Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Linda asksā€¦

What is a quick, legal way to make $400?

I’m a freshman in college and my tuition is a little over $400 and I have no money. I need a really fast way to make big money. I have four days to come up with it or I don’t get to go back… šŸ™

Nagesh answers:

And you just now realized that you would need money for school? The way most of us make money is through some sort of structured arrangement where we agree to perform certain tasks and are then given compensation… Otherwise known as a job.

Sandy asksā€¦

What is a quick, legal way of making money. FAST!?

I am a college student who is very poor and I need about $1,000 in about 30 days. To answer some questions, I have no aide from family, I do have a job, I don’t have anything worth selling. HELP!!!

Nagesh answers:

Go to the local dog pound.

Buy a dog.

Name it something like Britney Spears.

Sell raffle tickets for $5 to “WIN A DATE WITH BRITNEY SPEARS!”

Don’t try this in your own town.

John asksā€¦

Constantly Dreaming and Thinking of Ways to Make Money Through Illegal Activities.?

I don’t really know why I am posting this on a public forum. I suppose I want different opinions of why I am the way I am. Maybe other people will relate to me; or find it interesting if they study psychology. It’s a long read, and I aint anything important so don’t view this as a bragging type thing. I just want someone who understands to give me their opinion. I figured a quick summary in a few paragraphs would better paint the picture. Here it goes…

I grew up in a large city, in the poor, industrialized part of town. People are all working class, and you get respect by showing you are a working man. You also got respect if you were a tough guy, or a good athlete. Basically if you’re a man’s, man, you were alright. You didn’t get respect where I came from by having a Bachelor’s, Masters, Ph.D or Doctorates degree. No one gave a damn about that type of stuff. However, some parents wanted more for their kids. They wanted them to pursue academics to get out of this city and do something more rewarding with their lives. My parents were one of them.

My parents ended up divorcing, which made me a different person. I became more introverted. I ended up living in a worse part of town with my mother through the weekdays on a large low income housing estate, surrounded by beat up apartment buildings. I was one of the few white kids, so I had to fight alot the first year I was there. Eventually I made alot of friends and got used to what life is like on a low income estate. Everyone was living off welfare. You were either a poor kid from a broken home(me), or you were an immigrant and your parents couldn’t land a proper job. I never partook in any crime back then as a youngster, even though I seen it everyday. Most of the crime where I was came from Drug dealing, Thieving and Robbing. I remember when I was young, I used to extort money from this one kid from my class who I hated, because his older brother beat me up once. Whenever I seen him walking to the variety store I’d run up on him and make him give me money or I would beat him up. Which is obviously terrible. I did that a few times, and to be honest, I remember getting a buzz out of it. I thought I was a real tough guy. Just around that time, as I was progressively yet slowly getting worse, my mom made a smart move. She moved to the countryside where I would be isolated from that lifestyle. It worked. I ended up not committing anymore crimes through my teenage years, except selling a bit of Marijuana in Highschool. I got average grades, and had alot of friends. I ended up moving back with my dad in the inner city when I was about 18. I ended up working hard in Security for awhile, and as a doorman. By 22, I realized that I aint going anywhere in my life. I couldn’t land a well paying job without a proper education. I decided to go to college, and here I am in my 2nd year of college with 2 more to go. I will most definitely land a proper job when I am done. My schooling is paid for right now, I got a vehicle, I have fun, I got friends… but here is the main point of why I started this whole thread.. Although life is good right now.. I feel like I want more out of life. By that I mean money. I want to buy things.. I want to be the sickest clothes.. a nice car.. I want to have money.. I want to be able to go to university next year and just pay off the tuition in one shot cash, BOOM, done. This is impossible.. I can’t do that without a loan. I don’t want any loans. I want to do it on my own, and not owe anything.

