Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Lisa asks…

Quick ways to make money?

Since losing my job in January, things have been very tight. I’ve already cut all unnecessary expenses, and I covered by bills for three months with what I had saved up. That is all gone now. I did find a job in mid-March, but it pays over 30% less than my previous one and it isn’t covering my bills. I’m still coming up ~$300 short a month. I’ve already attempted to sell assorted books, DVDs, CDs, etc., that I own, with varying degrees of success.

Any ways of making some fast cash while I am looking for a second job? It took almost four months to find the first one, and I’m having zero luck finding a second one. I’ve been continuously employed for 18 years, and have no experience in not being able to meet my financial obligations. I’m really at a loss about what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
I live in Florida, where the economy was based on tourism and construction. Note my use of “was”. I’ve been a restaurant manager for over 10 years, so my field is customer service/sales.
Thank you PBW for the ideas. I already tutor HS students in AP History, English Lit, and some basic science. I don’t charge much, as I enjoy it and don’t want to make it cost-prohibitive to the kids. As for blogging, I heard a report on NPR about the subject just yesterday, and have been mulling it over. If I do, I’ll definitely be asking you for advice!

Nagesh answers:

Am seriously sorry to hear you’re having this stress. One possible answer that occurs to me: having enjoyed your posts for a long time, I think you’re a great communicator. Ever thought of writing? If not a novel, how about some journalism?

If there are some OK local newspapers in your area, do they accept feature articles? Might be worth checking out.

Also – check out a site called Digital Journal
– they pay for news articles. Not huge amounts, it’s true BUT if you submit enough, the dollars add up!

I know some people who seem able to make money on ebay. I’ve never quite managed it and quit through lack of patience, but it might be worth trying if you haven’t already.

Another suggestion: private tutoring? English, Maths, whatever your subject is? There are almost always students who are looking for good, reliable tutors, especially in the run up to exams!

Also: if you have a blog, consider accepting advertising on it. Google runs Adsense but there are lots of other schemes as well. If you don’t have a blog – start one! 🙂 Some people are making seriously good money with blogging – there are lots of good articles online which offer advice on it, check them out 🙂

I’ll add more ideas if I think of any 🙂

Wishing you all the very best 🙂


Sure, though I’m no expert, I’m hoping to get ads on my blog at some point if possible, though I gather is the one to use if one wants a lot of ads…:)

If you want to take a look at a really professional-type blog, that’s well established, check out:

You might know it already, the author is American. It has a fair number of ads on it!

I highly recommend the Digital Journal thing as well 🙂

Donna asks…

What is a quick way to get money?

Im 12 years old and I REALLY want the Ipod Touch (8th generation) but I NEED money! I only have $35 bucks but I need ALOT MORE!!! Any tips? my mom said no allowance?

Nagesh answers:

Online money making is the future!!!
Check these out and register to the ones you like:

1. Http:// – What do you do? You basically click ads every day and make some small money, after a while you can rent referrals and start making big money from it, please usually make couple of cents a day, and later on they start to make over $5000 a month.

2. Http:// – What is it? Well its basically same as neobux but there are a lot more ads to click, you can rent referrals as well, and make some serious money in a few days if you do it smart.

3. Http:// – Again same as neobux, remember that the more websites you register at the more money you can make.

4. Http:// – Again same as neobux and leetbux, remember the more of these you register at, the more money you will make, plus you can advertise your website and/or neobux banner there for cheap prices!!

5. Http:// – If you want to start your own PTC website like neobux or whitebux you can buy a domain + the script + hosting all here for $25 a month or $150 a year! (50% off then paying monthly)

6. Http:// – This one is a REALLY nice one, what do you here is basically upload files (yes upload files, pictures, w/e you want) and ask or tell people to download (put it on forums or something) everytime someone downloads you WILL make from $0.4 to $0.8 maybe even $1.

7. Http:// – Last but not least, my favorite…once you register you get free $2.50 as an “investment”…you can then either invest more and put more money in or just wait for the $2.50 to grow into a lot of money.

Ruth asks…

Creative Way Making Money Online…?

I am trying to figure out a way to supplement my income.

I have a B.A. in Communications/Journalism, and have work experience in all forms of media. However, I also have years of experience in ALL forms of research, everything from legal issues and case work to academic and background checks, and I there were times that I was actually hired by other people to get this information for them. I’ve also worked as a freelance journalist, and I’ve had to conduct investigations and do photography for stories that I’ve published.

