Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Laura asks…

Quick way to get money for a teenager?

I would like to get more money for something my family are going which is TRYING to save up enough money to get an attic conversion. I would need to save up about £12000 more. I know i cant do that by my self but i can make a start.
what are some way about doing that??
i have got:

car boot sale

and thats it please be sencible, and suitable for teenagers 🙂

Nagesh answers:

A part time busboy job at a local diner.

Baby sitting.

Community center jobs.

Donald asks…

What is a quick way for a teenager who is knowledgeable with technology to make money?

i am a teenager who is saving up for a Mac. I have a small job during the weekends which earns me a little but i want to find a way to earn lots of money fast. I love to use technology and i have access to a computer, camera, ipod, psp, etc. I saw a story of a girl who made a website and soon became a miillionare (im not shooting that high).

My question is… does anyone have any tips on a way for me to make some good money (enought to buy a Mac computer) preferablaly using the internet?

seriously, any any any tips at all will help even if they sound wierd. I’ll pick the best answer for whoever can help me find ways that will get me money over the internet (for example, making a website, then having advertisments pay to advertise their)

thanks very much

hopfully ill get that mac soon with your guys help

Nagesh answers:

Just go to,

As I tried and succeeded. Left side bar of this site shows you many paths to earn money over the internet without any prior investment. Try them and find the best suited way of earning money via internet. I wish you all the best.

William asks…

How to Make Money- For teenagers, Not online?

Heyy Guys,
I was just wondering, I am a 14 year old teenager and I need some extra money, around 2 grand. I dont have a current job and was wondering what were some quick ways that i could make some money without taking online surveys? Thank Guys
Well I play the guitar and piano and i thought of working at a music shop
but then
i love animals and own 2 dogs, 3 cats and 5 guinea pigs,
and i love photography aswell
so im really stuck haha
because i would love to do something involving all of these things?? IF possible

Nagesh answers:

Well, there are a multitude of different answers to the this question.

To narrow it down you first need to ask yourself
1) how fast do you want to make the money and
2) what are the boundaries you are going to set when attempting to earn it.

Also, your personal skills and talents should be considered, as they will play a key role in whether or not you will even achieve your goal.

Additional Details:

Ok perfect, grab your guitar and Busch on the corner if you have to, get a job at a music store, whatever you choose but BE SURE TO DECIDE ON ONE THING DEFINITE and just MAKE THE EFFORT and TAKE the FIRST STEP.

Once you are in motion with your first step, only then add on the additional workload if you deem necessary.

Its far easier to achieve something when you divide it and set little goals along the way, toward your final one.

Most people who know this and try to apply it fail because they are missing one key factor…-knowing how to set goals-.

The following is what is Needed to Set Goals Correctly:

a) Know your outcome positively.
(Know what you would like not what you wouldn’t like)

eg. I want to quit smoking<—unacceptable

I want to be healthy and live a healthier lifestyle, which includes these activities that I will use to replace smoking…
Acceptable –^

b) Be as specific as possible.
Know what it would feel, look, hear or taste like to be successful in your outcome.
Try to engage all senses and experience it as fully as possible when picking your outcome. It should be tangible.

C) Be proactive. Know that the outcome lies soley in your hands.
Give it 100%.

D) and finally ensure that your outcome is indeed desirable and will not conflict with any of your internal attitudes, beliefs, values etc.
(eg. Outcome: you want to earn a million dollars/deep inside you, you have a solidified belief that you could never possibly be a millionaire.)

*Know when and where you want it as well as when and where you don't want it.

*You want your outcome to benefit others as well so consider this when picking your outcome.

Good Luck

John asks…

How to make money.. QUICK!?

okay so i lost my phone worth £350. I am a teenager and i’m going for a phone worth only £70-80
I need quick and easy ways to make money
If anyone can help. Easy ten points =)
Btw i didn’t lose it, it got stolen! =/

Nagesh answers:

Definetly babysit! It dosen’t have to be somebody else’s kids. Do you have siblings? If so have your parents go out for a weekend and agree to watch them for a couple hours for a ceartain amount of money. (Make sure they know your rate per hour.) Or if you have a green thumb you could do yard work for your parents or other people like your neighbors. I hate yard work, like among a lot of other people, so tons of people would be over joyed by your generous offer to work in the yard! Hope it helps!

Linda asks…

what is a quick way to make money!?

i am a teenager so i can’t do any jobs,
and i am stuck for ideas!
anyone have any!?

Nagesh answers:

I dont think there is one if you want risk free legal ideas if there were any everyone would be doing it, theres loads of ppl who will try & con you but its hard work…… Babysitting or selling your old stuff on eBay….try asking your Mum or Dad for money or get a Saturday job

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Monday, March 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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