Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Robert asks…

Mona Vie: What’s the Real Deal?

My in-laws are going crazy over Mona Vie. They’re become distributors and claim they’re going to make big money. They also claim they’ve never felt better in their life.

I’m skeptical. If it’s so great, then why hasn’t it been written about in medical journals?

They are begging me to join their team, feel great and have the opportunity to make a ton of money. But, I just can’t allow myself to fall into this business. It still seems like a very well crafted, money making scheme.

I’m looking to hear opinions or experiences from other people

Nagesh answers:

Well, MonaVie is a fantastic antioxidant, but it is basically just like any other Acai juice… Just some different “other fruits” for flavoring and likely more than twice the price as the others (you seldom taste a lot of the Acai itself). That being said, Acai in general is very beneficial for overall health, and we have hundreds of customers that buy various Acai products. Also, Acai has been reviewed and studied rather extensively in order for the FDA to allow it to be sold in the U.S. (you could find many medical studies listed at for example).

Most Multi-Level Marketing companies jack the price way up to pay for all the people that were hired above the person that sells it to you, not to mention all their advertising. It’s best to do the research before buying anything that expensive.

Laura asks…

Is reincarnation real?

Are there only so many souls in the world and we have to be reborn to learn lessons and better ourselves, why do many religions not believe in this, isn’t it possible or is past life regression a money making scheme.

Nagesh answers:

If the person who said that the population of the world growing proves that reincarnation is NOT real, well then maybe not ALL souls are reincarnated, but I know that SOME are, because I know that I have lived before and I believe in reincarnation. Maybe some souls are new to human life, some are old, I believe Im an old soul and nearly ready to resign from being reincarnated, nearing my destination of spiritual evolution….No matter WHAT you believe, Reincarnation IS a valid belief, just as valid as any other. If one thinks its “ridiculous”, they might as well think it’s “ridiculous” that their savior rose from the dead and will return to save them and bring back all their loved ones from the dead, right? People should respect others beliefs because sometimes their very own beliefs are just as “Ridiculous” sounding as the ones they are ridiculing….

James asks…

Are the infomercials selling real estate and making millions just a get rich scheme?

Would this by and large just be a scam that offers a “pie in the sky”solution to people who “wish” it were all true, and the payoff for the guy selling the plan is the public money buying into the scam?

Nagesh answers:

Next time be sure to read the fine print on the bottom of the TV screen that says :Results not typical of investors.” Therein lies your answer.

It takes money to make it in real estate- and patience, time and guts. If you have to mortgage your primary home it is not worth the risk. I am in real estate, and can not buy property like they say on TV. Nor would I if I could. But I do locate deals occasionally and do buy occasionally, then restore and sale for profit. Yes there is money to be made in real estate, hold on a bit and as things slow foreclosures raise, you will have your opportunity. You make your money when you buy, not sell.

BTW: most of those same gurus have been broker multiple-ple times, they now make much of their current fortunes telling you too how to go broke. They get paid up front by you for you having the privilege of learning how they went broke.

Better to strike up a relationship with a real estate broker that does similar things, who knows when to hold when to fold and when to walk away. That broker will make you money as he too has a stake in your success- the sale to you and the sale for you. They will also have a list of reputable vendors for repairs, etc.

Michael asks…

Are psychics real?

I believe they are.
I believe they exist.
But …. then …. can’t they help ‘maddy’s case’?
Or is it really just a moneymaking-scheme to some of them?

Nagesh answers:

Most people have some extrasensory abilities. If you get a “feeling” that something will happen and it does, or you have a dream that comes true, or if you expect a certain person to call you and the phone rings. Everybody has these, and some have more of a talent for it than others. There are different “psychic” abilities. One is called “precognition” or the abilitiy to know what will happen beforehand. Another is called “telepathy” which is an ability to know what is happening from far away. This usually accompanies a strongly emotional or tragic event, such as a mother knowing her soldier son has been killed or injured far away in a war. I believe that sometimes these come from the Holy Spirit. This happened many times and there are recorded incidents of this.

Another ability is the “I see dead people type”. Being visited by deceased relatives is surprisingly very common. And has been reported by 62% of people interviewed. I was visited twice by my deceased husband in the first year after he died, once in a dream and once while I was sitting quietly reading a book at home. He simply wanted to say I love you and that he was happy and doing fine. This is often a great comfort. Some people would say that your relatives do not come back and these are deceiving spirits. I would answer that I know my husband and was not deceived, and it comforted and strengthened my faith, not diminished it. I did not “summon” the dead, and the bible warns us not to. Playing with Ouija boards and seances and such things is greatly forbidden, and in those situations what you would summon is the deceiving spirits.

A so-called abilitiy to move physical objects is called Telekinesis. It is my opinion that this is more satanic than anything else, and paying too much attention to all of these kinds of incidents and abilities can become a matter of pride and can also be satanic influenced and even turn into false religion.

I believe that some people have more of a talent for some of these “psychic” abilities than others and it is not a bad thing if it is not over-done or used to aggrandize one’s self or claim special great powers for fame and money. These incidents are never reliable nor repeatable and do not stand up to scientific testing because they do not always work, even among those most talented.

People who enter show business or try to make money are usually charlatans that prey on and decieve others, and some are just magicians doing tricks for entertainment and know they are not serious.

Richard asks…

Anyone ever notice how employment websites are getting progressively worse?

Their listings are nothing more than drowning with scam artists like “Work at Home”, “Make Money With Real Estate”, and other pyramid schemes.

Nagesh answers:

I totally agree with you. Seems all they have are work at home/secret shopper crap. I’m looking for a job and i feel like i’m wasting my time on these boards. But most businesses don’t want you to just walk in and apply anymore. They want you to do it on line. It’s a ‘go around’ for sure.

Good luck

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Saturday, April 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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