I recently for the last month, been dreaming of doing home invasions of drug dealers in the city with a trustworthy friend I trust with my life. We both, literally came from the same background. Same history, same city, same everything. Known him for 3/4 my life. I know for a fact, if we really tried.. We would make alot of money off these Drug dealing losers in the city. That can be some huge cash.. I could pay off schooling no problem.. have a bit more fun with the extra money that we collect. Its kind of funny I haven’t thought about crime at all for about 10 years… Now I am thinking about the exact same things I thought about as a bloody KID living in that shite hole. Its strange isn’t it. Why would I think like this when life is going so good? Why would I want to risk going to prison when I am on the ‘proper’ track to a good life. Do I miss it? Do I not care about what is right and wrong? Do I get a buzz off of it? I don’t know why.. I even think about mugging people at ATM’s for their account sometimes.. Today It crossed my mind when I left the bank. The parking lot was empty, I just came out of it.. 5AM..Some guy walks into it.. I thought, if I went in their right now, I could empty out his chequing account no damn problem. I’d have at least 500 bucks in my pocket. Clean non-dirty money. By the looks of him he probably had well over 1200$ in his account. That could do a heck of alot for a guy like me. I don’t care or think about
I don’t care or think about what it could do to the man’s life. I really don’t think about that. Obviously it wouldn’t do good, but I say its a dog eat world. I would never harm a woman or a child. I don’t mean any physical harm on anyone. I only want to pursue this for money gain. It isn’t to hurt people, or brag about being the cool gangster guy. I just want what I want. I want money. Money is important and I really don’t buy ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ crap. You can’t go on vacation without money. You can’t pay for school and you can’t do what you want to do in life without the money. I figure if I rob drug dealers money, they can’t rat me out. The only thing they could do is try and track the man down who did it. Good luck in a huge city tracking down a guy like me. Especially someone with no criminal relations, a college student with no record. I’d never get caught. The only risk is getting killed, or going to prison. I dont know.. Why am I thinking this stuff for? life is good

Nagesh answers:

Here is what I think about what you said;

What your mind is doing is referrable to as ‘nostalgic reality.’ As you get older and your mind matures it remembers how life was when you were longer, and in most cases misses that life. It misses the feeling you got doing bad stuff, that thrill that was sastified when you stole and fought. The simplicity of that life, the ease of earning money, and that feeling of supriority. The ‘proper’ track of life doesn’t offer any of that. You pay taxes, you pay for school and anything else, and you must abide to the law. It’s fruitless compared to the life you had, the life your mind was accustomed to living and the rush it gave your mind.

But more importantly why you are thinking this. You respawned that way of thinking by simply imagining how easy life would be just doing some crime to earn a boatload of cash. By doing this you subconsciously brought back the mindset you had when you were younger and in result all the other factors of life when you were younger (all the details above.)

Honestly it’s a very simple explanation but what you want and need to do is just decide what you want to do. Throw everything you worked hard for away to committ the crimes or stay on the ‘proper’ track and see the road ahead of that track.
There are other ways of earning money, you just need to research them. I’m 15, starting to learn psychology and earning 16 dollars an hour (earning around 1200 every 5 weeks) working online with a good friend of mine.

It’s better to build reputation and foundation for a successful and unregrettable life rather than to risk it all for just a crate of money that isn’t worth what you could have attained over the years. When you’re older you’ll appreciate all the work you did and how stable life will be.

The choice is yours. Life behind bars, up in heaven, or living in prosperity.

Mandy asksā€¦

What is the best, easiest, quickest way to make money?

Im 19 yrs old in college..I WANT TO BE RICH! but i dont exactly know how to achieve that without going to college the rest of my life and getting a good job…i want to know other ways of how to make good money and to become wealthy kind of besides that..kind of like trading/investing/mutual funds whatever..i just want to start really early which is now! I currently work at target and dont have much can i make money off of little money????Please do not give me that be a celebrity, invent something, rob a bank bullcrap! serious answers only..and i need to know like how long will it take me to make money..

Nagesh answers:

Gamble with other people’s money, be a trader…………

Robert asksā€¦

I need some ideas on how to make quick easy money.?

I am a single mother who has been let down time and time again by employers. I have been to college and have a AA degree. I graudated two years ago. And yet to have found the job of my dreams or to even land a job in that field. I was watching Oprah the other day and there is this mom who is socceer mom by day and stripper by night. Some people do not understand the constant struggle that single parents go through. And right now I am tired of the struggle. And I am also sure that there are some single moms reading this right now. I am looking for a strip club to dance in or an escorting business to join. I know that there is an easier way for me to make money. So can somebody help a sista out wit some ideas!

Nagesh answers:

Why don’t you serve your country and further your education while you are at it by joining the US Army. It’s great for single women with kids, you just have to have your mom or sister or some other responsible adult vouch for your son while in training. You have college so you can come in as an officer and pull in over 3k a week with benefits, 401k and IRA. The Army is so advanced now you have childcare from 3mths to High school and beyond. You can invest in a house and they will up you 200k for it. Work hard, make your child proud and you might even meet a nice soldier on your off time. Many job opportunities are for women of color or just women in general in the US Army. You can get into criminal justice or military intelligence. So wide is the range and you will feel great about yourself instead of degraded such as working as a pole dancer in a strip club. Let’s see, dignity or low self esteem, you make the choice. And no, unless you choose infantry, you don’t get automatically shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan to kill innocent lives as the media portrays. Give it a try, you will love the opportunities it provides. Your housing, food, medical, dental, childcare and expenses are all provided for and you get paid every two weeks. Is that so bad?

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Saturday, March 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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