Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Helen asks…

what is a good way to make money in a short time in runescape?

im looking to buy something but i dont have the money can tell me a quick way to make good money in runescape?
i am a member,so member ways work too.
if possible,try to list things that dont include high levels.i am only lvl 60 and and my highest level in anything is 60(in defence)

Nagesh answers:

Go to the grand exchange, there are several trees in and around the grand exchange, chop them down an sell the logs at the grand exchange if you don’t know how, there should be a grand exchange tutor around.

Donald asks…

Good moneymaking ways in runescape quick ways?

Hi I would like to know some good money making ways to get a whip. I think i need about 1.5mil and right now i have 406k. Ive been doing flesh crawlers and getting herb drops but it gets boring. So I want a fun way to make money. Here are some helpful things: my stats-


Nagesh answers:

Im a member iv done all quest and iv found many great ways to make money, iv found at the barrows you make a fair amount, fishing can be very fast money if you have 62 fishing and have done swan song, or range blue dragons for cash, or if you want a very very slow way pick flax and spin it in bow strings…………….i hope this helps good luck……………………oh and dont go to jennifers website its a virus most likely a trojan……………………………..oh and some godo runescape help sites are……………………… and……………………………………….i really hope i helped if this does not help you feel free to add me to your friends list my username is……………………austin0183

Susan asks…

Best Way To Make Money In RuneScape?

I been playing runescape for the past 2-3 years by now and i still haven’t figured out a quick and good way to make runescape money so i would like to see what ways you guys suggest other than merchanting because i find it extremely annoying to other players.

Nagesh answers:

Cut yews, fish, pk, sell, repeat. =)

Charles asks…

How to make money in runescape?

What’s an easy and quick way to get some money in runescape.
I need 80k gold fast and my combat lvl is 47

Nagesh answers:

This will sound really stupid… Killing cows is one of the fastest ways to make cash in f2p. Their cow hides sell for 150 coins each last time I checked. You probably haven’t killed a cow in a while on Runescape. Let me just tell you, cows drop in about 2 seconds when your higher than level 3. 😛 Don’t collect them at Lumbrige, go to the field to the south of Faladore and the west of Draynor. Take them to Draynor to bank them. When your done sell them on the Grand Exchange. It might sound stupid but its not. It made me about 90k per hour when I was nonmember.

Another way to make money for nonmembers is to collect runes at the Dark Knights’ Fortress. You just pick up the runes that are on the ground. Since runes are stack-able you can collect them for as long as you want. If a revent attacks you while you are collecting them then go to the north-west ladder and climb it. The revent can’t follow you. Wait up there until it leaves. I made about 60k an hour doing this as a nonmember.

The best way ever to make money for nonmembers is the Grand Exchange. All you have to do is go to the Grand Exchange guide on the Runescape website and find something that has been going up and down on the graph like crazy and is pretty low at the moment. Then here is the beauty of it. You earn money according to how much you invested.

That means if you bought 100 bronze bars for 150 gp each and waited a week and they went up 79 gp to 229 gp each then you would gain an extra 79 gp for each bronze bar you bought. If you do the math that would give you 7,900 gp. That’s just for 100 bars! What if you bought 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? That’s pretty good money right there.

Have fun making money 🙂

Thats for a nonmem which I’m assuming you are, for mems you can read this guide.


Steven asks…

what is the quickest way to make money in non-member runescape?

hi i have very high lvls on everything and im f2p. im looking for the quickest way to make money in mon-member worlds. i dont care what they lvl requirements are because i can get them. so please tell me the quickest way possible!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can woodcutting, I got form 30 woodcutting to 60 in less than a week.
Then you can wc yews. They sell preatty good.

Another way is to kill cows near to lumbridge. You get cow hides. They are worth 100gp. Its not much, but after you get 1000 its really good money.

You can also mine coals. After you get 60 mining you can go the the mining guild. There are many coals that you can mine.

You can also mine rune essence. They are very fast to mine. In an hour you can make over 30k.

I hope this help you =)

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Thursday, May 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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