Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Richard asks…

Is Fortune High Tech Marketing a scam?

My friend is in this, and he really wants me to get into it. I went to a presentation, and they kept saying “It’s not a pyramid scheme! It’s legal!” But as far as I can tell, it’s “technically” not a pyramid scheme, but it’s very close. The only thing that makes it legally NOT a pyramid scheme is that you HAVE to get points by selling the products, even though, just like a traditional pyramid scheme, the real money is to be made in recruiting new members. Have you ever heard of FHTM, and what do you think of it?

Nagesh answers:

The company is based in Dallas, Texas. It is listed in “MLM Directory” so you are correct that is a pyramind-type business.

You pay $249 to join. Your job is to start a website to sell vitamins or DishTV or cellphones. You get paid for recruiting new members. That is why your friend really wants you to join.

If you then pay $399 you can be listed as a “trainer”. You receive $40 for every new person you train. So you can recoup your investment after the 10th trainee. But those people have to choose you as a trainer and they have to fill out paperwork for you.

You must buy $89 worth of vitamins. You also pay a high fee for your website even tho you could have opened your own site thru Yahoo or GoDaddy for $10. YOu sell the vitamins for $43.99 a “pack”. You get a percentage of the money.

Since there are already 10,000 people selling the exact same products, you will never make any money.

Betty asks…

BBC TV License, Is It Fair?

Come on everybody, we know the TV licence is a rip off.
The BBC are making money from adverts in other countries that BBC programs are shown.
I have seen BBC programs in this country shown on other channels that advertise.
It’s really poor value for money, we shouldn’t be made to pay for something that nobody in there right mind would want to watch.
you wouldn’t buy a washing machine, and pay for a licence to wash clothes in it? (J.P)
With all the BBC channels on Free View (Which isn’t free) they still manage to to interrupt normal scheduling to make room for snooker or such like without warning.
It’s an outdated broadcasting company which needs to get with the 21st century.
It continues to charge a fee because in the real scheme of things as an independent they would go bust, indeed a majority would simply switch off and the BBC would cease to be.
All these TV companies need a good kick in the behind and the government needs to step in and sort this mess out.

Nagesh answers:


Looks to me like what you have in the UK is a public broadcasting network owned, controlled, and somewhat operated by the government. The BBC while functioning as a semi-quasi private company outside of the UK(e.g. BBC World News), appears to have exclusive privilage to all broadcasting and are wholey funded by a government imposed tax inside of the UK. Since they are funded, they are subsequently controlled by the government….so best case scenario is to change the attitude of your government and get some degree of privitization back on your public airways.

A license for TV that is broadcasting on public airways ???…that just sounds crazy to me being a US citizen. I would rather put up with a few adverts, than have the airways controlled or funded by any arm of the government. To me that sounds very dangerous…because it makes it easier for the government or political parties to restrict and censor information.

If I lived in the UK, you can bet I would be one of the people who will find a way to avoid paying the license….or boycott television altogether.

Susan asks…

Why didn’t Clinton sign the Kyoto protocols?

Why didn’t Clinton sign this? Why didn’t the Democratic controlled Congress ratify it?

Al Gore signed it as VP which is not binding.

I liked Clinton, but it frustrates me that people believe Bush is bad for not signing an agreement Clinton refused to sign.

The Kyoto protocols is an emission-credit scheme. We need a real fix, not just selling make-believe credits. Polluters and brokers will make money off this, it won’t stop pollution.

Nagesh answers:

It is a bad idea. Let’s say Mr. Clinton did one good thing in his eight years by not signing the ridiculous agreement.

Jenny asks…

To what extent is real estate a sales job?

I understand that real estate agents are generally paid a commission on the sale price of the property, and that their job is to facilitate the *sale* (or purchase) of properties.

What I’m wondering is how much selling houses feels like other types of sales jobs. I really dislike sales…I don’t like high pressure tactics, feeling like I have to wring every last dollar out of people, setting up scenarios that encourage people to part with their money even if it’s not the best choice for them (ex. convincing a family to buy a more expensive property rather than a less expensive one that would better suit their needs.)

Is the fact that pay is commission-based enough to make real estate agents turn into slimy salespeople? Or do they generally maintain a strict code of ethics in terms of doing what’s best for people rather than scheming for the highest commissions?

Nagesh answers:

Depends on if you are a good agent or not. Like any other profession there are good agents & there are those who give real estate agents a bad name. I deal with some agents who only care about getting to the closing table to pick up a check. I also deal with agents who go way above & beyond to do the right thing to put their clients in the right house. Decide which category you want to be in. And guess which category I refer my clients to?

David asks…

IAC – If I hadn’t seen Sarah Matravers on This Morning a few days ago I’d think it was real..?

I know the above is not a question, but it’s coming…

I saw Sarah, Marc’s girlfriend last week on This Morning and even posted a question here about how there was something about her I didn’t like – she seemed really insincere and fake and too big for her own boots. Now, if you take her out of the equation altogether I think Marc seems like a nice guy and he and Cerys seem to like eachother…. But – because I think Sarah is a very scheming sort of person I don’t think this is all as it seems. Is it all a hoax? Did Marc and Sarah concoct this before they went out as they knew that there was more of a chance of them making money out of this than of him winning IAC??

I’m actually going to go against the grain here and say that I hope it’s not a hoax and that he has genuine feelings for Cerys because from what I’ve seen I much prefer her to Schemy Sarah…

And remember – Marc and Sarah are actors…. hmmm lol

Nagesh answers:

Well if it is a hoax and from what you say it may well be, then it is vile because you can see Cerys is serious and that would mean they are playing around with her emotions. Cerys is sincere I am sure because of the hurt look she had when Marc cuddled Katie. Marc and Cerys do seem to have a genuine chemistry between them and if that is so I say good luck to them as you have to grab happiness when it comes. It seems, if the papers are to be believed, that his relationship with Sarah is rocky anyway. The romantic in my hopes that this is genuine.

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Sunday, September 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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