Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Susan asks…

My dad and I never got along. He now took away my car and my college fund. What is a quick way to earn money?

poor, emotional help, alone, family problems.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry but there aren’t any quick fixes to earning money or else everybody would be doing it. I hate to say it buy you were probably lucky to have a dad that gave you a college fund. I’d probably suck it up, apologize, and try to get that fund back. Its worth much more that the car in the long run. Other than that, you should look for a job in a field that you like with a company with a strong benefit package that includes tuition assistance or tuition reimbursement. That will partially restore the impact of a lost college fund and pave your way to an education that will lead to a good salary in the long run.

Linda asks…

What are some quick and painless ways to die ?

I’m 20 and college isn’t working out, I have no money to finish and to me it’s a waste of time. I can’t find a job and my family are expecting to much from me. Life isn’t really worth it, I’m not happy with the way I look and feel. I’ve tried hanging myself but it takes to long for me to die and I end up passing out. So if anyone has some ideas please share. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Just because life isn’t working out the way you’d like at the moment, it doesn’t mean you should give in and kill yourself. You have no money and can’t find a job; find other means of making money. You’re not happy the way you look; build your confidence and that will have an overall effect on the way you feel. Go out and get a haircut, new cologne, clothes etc; whatever makes you feel best about yourself. Maybe get a companion? Find something you enjoy doing and focus on it. In all honesty, f*uck what your family expects of you, you only have one life and you shouldn’t be living it for anyone else but yourself. Have you tried music therapy? Music is what pulled me from the edge and has me actually looking forward in life. I’d recommend you some songs if you like. Just find something that makes you want to keep living, and hold on to it. Suicide is being a coward and backing out.

George asks…

Question about college loan? 10 Pts?

Okay say a college or school loans a person 10 or 15 grand to get into school. Well you know how if you don’t graduate, you have to pay the money back right? Well what if I only use $1500 of that money and pay that back within a few months and then have the 10-15 grand and just give it back to them. Would that be a bad way for a quick auto loan?

Nagesh answers:

Fraud comes to mind. Student loans, particularly Federally backed student loans, have terms that require the money be used for education. Some only give the money directly to the school. You never get your hands on it.

But even better question, how will you qualify for this $15K student loan? You’re pretty much gonna need the same credit history as for a car loan.

Charles asks…

How can a college student save money?

What are little things I can do to save money? I’m trying to cutback because I recently spent $600 on something, which is starting to dig a hole in my bank account.
I’m home now for the holidays, so how can I save money at home and at college?
NO suggestions for online surveys/money makers please!!!

Nagesh answers:

I have a blog that helps people learn to save money. Just like your looking for there are no surveys involved and no get rich quick garbage.

Oh and why is the coffee a day thing so popular as a way to save money. I don’t know that many people go to starbucks 7 days a week

Carol asks…

Job or Education? Please read! Any way of making money quick?

So my story is, I am at the moment a full time college student and I finish in July this year. I would really like to go to University in September but I would like to move away from where I live to gain independence and experience. I have always wanted to move and I really want to carry on in education. My problem is that my family is really struggling with money at the moment and I really want to be able to help them. The only way I can do this is by getting a job and supporting them. That would also mean me not being able to go to University to do so. By going to University, I will be better qualified to have a better job and reach my dream.

I was wondering if there is any way of making some money easily but not going to work which will enable me having a better future? I just want to help them out. Even if it’s just enough money to give to them and me not having any money for myself? Has anything ever worked for you?

Thank you. It means a lot 🙂

Nagesh answers:

My friend i would recommend you to continue with your studies, it is true that under any circumstances a good degree provide a reliable job, but with current scenario i would suggest you to find some part timers job, which can give you access to money through hard work, but do continue with your studies. Through this medium can also meet your college fees & help your family in overcoming financial hurdles.

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Monday, November 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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