Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Daniel asks…

How can i make money using adsense?

Ok, well, i’m 15 years old and i need a job, i’ve been hearing about all these people making 5k a month just by using a few hours of there time each day. I would like to try this out but don’t know where to start.

Nagesh answers:

The answer to how to make money using AdSense is relatively easy once you understand how Google uses the program. It allows anyone with a website or blog to place ad units on their content sites and receive compensation whenever a site visitor clicks on one of the ads.

The program works by scanning your sites content and automatically placing ads that complement the existing theme of your site. There are many people who have taken advantage of the program to earn extra money with their existing sites and then there are those that have created a full time business once they have figured out exactly how to make money using AdSense.

The biggest and only real challenge is the ability to create content sites and grabbing the ad code from Google to place on your site. Once this is achieved you simply need to attract visitors that are interested in the topic discussed on your site. The reason the system works so well is because people are obviously visiting your website or blog because they are interested in what you are talking about and since the ads relate to your theme it basically give the visitor more places to go to get information. Performing that click through is exactly how to make money using AdSense.

Here are a couple tips that may help:

1. You can control the color scheme of your ads and it is important to strive to have them blend into your site theme and look like a natural part of the site rather than an ad.
2. Make sure you have a clear and recognizable theme so that Google knows easily what ads to place on your site. Bolding key point words will help.
3. Never click on your own sites ads. This is tracked and will get you banned from the program.
4. Never tell your friends as multiple clicks from the same individuals will be recognized as well and will get you banned.
5. Do not direct site visitors to click on the ads as this violates the terms of service.

If you have no experience with building websites there are now software programs that make it extremely easy to put together sites and teach you how to make money using AdSense.

Linda asks…

Is it too late to start financial planning at 40?

I don’t have debt and have some money saved but don’t have an IRA, 401K or any substantial investments. Oh, and my salary is pathetic.

Is it too late to start planning for retirement at my age or am I doomed to work until I die?

Nagesh answers:

No. Its never too late. In the scheme of things, 40 is a relatively good time to get your act together.

First things first. Your real problem is your second sentence. “My salary is pathetic.” If you had said, “my salary is low but I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!” I might be willing to debate you a bit. As it is, you left no doubt. Start the search for a better job that pays well today. Ten minutes a day every day plus one hour every weekend for the next year, minimum. Make it a priority and it will happen. Go to the library and do (not just read) one or all of these books:

What Color Is Your Parachute? By Richard N. Bolles
Gifts Differing by Isabel Briggs Myers
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton

Second, open an IRA at (linked to your checking account) and deposit at least a few dollars into it with every paycheck. If your income is low enough to get the tax break from a traditional IRA, open that. If not, open a Roth IRA. To start, don’t worry about all the investment options. Just put the IRA money in the FDIC insured savings investment option for your IRA.

Ken asks…

What should my career be based on my personality?

People say I speak really well and that I can write really good stories and poem and stuff. I know I am creative and that I like to help people. I would love a career that I will enjoy, make a good income, and will have some off time if I have kids.

Nagesh answers:

Ack! SO many scam job and money making scheme postings on your question.

Let me try to give you a real answer here. Being a novelist, poet or other type of writer such as a newspaper columnist or essay writer would be your dream job, no doubt. The problem is, this is an incredibly HARD thing to succeed in. Don’t let that slip away but don’t give up the day job as they say. Write during your time off and one day you might end up being able to quit the 9 to 5 but do not rely on this field to pay your bills.

Logical job suggestions based on your strengths and able to keep a roof over your head would be:

English teacher or professor
creative writing teacher or professor
social worker

Jobs that you would be good at but kind of suck (lol):

call center rep
data entry clerk
sales (such as real estate agent or insurance broker)

All these suggestions are based on your ability to speak well to others, express yourself in writing and sense of empathy and connecting with people. The most fun and successful options are obvious but having a little idea of entry level stuff in the meantime is never bad.

I actually worked as a representative of an international travel insurance company. A very stressful job but it paid well and was interesting. It really fits ALL of your strengths but is not something I would recommend for the rest of your life. It was a call center job like none other. Some callers were nice and happy and you could have really long, fun conversations with them, really relaxed. These people were getting ready to travel and wanted to buy insurance. These guys loved to talk about their trips and there was never a call time limit at this job.

The dark side is that some callers were in bad situations. Everything from being stranded for days at the airport, lost luggage, injury, sickness or death of someone on their trip, legal troubles, customs battles, you name it.

The really stressful part is that you never knew what was on the other line until you got the call, so you have to go from happy and excited with the positive customer then totally switch gears to be confident, compassionate and helpful with the negative callers. Such an experience that job was. O_o

George asks…

What would a bank have to gain in giving out loans to people who really can’t afford them?

The current economic situation,so it has been said, is largely based on foreclosures and subprime loans. It has been said these banks were “forced” to give these loans to be fair. But wouldn’t the banks resist knowing people can’t afford the loan or mortgage? I have seen banks OFFER much more money than a person needs or wants or can repay.

Nagesh answers:

Virtual money debt is better to banks than your real money.
They mass merger banking companies into single giant banks..then they give out tons and tons of money to create mass debt ..they know many of those people wont be able to pay them back. Predatory lending isn’t trying to get your money ..its trying to create a system of two possibilities.. First it will try to get your money, but it knows you didnt have it from the beginning, then , after surmounting massive debts by millions of people, those companies turn to the goverment and say = “we need money and we need it now to save the economy and our single bank ..becaus eif it collapses ..oh my ”

The government may them bail them out.
So think about that..they loaned money to people at the beginning that they knew couldn’t pay it back. Yet they loaned it with a rising interest rate. Guess who they REALLY loaned money too?= the US Government. They knew when they made those loans that they could rack up massive interest rate debts first ..and THEN, turn it all over to Govt. Also, if there had been millions of banks, the US Govt wouldve told them to get lost .. Because their failed business practices caused their own darn collapse. BUT , thats why banks and loan companies try to merger into single GIANT companies. That way the fizzling of their company would be too great a burden and they leverage a as if terrorist blackmail against Government by saying without saying “pay us or mass disaster ensues”

Its crap, and US Govt should let them all fail – thatwould teach them a lesson. Bail out the people ..but not the ones that intentionally make GAMING schemes against the US Govt systems.

James asks…

How did those people become super rich?

I see the rich people dinning in expensive restaurants, live in luxerious houses, driving mercedes. I want to ask them, how did your become so super rich? I want to know the “how”.

I don’t think simply “working hard” can make me that rich. I see many people work so hard that it even threatens their health, but most of them get old and die even before reaching the 1/50 of the richness of the above people.

There must be something.

Is becoming rich confined to a certain careers, specially to the “business” sector, like real estates, being the head of the grocery store, owner of the firm, etc.? What careers that make them super rich?

And do you think the manufacturing career is in fact, does not make much money and does not make the people become super rich?

Please tell me.

Nagesh answers:

Much extreme wealth was inherited. There aren’t a lot of self made people anymore but it does happen.

Good investments help but knowing how to invest without being schemed or taken takes wisdom that most ordinary people just don’t have. Life is so full of trickery.

If you find out, let me in on it.

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Saturday, November 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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