Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Donna asks…

How can I quickly earn some “pocket money”?

I am a teenager (17) looking for a good quick way to make a little money, something like a one time job or something…. any suggestions would be appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

There are various sites where you can sell unwanted stuff ebay is the most well known. Others like magpie also will sell or buy DVDs etc.
Old mobile phones also have some cash value.
Weekend jobs; shops ;cafes;market stalls;cinema;bowling alley
Paper rounds;Leaflets
Babysitting;dog walking;washing cars;gardening jobs

James asks…

teenager in need of money?

i need MONEY!!!! $$$ like the song says “money makes the world go around” and i have NONE 🙁 ive been looking for a job and i cant find one. i guess the economy really does stink right now. i want to know if there any quick ways to make money? or a good website that could help me find a job. thanks to all that answer <3

Nagesh answers:

Try or

Sandra asks…

whats the best MOST TRUSTWORTHY survey site for teens?

I’m 16 years old and attempting to save up for a laptop. i make about 25$ a week in the summer by cutting my grandparents lawn. but id really like a way to make more money and fast. I’ve been looking around on google for easy ways to make money. and I’ve found that taking surveys is a really popular answer. But my Dad gave me a very strict warning and advised me not to do so. So i was wondering if anybody knows a really good survey that’s very trustworthy even to a teenager like me. Or if you know any other good ways to make money quick that would be great. I appreciate any help!

Nagesh answers:

Well I’m a stay at home mom and like to do surveys to make random extra money. By no means, is it a stable constant income though. A few sites I trust and have actually gotten compensation from…


if you have a webcam their surveys pay very well but don’t come around as often as other easiest of them all. Once you setup a profile, it takes 2-3 minutes to earn and they pay through paypal weekly with no minimum payout needed.

Like I said, you won’t get rich but it can add up. Your dad is right about being wary of survey sites though because A LOT of them are scams to get your info. You can check out the forum on SlickDeals too. They have a lot of helpful info for you!

Linda asks…

whats a good way to earn money…?

im a teenager 14 to be exact. i want to know how to make some dough on my own. its time i know how to make my own money instead of getting it from my parents! even if i only make a dollar or something, its still okay. are there websites that are like what im talking about? jobs or work for kids??

websites would be awesome!

no crap like “get rich quick!”

Nagesh answers:

A few weeks ago I was also wondering about on internet for making money online.
I use data entry jobs, free surveys etc.
But these are all asking money for their starting membership.
After being scammed by these sites I was came to PTC business.
Actually these are online advertising companies that pay you as their member to do easy and simple tasks.
See some of my payment proofs and download a free money making e-book

Lizzie asks…

My friend and i are sophomores in high school, but were serious writers. We need to find a publishing company?

We have been writing a book, for awhile now, if that’s what you call it and we are trying to get it published because it had a great point to most all teenage lives and we can connect it to almost everyone in a way. We just need to find a quick publishing company that will publish for teenagers and make it easy for us without hounding us for our money. Publishing companies don’t need money or it’s fake. Right? We need some serious help. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

LOL. Sorry for laughing, but I doubt if your work is good enough to publish and that you’re “serious” writers. Yes, you might be dedicated and all, but that doesn’t constitute “serious.”

Just a bit of a reality check. Commercial publishing is a serious business. They don’t accept just any old thing, and most novels are rejected. You need more than a story that most teens can identify with. Guess what? Bookshelves are filled with those types of stories. Your book has to be very well written and marketable for even the slightest chance of being published. Just judging by your grammar in this post, this is an indication that you have a long way to go before your novel is in publishable condition, because I bet it’s full of bad grammar, horrible plots, under developed characters, and many literary mistakes from first time novel writers.

Listen, publishing isn’t “quick and easy.” Professional writers strive their whole lives to get published and most never make it. People your age have an even smaller chance of getting published because you don’t have the expertise or skill needed – this is something that’s developed over several years with lots of studying and practicing.

My advice is to write another book and continue to gain that experience. One day you’ll begin writing publishable material. Write a sequel to your novel. Write a completely different story. Do it for fun. Meanwhile, edit and polish your current manuscript. No one is good enough to write a perfect manuscript on their first draft. Sorry.

BTW, you’re right, publishers will pay you for your novel, while literary agents will not charge you anything until they sell your book to a publisher. Anything else is the red flag of a scammer.

Hey, I’ve just started my second novel, which is a sequel to my first novel. My first novel isn’t publishable, and is a learning experience. My second novel is already better than the first, lol. That’s how it is – you get better the more you write. It doesn’t matter to me if either of these novels ever get published because it’s been fun writing them and I have many more ideas where they came from. I wrote my first novel in 3 1/2 months, and I’ll start editing it soon to make it better. Even the great Stephen King had to write 4 unpublished novels before he finally got his first one, Carrie, published. And, get this, he was a college graduate and teaching high school English, so his grammar was better than the average American’s, but he still had to practice and get better. That’s just how it is.

Good luck.

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Friday, February 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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