Good luck on everything and i hope you both nothing but the best =)

Steven asks…

How can my ex gf of 1 year get over me so fast ? Kind answers please…?

Its been 3 months for me and im still suffering i litterally fell in love with this girl so bad not knowing anything because it was my first love and hers wasnt.. I feel like im getting worse and worse everynight and sometimes i want to get back at her and tell her stuff that would at least make her feel like how i feel but whenever i try she turns the words to me and i just get stuck and feel more guilty as it happenned again last night.. I deleted my fb and everything so i wont see anything of her anymore.. Nothing seems to be helping me out im researching of ways to get over her but nothing is helpful.. How can she get over me so quickly?? I litterally gave myself to her and were 16 years old.. Im muslim and shes pentecostal.. I went to her church everytime to spend time with her even though i felt like crap.. When she broke up with me 3 months ago i pleaded her to talk to me everyday every 30 minutes i texted her for a month.. And then when i looked on her fb she talked some guy out to go with her to her church and that she was going to pick her up.. My life was ruined that moment i closed my laptop i started shhaking i tried to walk out the room but i fell on my knees and started crying i couldnt move for an hour.. On top of that i saw she put up on another guys wall sayying “i love you no matter what” just me typing this hurts so bad.. I did everything for her everrryyythhhinnggg i bought her a ring with our names and anniversary date.. She told me she wanted to video chat with me over the phone so i bought her a iPhone with some money that i had.. I did anything that a kid my age can do and i dont even live with my parents i stay with some college students.. How can she get over me like nothing?? So painfull..

Nagesh answers:

Damn…I am so sorry for your pain…i can feel it through your words….she was awfu; for how she treated you for one, but you’ll see in hindsight you didn’t give her much space, and when you’d buy her things she took the items and you for granted. If you ever wanna talk shoot me an email.

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Sunday, June 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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