Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast

Maria asks…

Best ways to make money fast in Oblivion ?

Im having difficulty in making money, all i can think of at the moment is selling things but what else are good ways to make a lot of money?

thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of ways to get money. You can sell items you find valuable around the game. You can also exploit the games small glitches for money.

1) If you paralyze Dorian (Imperial City, Talos or Elvens garden district) and check his pockets, you’ll find money, when you take it, it’ll stay then you can keep taking it over and over again. (I believe if you have the patch, it doesn’t work)

2) Get the Skull of Corruption, and create 3 spells. One to do 95% spell reflect for 10 seconds, a second one to summon a scamp, and a third to paralyze. First summon the scamp, then paralyze it, followed by the spell reflect. Run a good ways back, take out your skull of corrpution and attack the scamp. While the beam is still in the air, drop the staff and take out another weapon. If done right, you’ll make a clone of yourself. Kill it. As it falls, Make sure your cursor is on top of the body, and quickly save. Load that same save file. While it’s loading keep hitting the ‘A’ button. If done right, you’ll find yourself in the clones inventory. The clone should have the same items as you do. When you find the gold, take it, and it should double your own money.

If you chose to not mess with the game, I suggest just hoping in and out of caves/dungeons, and sell.

Carol asks…

simple ways to make fast money?

i’m saving up for a car, and i need to know some fast ways to make some money. i’m 15.
guys….i’m 15. a job doesn’t work for me ok use your brain how do i get to a job without a car? i need something creative.

Nagesh answers:

Cleaning, kitchen work, packing, running errands, gardening, babysitting, newspaper delivery are some of the jobs available. These jobs will be posted in local newspapers and billboards. A better option is to work from home on your computer – write articles, sell on eBay, make a website, take surveys. In some cases, you may have to set up an account in your parents or guardians name, and ask them to pay you, after they get the money for your work. More details are available at

Ken asks…

Top Ten ways to make money fast and easy.?

I need to find a way to make money fast and easy. So let me hear your top ten ideals to do so. Anything goes, well almost. This is for real.

Nagesh answers:

1. Get a job
2 . Invest some of the earnings
3. Buy rental propetry
4 . Raise life stock (pigs fast turn around)
5. Reinvest unearned money
6. Marry the right person
7. Sell fire wood
8. Reinvest unearned money again
9. Recycle every thing yours and everyone elses
10. Rinvest unearned money again

good luck!!!

Daniel asks…

What are some easy ways to make money fast?

I go to school full time, and and can’t afford child care for my son after he gets out of school so a traditional part time job is out of the question. I am going to start donating plasma, but that will only get me about $100 a month. Are there any other things I could do to get money easily?

Nagesh answers:

I make money on here.

Donna asks…

I need ways to make money fast and I need some suggestions?

I’m 16 and it’s impossible for me to get a job, I’m not being lazy, I just have no way to get to and from work and the parents don’t want me to. AND i can’t have a garage sale. I need about 200 bucks before the end of the summer rolls around. I need some great ideas on how to make it happen. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Liquidate! CD’s and video games can bring in a small amount at stores that buy used. I’ll bet you have other items that you could sell.

Use the tools available from your home – like the computer. Learn how to develop web pages and hang your sign “Open for Business”. This could take longer than the summer to develop.

Hit the neighbors up for odd jobs…let them know your goal and see if they have any tasks you could do for them to earn some cash.

Your goal seems to be about $3 per day (to make $200 by September 21, the end of summer). Collect pop cans and bottles if your state has a refund on bottles and cans.

But the best idea might be to approach your parents about your goal of $200 and ask their input on what you can do to reach it. And then do what they suggest. Be ready with some solid suggestions of your own!

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Saturday, May 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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