Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

John asks…

real ways to get rich quick?

let’s be real here the only way to make money is by earning it. that or be one of two lucky sons of bitches that inherit it. or hit the lottery but on the other side. afetr seeing millions of B.S get rich quick scams i ask you community. are there any REAL get rich quick schemes that work?

Nagesh answers:

No, some people become wealthy by using multi-level marketing or franchises. Others make their money by investing in real estate or in companies. Finally, others find the next niche and make a ton on the next fad.

Sandy asks…

Do you think it should be law enforcemnts business to give out tickets if you’re not wearing your seat belt?

I got pulled over for not wearing my seat belt and got a $40.00 ticket. I think this law really sucks. What crime are we breaking? If I don’t want to wear a seat belt, I should not be fined for it. The risks I choose to make should be up to me. Why don’t they start giving out tickets to everyone who eats at McDonalds or White Catles. You’re endangering your life there also. This is just a money making scheme for the local governments and you know what…I’m just not going to pay it. I’ve had it with all these stupid laws. Let them spend their time chasing after real criminals.
By the way, it is the end of the month and that bring up the other question about police officers having to meet quotas for the month. I just think it sucks. I ususally do wear my seat belt, but this one time that I forgot to put it on and I get fined for it, no I do not think its right. They will have to drag me off to jail first before they get one cent from me.

Nagesh answers:

You know i remember when the seat belt law was passed in my state they couldn’t pull you over for it. If they pulled you over for speeding or something else and noticed you weren’t wearing a seat belt then they could give you a ticket for $10.00. Now we can get pulled over just for not wearing it, and its a whole lot more than $10.00.

Carol asks…

Any one know a real work at home program?

That does not include survey or credits and does not cost $400 or $500. But a real work at home program that you can make actual money at. Not a get rich quick scheme.

Nagesh answers:

I work at home. I dont earn a fortune, and I have to actually put in an effort, but its not rocket science. I dont know what yahoo’s rules are about posting stuff like this, so you can email me

George asks…

Can anyone recommend a knowledgeable and well priced vet in central Tucson?

My dog has ongoing medical issues (possible severe allergies/possible IBD/possible pancreatitis, possible bladder stones, etc etc) that have yet to be diagnosed or properly treated. In the past year, I’ve been to 3 different vets several times each, and an emergency after hours vet for heart wrenching ‘episodes’ my dog has. So far, I’m down about $1,500 and not one step closer to a diagnosis or even a direction of what’s going on. I’m looking for a reasonably priced vet who actually has some knowledge/skill/intuition when it comes to animals. It seems as though every vet we go to simply shoots in the dark, prescribing test after test without really listening to the specific problems and diagnosing the real issue. Instead it’s a money making scheme and I and my dog are sick of it! If anyone can suggest a vet who actually listens and seems to take a specific dog’s presenting symptoms into account, I would sincerely appreciate it. I’m not trying to scrimp on my dog’s health care, but I can’t keep spending like I’m a lottery winner to have basic tests performed that don’t even relate to the issue at hand, not to mention I can’t take weeks off work to go to the vets every day when their ultrasound specialist MIGHT be in, or when the xray tech could possibly be there……Auuurgh!

Nagesh answers:


Sharon asks…

The Linden Method (Anxiety)?

Is this real or fake does it cure Anxiety forever or is it a money making scheme

Nagesh answers:

Hi Matthew.

Different things work for different people and this method does have the backing of well known celebrities and also some health professionals appear to endorse it.

Will it work for you? Who knows. What can be said is that for any mental health issue, there is unfortunately no ‘quick fix’.

Take care.

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Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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