Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Maria asks…

what is a fast way for a 12 year old to earn money?

my 12 year old wants to earn money for a laptop,ipod,and a new cell phone. how can she make money fast? she also wants to save up for a house when she gets older do u have any good ideas for her to make easy money??

Nagesh answers:

Lawncare, gardening, raking leaves, shoveling snow, paper route, babysitting – that’s about it for 12 yr olds – child labor laws prevent much else until age 16

Mary asks…

What are some ways for a 12 year old girl to make money?

Things that are legal! She’s not allowed to sell her clothes or things like that. She can’t babysit yet. So some ideas. She wants Fast money.

Nagesh answers:

Hmm there are a lot of fun things to do. You can have a lemonade stand, a car wash with your friends, make beaded necklaces and bracelets and go to your neighbors to ask if they would like one for 25 cents, you can help around the house, help your mom or dad do something, mow the lawn, have bets (ex. If you have a bbal hoop you can say if i shoot 10 baskets in 2 min you give me a dollar or 2)
i hope that this helped

Sandra asks…

What is a GOOD way for 12 year old girls to earn money fast?

we need $22,0000 in 7 1/2 months (going to Japan to see studio ghibli), there are 3 of us, don’t say do chores or something stupid like that, we have considered making that hand made play-dough (cost less than clay) and selling stuff we make, don’t want to babysit, WHAT SHOULD WE DO?

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff you make, offer to teach someone something (and charge a fee for your services), etc.

By the way, a highly trained, degreed professional typically earns around that ballpark in a full-time job, so it is rather unrealistic that you’ll make that much money in such a short time, at your age.

Carol asks…

what is the fastest way for a 12 year old to make money in egypt besides a job.?

like sell stuff.and how

Nagesh answers:

You can start a small business. Gather your friends and each put some capital to finance the purchase of goods. This can be anything; a good idea is selling american footballs because they arent sold anywhere in egypt. You can place ads in clubs, or anywhere around the city: street lights… Contact me when you start your business, so i can support you.

Sharon asks…

How can a 12 year old make money?

my daughter owns every one money. she needs $300 dollars fast. i will not allow her to do anything with the computer and since its spring, she needs to do something out side. she has a horse that is very special and she cant pay for the horse anymore but we will not sell him. hes very sick so we sent him to my sisters in Pennsylvania, but we still need to pay for the hay, vet bills, insurance and etc. i need very unique ways because im in lot of debt, so i cant do much. she needs to work her self and earn it and grow up. shes been telling me she went to her babysitting job when she doesn’t. so i need to mature her and get her to work. we have no old people on our block, so she cant do work for them. they re no dogs in my neighborhood either. i need unique ways. thank you.
i asked for no websites. some thing she can do outside. please thank you.

Nagesh answers:


So one way or another you need more money

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Friday, June 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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