Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Carol asks…

What are your thoughts on my understanding of capitalism and economics?

I’m not claiming they’re original nor am I exclusively devoted to them. Rather I consider myself a student in a similar vein to all of is trying to fond the best way, and I would consider myself open to other ideas if they work.

That said.

Money is an abstraction. It is a development of the human imagination. We give it real application, and it’s scarcity helps it’s value. However, if money did not buy us goods and services, we wouldn’t have any interest in it.

Life is not a zero-sum game. Perhaps in regard to what we value at the moment it could be viewed as such, but that changes over time. Centuries ago, avocados were exclusively rich-people food. They’re not especially cheap today, but if you want an avocado, most people can buy one.

People would’ve killed for the medicines we have today as well, especially with their widespread availability.

Our desires drive our purchases, but we don’t need to limit ourselves only to what’s already on the market. If someone out there finds a new way to make a product (let’s say sandals) from materials grown in their backyard, they may not need much of any money to get a business going. Granted, if this product already existed, the sale or exchange of the product grown in the backyard will make it harder to sell the original at the same price. At the same time, the availability will mean more people have use of the product, and isn’t that what we were paying for in the first place? Therefore, if access to goods and service generates wealth, can’t wealth be individually created outside the system of what is already established as wealth? Is there any reason to think that other people being rich is going to keep you from becoming rich?

Nagesh answers:

The devil marched with Rome.
They Murdered Archimedes who worked out the solar system over 2,000 years ago (287 BC – c. 212 BC)
Closed down Greek schools of philosophy and popularized Law and capitalism. (A paradigm which has since driven modern Industrialism and Warfare.
The name bank derives from the Italian word banco “desk/bench”, used during the Renaissance by Florentine bankers, who used to make their transactions above a desk covered by a green tablecloth.

With the march of Rome this affected the Torah: (Old Testament)

Deuteronomy 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brother: interest of money, interest of victuals, interest of any thing that is lent upon interest.

They stole the date for Christmas from the Pagans, martyred Jesus and created a false Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus), named after a long since dead Nephilim Giant of The Old Testament (Nikos – Nimod), who lied to and destroyed human beings.
Now kids engage emotionally to find happiness in material things (Mostly meaningless trash – The fruits of capitalism), while some adults continue to seek solace and happiness externally of them selves.

Ultimately one big lie.
A threat to someone else’s version of the truth, perhaps an Anathema to humanity which gives rise to doubt and a lack of faith > Meta-ethics (Thinking about what humanity is) > Monogamous empowered organizations imposing their hypocritical relativisms/no universal truths other than my own = Imperialism > The paradigms of Capitalism, Law and officialdom > Macro-economics > One big Ponzi scheme > Human beings in the machine > Towers of Mammon = Dehumanisation.
(The pill and contraception connotates the idea that human beings are unsanctified, that human beings maybe objects which merely come and go, this is also dehumanizing)
The “rise and fall” of false empires > cultures fall into moral decay (decadence) having been rendered dependable upon pervading powers, being confounded and identified with objects of wealth, the psycho physical organism and the passing show (Accepted norms and moral standards fall) > some say spiritual sleep > an unenlightened reactive state of association, identification, objectivism, empiricism, formatory thinking and self serving lies > minds start closing in, only to become capricious (Darkling thoughts – depression) > delusion > prime market business and ideological war bankrolled by this current economic paradigm, an intrinsically linked predetermined value placed on a piece of paper, which in reality has no value and neither does the prime market commodity it is attached to > destroys culture/sport > breaks up society and the family home = more physical ailments which need more medicines > flotsam and jetsam > no learned moral parameters = the next troubled brood of mindless delinquency > let’s keep them deluded and misinformed, (divide and rule) away from realising our version of the truth which is actually lies, ignorance, greed and selfishness, but we don’t want them to know that, so let’s employ some lying politicians/masters of construed words who willingly Obfuscate = see the cycle!

Mark asks…

Does America have the power to make the World conform to our abstract principles and rational schemes?

How many sons and daughters will American parents sacrifice, and how much money will tax payers spend to spread our brand of Democracy, Christianity and Christianity World Wide?
I discovered Steven B’s clever, amusing, insightful responses to other posts through his answer here. So I am adding Steven B as a favorite, and giving him15 points and five stars!
BTW, Cognito, I was born raised, educated in NE Ohio, and unfortunately have never been to Europe.
Fortunately forceful, arrogance is not a trait of most Americans.

