Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes Online

Charles asks…

Do blogs have to be frequently/regularly updated?

Hey, I have a blogger account and I’ve seen a couple of blogs (most if them seem to be soppy family stories with loads of pics of smiling parents with babies xD) but I wanted to know the following:

Will people be interested in a blog which is about a very interesting topic but isn’t updated? In some ways therefore it would basically just be an article about something. I mean, there’s some things that are ongoing but there’s some things that you write about and then that’s it and there’s no real need to update it.

For example, I’ve seen people’s blogs, where they tell you some online money making scheme or some sort of tutorial or anything, and thats it. Just one long, informative post and then any discussion or follow up only appears in the comments section below. Are those even blogs, or are they articles?

And if they’re just articles, would it be better for me to post such articles on a site other than blogger? I’m looking to start writing articles/blogs/websites etc using stuff like adsense etc to make a little money. I’m not looking for the big bucks of course, just some small supplementary cash from a setup that requires little maintenance.

Nagesh answers:

More power to you. In order to get the traffic to your blog you are going to need to update it, more traffic equals more people equals better chance of them clicking and ad.

Most important thing is to advertise it locally and whenever you can, simple business card.

But find an interesting topic and stick to it!

Richard asks…

Roulette Advantage, is that really possible ?

I found this site :
It claims that some online casino are using flawed RNG (Random Number Generator) and that you can “beat” them using the system proposed. Do you seriously think something like that is possible ? Or do you think it’s just scheme to make peoples play on these casinos ? Note that in the explanation, it says that this system only work with real money since the RNG is used only for real money and when you play for fun, the numbers are generated by your computer (locally).

Nagesh answers:

NO! Roulette is a very difficult game to beat it has one of the worst odds in the casino, the only chance that you have is to try to make the even money bets like black or red, even or odd. Good Luck.

Chris asks…

How to generate these famous multiple sources of income?

There are always these advices that to get financially independent you should set up multiple sources of income that create money on their own, with only minimal intervention from your side.

The people who give these advices are always saying you’ve got to try out a lot and yada, yada they now make 1000s of dollars per months with these things. But they’re not very clear on what actually really brings in the money?

Or with which money you should survive during the time where you’re figuring out your grand scheme of multiple sources of income …

So, does anyone have real suggestions and examples for creating additional sources of income? Online and offline. And I’m not expecting high value income right now, it would already be cool to see a steady $10-$20 income stream being viable. Thanks a lot.

Nagesh answers:

There is no magic investment out there which is going to provide you with lots of income with little work. Most reputable financial advisors will tell you there are only 3 basic passive investments that most rational people use:

1. Bank accounts and Money Market accounts.
(These usually barely keep up with inflation.)
2. Bonds and Bond Funds
(These currently don’t yield much better.)
3. Diversified Stocks
(These Average 10% a year but have large swings in price)

Most other investments you hear about are usually of questionable worth. You can make money in Real Estate as a landlord if you are willing to put a lot of work into it. Most good financial advisors will not recommend passive real estate investments. (An exception is REIT’s, but they are basically a type of stock)

James asks…

Need a 30 day loan? Can someone recommend something?

I know I am asking this in the wrong category but everytime i ask something in business and finance I get a bunch of money making scheme answers and never a REAL one. So thanks for answering and sorry to burden the ones that I am annoying with my “out of category question” Ha ha!

I’m wanting to take out a 30 day loan for around $600…

I’d like to pay it back with 2 payments ($300 and whatever interest every 2 weeks). Because my husband gets paid every 2 weeks.

I need it like immediately for over due bills. So I’d like to do it online..

Could someone recommend a good website that I can do this at? I have no clue as to who would do a loan like this. I know a lot will have your money in the bank within a day or so and that would be great.

Please help me with this someone.


I don’t want a money making scheme. I need it like TODAY or TOMORROW in my account because if I don’t have that money then my water is being shut off on Monday, my electric Tuesday and my phone on Friday. Not to even mention my week late car payment.
My husband got a short check and we’re having problems paying the bills this month.

I need a loan for bills and that is it.

Nagesh answers:

The best thing would be to go to your bank and get a loan but the chance of you doing that today or tomorrow and getting the money is slim… So in a case like this I would suggest a payday loan.. I have never done one myself but my in-laws do them all the time *rolls eyes* lol The place where they go you can get upto $500 at a flat rate of $20 and have 30 days to pay it back before they start charging interest… Payday loans can get people into a lot of financial trouble if not used correctly so use with caution but in this case I would consider it necessary!!

Good luck!

Michael asks…

What’s up with BET’s Take the Cake tv show? Real or Fake?

This game on BET seems really easy. I tried sending a text for 99 cents but of course I wasn’t called back. Tried to enter free online during the show but the site said:

Sorry, the game is not available at this time, please try again during the scheduled broadcast.

Went into a chat room for the game and the winners are asking when they are going to get their money.

What’s up? Is this just another $$$$ making scheme? What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

BET is a minstrel show. No self-respecting brother or sister would support it.

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Friday, August 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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