With my background, what is the best way that I can make money online? I am considering starting my own background check/investigation service, but that’s just one idea. Any advice or suggestions?

Thanx so much!

P.S.–No MLM, or “get rich quick” plans, please.

Nagesh answers:

I do have small account with Facebook but it might not be a big Auction Buy & Sell site with a based website; however, my advocacy, is to help those not catered into the market of not so much exposed to at least be able to help you sell your product/item/services/knowledge/skill through online through my Facebook account With this link, I do hope you can try to make an invitation for your profile so we can at least verify if we can accept you to become one of our respected bidders.Kindly make your profile complete with information in Facebook so that we can approve your bid proposal. Thereafter, whatever is that item/product/skill/knowledge/talent/company you are planning to trade for auction bidding please do email me at my yahoo account so that we can verify it for approval purposes if it will be passed on our website in Facebook for publish.Thanks and I do hope to be of service to you in the future.Hoping we can help you generate income at this times of financial economic global crisis.God bless.

Daniel asks…

Good ways to make money, quick?

I’m looking for some ideas on how to make some extra money. Outside of my 9-5 and freelance graphic design…what are some good ways to eearn some extra cash???

Nagesh answers:

It depends upon what you think quick it….some companies claim they can earn you money quick and they want you to invest alot of money up front…and you could be scammed. Other companies can potentially help you make a great amount of money but like any business it takes awhile for that to build. The company that I’m doing business with requires NO money up front. So there’s no need to worry about being scammed. And they deal with major companies so you know that you are working with a legitimate company. You can work it in your own time. You will never be tied down. 🙂 You never have to sell anything. It’s called My Power Mall. When you join you get your own business website for free and you also get your own online mall to shop at and save money at. So basically you are giving away these online malls where other people can get money back for items they buy every day. It makes great sense to me! 😉 The company is quite new so not everyone will have heard about it already. You could build an amazing organization and receive a monthly income from it. So, contact me if you are interested in this. I can tell you more.


Mark asks…

Are there efficient ways to make money ONLINE?

Out of YOUR experience, did you find a method online to make money that is not a scam?
How much time does it take daily?
I work full time, so this would be extra… and ideas would be wonderful. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Yes there is. It involves the sale of securities (equity shares or loan securities) in legitimate companies in stable developed and developing countries (markets). Construction finance securities are also popular.

As long as there is an identifiable source for the offering you can participate. The others are faceless scams. I am a lawyer with a finance background. I engage over 2,000 networked individuals in Australia, the US, Canada, England, Malaysia and Holland who market these products (shares mainly) both listed and unlisted (to be listed and sold pre listing) for which the transaction occurs in a matter of hours once the prospectus is issued to the network.

It is merely getting your clients to subscribe for say $2,000 a piece (people spend $2000 on worthless things these days for no value. So $2000 on a verifiable security (share) in an on going or start up business is a great investment) on a prospectus or offer memorandum with details of the investment.

For the introduction and on settlement you would be entitled to $100 per name (per investor) whoi contributes. To be safe, you do not have to get them to part with their money. They provide a commitment to subscribe for the minimum $2000 worth off shares, and on closing date if satisfied completely their credit card or bank account will be debited with the amount.

In each year we turnover more than 20 companies as we are selective about which company we promote. Today reviving companies that are listed and seeking new capital in the US AMEX and NASDAQ markets is a highly lucrative pursuit. It is equally lucrative toi fudn property development and to buy back mortgages at discount from distressed individuals.

You don’t need thebrains of Albert Einstein. There are companies in Australia as well with such opportunities.

For your part, you will become entitled to free options and shares in some cases in each of the companies for whom you provide subscribers (or names as they are called). Your return for your effort in marketing alone would easily run into thousands of dollars with the opportunity to redeem free options given to you by the company and make more.

We have physical addresses as well as faces and direct contacts. We would require your personal details (not your bank details) for verifying your background before you are allowed to participate. A CV would do with references.

You don’t need to outlay any money unless you want to underwirte for someone else. It is the world’s most lucrative opportunity to make money. Does not involve stuffing envelopes and the rest of the scams that sound like that.

This is an industry that gives you the status of an investment banker as well as the money that goes with it and is not a get rich quick scheme although you can get very rick very quickly.

Contact if you are interested.

Bill Merriweather

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Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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