Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Donna asks…

Are colleges like the University of Phoenix and DeVry real colleges, or are they just money-making schemes?

Nagesh answers:

DeVry actually used to be a decent though modest Technical College — DeVry Institute. The several DeVry campuses offered respectable TAC/ABET-accredited degrees in Engineering Technology and related fields such as Technology Management.
Then another Management group took over and saw the pot of gold that “for-profit” schools came to be, due to expanded and largely unregulated expansion of federal student loan guarantees. Today, DeVry’s reputation is circling the toilet bowl (though it still offers good Engineering Technology degrees).

As far as I can tell, U of Phoenix was sleazy right from the start. Teachers who work there (called “instructors” or “Facilitators” not professors), humiliate themselves.

Sandra asks…

Can someone PLEASE tell me if this money-making scheme is real?

There’s the link; it looks real to me…but I’m worried it’s not. I know that most of these are scams, but just read it, and look at the comments – there’s even photos of people’s checks.


Nagesh answers:

Lol, me again.
I’m going to say scam for 2 reasons. 1. If it worked, everyone would do it. I know there seems to be proof, but the company could have faked those. 2. When I pressed the back button, a box came up saying “do you want to navigate away form this page” etc etc, anything with that sort of thing, I would naturally be suspicious of XxX

Jenny asks…

Has anyone ever heard of I’m wondering if its real or a money making scheme?

Nagesh answers:

Im a student full time and pay for my loans with a part time job, and with google and adsense. Actually i don’t relly need to be workin now cuz this makes me lots of money but i feel lazy u know, if i don’t…
google and adsense

Paul asks…

DO anybody know any real money making sites, I’m talking about real sites thatcan make real money or business?

all everybody do is scheme, con, cheat,slick,etc…are there any honest people left in the world anywhere? Come on somebody get real !!!

Nagesh answers:

Well I hope what me and my mom are going to be doing will start to make us some money.It doing online stores. It cost 199.00 but they let us buy a website for life for 48 dollars. We have to pay 24.99 for hosting it for us . You have to pick what you want to sell and then get busy. If you leave me your email and it works for us I can give you info.

Mary asks…

Any real opportunities to make money with Google Adwords or similar?

I know 99% of the programs and schemes are scams obviously that offer ridiculous incomes.

I’m just wondering if even like, making $50-$100 a month off of Adwords is a plausible/legitimate possibility and if there’s any resources on how to get started with it.

Nagesh answers:

Yep, there are real opportunities and the best of it: you don’t need anyone.

I have my company’s marketing exclusively on Ad Words.

You need to learn how ad-words works, if you don’t know it yet.

Then, you pick a couple of good affiliate program (there are thousands), you can look up at or other sites like that, and advertise the programs on ad-words.

You’ll probably have to take sometime to learn what works better, what pays better, etc., but pretty soon you’ll be earning commissions.

Nothing that will make you a Bill Gates, but you can easily make a couple of hundreds or even thousands.

Godspeed !

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Friday, June 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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