Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Laura asks…

a REAL job in Dallas, TX area.?

I am so tired of people posting fake jobs of moneymaking-scheme jobs on job boards. There should be a law.

I am looking for a REAL job!

-non commissioned based.
-Store management experience
-some college (3 yrs)
-Dallas metro
-Superior Customer Service Skills
-35k-40k per year.
-overtime welcome
-highly career motivated

Thanks for reading. Help if you can.

Nagesh answers: is one of the best job websites out there!

Carol asks…

Are there women that pay guys to impregnate them?

I’ve seen a movie where a man cooks up a crazy moneymaking scheme. He goes to straight women and gay women who badly want babies and tell them he will imprenate them for 1000 dollars. They all agree to it and the man is rich. If a man was to try this in real life, would he get arrested for prostitution(sort of)? They are not paying for sex, they’re paying to have a baby.

Would that a foolish idea? Could he legally do this?

Nagesh answers:

If its not illegal then it should be! But shit 1000 is not going to make up for the 18 years of child support cheques per child, which would be roughly around 200+ per child per month for 18 years…… So when you think about it, thats pretty dumb idea really.

Maria asks…

Late night money making informercials, Legitimate or Scams?

When you turn on the television really late at night/ early in the morning there are a ton of late night informercials geared towards promoting systems that can make people money. Has anyone tried these money making plans or have any feedback on these late night shows. To me, they all come off as pyramid schemes, but Ive never tried them so I really dont know. Has anyone had any real success with them? -Thanks-

Nagesh answers:

First of all, pyramid schemes are illegal so these companies wouldn’t be in business if they were doing a pyramid scheme.
The dollar amounts that some of them claim can be had are best case sinarios. However, they are legit and can make you money. The catch is that you have to at least have average intelligence and do lots and lots of homework. You have to be willing to make a few mistakes before you get it right.

Susan asks…

Why does the website address on this commercial keep changing?

There is one commercial that I always see on tv for some kind of moneymaking scheme. The thing is, that everytime I see the commercial, there is a different web address at the bottom.

The variations are kind of like this (i’ve substituted ‘WebSitename’ for the real name of the company):

Whats the deal?

Nagesh answers:

Isnt that like… I noticed that too.

Robert asks…

what should i invest my money in?

in savings accounts, checking accounts, stocks, bonds – what? id like to have the least risk, and most profits as possible obviously but am willing to take risks to make some good returns or interest. id like to cut the middle men out so i dont have to pay fees – such as with stocks and mutual funds, but id also like to make better returns than treasury bonds and savings or CD accounts. the only other thing i can think of doing is penny stocks – but theres no real money making potential there – i believe and also i dont want to be a victim of a “pump and dump” scheme since im just starting our. i have about 150$ to start with but may have 200 soon – im just looking to start out and see if i can make any good money

Nagesh answers:

Put your money in the bank. Then when you have $1,000, buy Vanguard’s Star fund – VGSTX.

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Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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