Nagesh answers:

First person to post on here is a idiot.

First to enforce peace is not really peace since you killing,hurting,and keeping them obeying through scare tactics.

Second we was the ones who in Iraq as well as other country destroy the democracy and peace in the country in the first place.

Like in Iraq they had a very good president however he was going to make it where the oil money went to his own people instead of the rich people over in the USA. So the USA president had the CIA kill him then put a dictator in charge over their.
Who stayed until eh got rich enough then left the country with out a leader which put it into a civil where so many people died.
Then some one who was trying to gain power seem like they would obey us and be or dog. So we got him all the power over their even through he gas and had a death squad who would kill any one even if they said the smallest thing about him.
However he obey us and was a good dog so we did not care. Until the first war with them but then he surrender and promise to be a good dog again and he was for a while. However then he attack his master the USA this time we took him out of being in charge. It will be the same as always we will not leave until we find a good dog to obey us who will rule the country. We do these terrible things to so many other small country’s.
So i don’t blame them for hating us however by attacking us they wrong to even through i can understand it.

Uh and i am from and born from the USA one side of my family was here before it was even a country the other came right after.

However this country is a killer and greedy.
Pretty much every dictator out their we put in charge by us and as long as they good doggy’s we don’t care what they do to their own people.

Uh and i am a christian to but i hate how most christian act since most or ignorant and try to force the religion on others.

In the end i feel so sorry for people from all these country where we hurt them so bad.

The only 2 real reason the USA went to war with them is oil and Bush dad was made to look like a fool by them because he left the country did not finish him off.

Robert asks…

Does anyone know of a real legitimate business that you don’t have to be a genius or a millionaire to start?

I have been scammed to infinity with the Real Estate Gurus and the on-line profits BS (you know – build a website, become an affiliate, google adwords, etc), it’s so sickening! Isn’t there a legitimate home-based business for an average person? One that is real?

Nagesh answers:

You buy things then sell it to dumb people for more money

and no there really isnt, ebay is your best shot

any get rich scheme does not work you have to make an investment in a website advertise and try to get traffic to your website for whatever purpose it is you want

Ruth asks…

How can investors tell if a particular stock will perform well?

I’m currently studying finance in uni and we’re taught portfolio theory and that diversification works well in reducing risk. However I don’t believe in this as it is all theory. Does anyone know how and why some investors can make huge returns by just investing in one stock w/o diversification? How can they predict if a share price is going up w/o having insider information?
I’m surprised there has been to answer to this question for 6 whole days. Goes to show how selfish the finance herd is today.

Nagesh answers:

The problem is not selfishness; it is their is no real answer to your question.

I will attempt to give my opinion.

Many high rollers have the knack of using other peoples money to grow their own money.

They still have to do some real ground work (hard research) to pick a portfolio.

They have to watch their investments 24 hours a day and not be afraid to unload an investment that appears to be going down the drain with little chance of recovery.

Buy low and sell high

Many investors see an investment increasing; watch it for a while; then buy into it.

By the time they do this, many times it is near or at it peak and starts to plummet.

You have to invest in some safe companies (commonly called Blue Chip Companies) to keep your investments stablized. These companies you keep even if the investment drops – it will recover in most cases.

Invest in some moderately risky companies.

Use spare money to invest in high risk companies.

Do your homework first and be aware of local, national, and world trends that can affect the direction of any of your investments.

Be wary of get rich schemes. Ninety nine percent of the time they are scams.

Good Luck – research, research, research, and be on the lookout for scams.

Sandra asks…

What’s the real point of those stupid emails about bank drafts ready for you?

I’m talking about the ones that say they are waiting for your response to send you millions of dollars, or the ones wanting you to be the last living relative. I could possible understand the relative thing but if that were the real story, would they really contact you via email? I mean really? I know hackers can do things with info, but this type of email is just plain stupid, isn’t it. I just don’t get the point.

Nagesh answers:

The first point is: You opened and read the spam. That gives the spammer your actual email id and address. That was one of his first goals. He collects and sells that information. He made money on you and others like you who open and read spam.

The second point is that when you send out email by the millions, all it takes is a few gullible people to fall for this crap and the spammers and scammers have their income. Some people really believe that if they answer enough questions, and send some stranger $500, they will get back 5 million.
Spam isn’t stupid, from the spammer’s point of view. It’s a money making scheme, or they wouldn’t continue doing it.

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Monday, January 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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