Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Nancy asks…

What kind of corruption could happen at an investment bank?

This is all book of the characters in my book, his father owns an investment bank and his dad is in trouble with the law. but I don’t know what could happen at his bank to make him go to jail? What kind of corruption usually happens. thank you

Nagesh answers:

Gambling leads to embezzlement and then rack and ruin and it has been done a million times. Either that or he is keeping a girlfriend on the side in a penthouse which has been done a million times also. There has been so much real corruption at banks, I doubt there is something original you could come up with. The mortgage and loan scandals, the selling of worthless financial instruments, the outright greed, the spending of clients money on lavish birthday parties, the creation of phony investment schemes, the ponzie schemes. I think if you wrote about an honest banker that would be a real fiction.

Chris asks…

I am a stay at home mom and want to make extra income from the internet.?

I am interested in reading advertisements and getting paid for that. Is there a real job that I can actually do that and get paid that is not a scam?

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make money online – you should make it your self, creat a real web site and accept credit cards then sell any new product(s) or service, you can make extra easy money by ads in your site.
3 steps to create your own web site
1-you need a domain name.
2-you need a web hosting.
3-Design your site.

Your Domain Name is your address on the Web. Just like people use your phone number to call you on the phone, your Domain Name allows people to access your site on the Web. Clever, simple, or easy to remember Domain Names are most desirable as they can play a large part in attracting visitors to your site. Most Domain Names end with “.com” (such as, but other extensions such as “.net” and “.org” are also available. In addition Domains can be used with your e-mail accounts allowing you to send and receive e-mail with addresses such as “”

To Register your domain name or to know if your domain name available, Simply use this link

(Step 2)
To have a Web site on the Internet you first need to have a Web server. Unfortunately, owning a Web server can be very costly and requires technical expertise that most businesses don’t have. This is where Web Hosts come in. Web hosting companies provide the equipment and other technical resources that you need without the headaches that come when you have to do it yourself.
Think of a Web Host as the landlord of building. A landlord rents out storefronts to various businesses. Each business decorates and runs their store differently, and doesn’t worry about the maintenance of the building. In a similar way a Web Host rents out space on a Web server, (or entire Web servers), to various businesses. Each business builds his or her own Web site and never has to worry about the maintenance of their Web server.
In other words, the Web Host provides the place on the Internet where your Web site lives. And you don’t have to hire the technical staff to take care of it, you can simply do this here

The easiest way for a novice to build a web site is to start with a web template. Web Templates can be customized and you can use the layout but swap the graphics etc…. This will get you comfortable with basic HTML design and an HTML editor (like Dreamweaver).

Here are some resources for free or inexpensive templates that are easy to edit and manage.

Webmaster Templates –
Free Web Templates –
Web Design Elements –
Free Website Templates –
Free Layouts –
Free Templates Online –

HTML website templates can significantly ease the burden of designing and creating websites by providing webmasters with a ready-made web layout, structure, basic graphics, and color scheme.

The templates can generally be edited and customized with any HTML editor. The biggest advantage for webmasters using ready-made templates is the amount of time that can be saved

Laura asks…

What will it take to open the debate on man made global warming?

NASA had to admit that 1980 wasn’t the hottest year after all when someone else check the numbers.

I know you liberals dismiss the whole article because you see the R word in it but time to start asking how sure are they about this man-made global warming?

Please remember the 06 hurrican season was going to be the end of us than that didn’t happen now it was suppose to be the 07 hurrican season and that hasn’t happen.

The other day they said they didn’t factor in enough for water so they said the real heat up will begin in 09 maybe.

Time to end the poltics and get the real people who study climate to get together and come up with a clear understanding of what is going on.
Also anyone making money off of it one way other the other should be dismiss too that does include Al Gore.

Nagesh answers:

First, It would require meteorological globophobes to have an open mind.
Then we need to understand many scientific studies are funded by political bodies with an agenda and not take studies funded by one source(UN) as the “gospel” like the Y2k crap.
Unfortunately, When Speaker Pelosi said “the debate on global warming is over” the enviro-tax crusade motor went into overdrive.
There is a lot of money and power to be had in the name of global warming and all those scientists and politicians need more funding.
I doubt there will be any serious debate. Just bans, taxes, and elite passes(carbon credits). You and I will foot the bill so our elite can keep the limos, jets, and multiple mansions they are accustomed to while the scheme will be no more effective than Kyoto.

Donna asks…

Looking for work at home jobs that are “real” Im not looking to get rich but I’d like to know if there are any

Like I said Im not looking for a get rich scheme. I’d really like to work from home though. Ive tried looking for information on dropshipping and selling through e-bay but Im not sure what to trust out there. Does anyone work from home love what they do and have some advice for me?

Nagesh answers:

Yup, I love what I do! I’ve been doing in home spa parties since January and it’s been really great for my family and I. Like you said, get rich schemes are not very realistic, and this is certainly a business you have to put some work into. I make an average of $400 or more if I put more time into it.

The parties are FUN and take about 2 hours. I go to a home, set the spa experience up, and everyone gets to treat their hands and do a 4 step pedicure treatment. Everyone adores the parties and I have no troubles getting bookings that suit my schedule. Plus, because it is a small but quickly growing company, there isn’t really any competition for what I do out there!

If you’re interested, check out the sites below and then email me at I can email you more info, no strings attached. 🙂 I know what it’s like to need the extra money, and because I actually really enjoy what I do I’d like to share the info! (And fyi, I have never ever considered any other company that does parties… I found this one and something told me to try it – it’s been so fabulous for us!)

Mary asks…

How can we increase opportunities for disabled people to actively participate in public and community life?

Disabled people represent 20 per cent of the population but have a particularly low representation in public appointments – currently an average of around three per cent across England, Scotland and Wales.

Only six per cent of all volunteers are disabled people.

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) does not cover volunteering, and schemes such as Access to Work are not available for public or civic appointments.

Real or perceived disincentives in the benefits system prevent significant numbers from contributing to society in ways other than paid employment.

Central Government initiatives to promote ‘active citizenship’ have tended to characterise disabled people principally as beneficiaries, rather than untapped contributors.

Nagesh answers:

The work place could accommodate the disabled with what they need such as a special chair or desk or what ever they need. Ramps could be installed so they can get into and out of buildings. Shorter hours could make it easier for those in constant pain to be able to tolerate a few hours of work and maybe working every other day to recuperate after working. The government could pay part of the wage for six months to encourage employers to hire them. When the employers see that their work is good they would be willing to take over the full salary. Transportation could be provided for them so they could be productive in society. All of this would cut down on disability payments thereby saving the government money in the long run.

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Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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