Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mary asks…


i need a way to make money because i have to pay half my phone bill if i get one!

**no get rich quick deals because im not going to try!
**no mowing lawns cleaning house or anything in the nature you would see if you seen another question like this because most of those are simple ideas that dont usually work

** i done a lemonade stand when i was12 and made $40 but im 14 im not a little kid but i cant legally get a job for another year!!

please send ideas that will actually help with out going door to door to strangers to ask if i could cut their grass!>lol< i think you get the picture!

and dont agravate me about my grammar or the structure of my scentences if i cared i would post a question on proper scentence structure!
gab, i dont care about my scentence structure & i told you that your acting immature and stop wasting my time telling me exactly what i didnt want! so go get a life b/c u apparently dont have one!
i dont want anything to do with anything online those will come around to bite you in the butt for all the people saying they make $200 a day.
sorry if my question was to “complicated” and i was just asking for jobs that pay well taht arent so typical there werent any good answers because everyone took my question offensive for some reason except for one person who i am going to pick as best answer because she gave the most help! i dont know why people were telling me exactly what i asked for them not to mention but they just wasted my time and a few were offensive to me but i dont care it takes more than a stranger that says i have bad grammar to make me upset im not childish like they apparently are!

Nagesh answers:

You’re smart not to waste time with online scams or surveys. Even the legitimate sites simply can’t provide you with a dependable stream of income.

If you’re too young to get a legal job with a company, then your only resource is odd jobs around your neighborhood. This can be just about anything that you don’t mind doing that someone else doesn’t feel like doing. Think beyond mowing lawns or cleaning houses – what are hobbies you enjoy? Organizing kitchen cabinets? Putting photos in albums? Decorating picture frames? Sewing stuffed animals or decorating cute t-shirts? Babysitting little kids or walking dogs? What is it YOU do well?

It’s not very effective to just go door-to-door; it’s much better to network. Start by talking to your family, your friends, and the neighbors you know well. Tell them why you are trying to raise money, and your ideas for earning that money. Also ask what sort of tasks they would be willing to pay for, and ask them to ask their friends if they need your help. Then you have lots of people spreading the word for you!

Finally dear, remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If it’s important that you get people’s help, it should be important enough for you to express your problem clearly. People don’t have any motivation to help you if you are going to be immediately critical and dismissive of their response.

Mandy asks…

I need money!?

My company just got sold out. We are downsizing and for some reason I get this looming feeling I may be fired or laid off. I have some money to live off for a while if that’s the case. I just pay rent & utlilities- no kids. I have been looking everywhere to find a comparable job but really there are NONE out there! Does anyone know of any quick ways to make lots of money (Pls. no stupid answers like drug dealing, pimping.. ect). Whether it be donating an egg, poker online… ???

Nagesh answers:

·Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams–

Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..

And much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!



More details at-

John asks…

finance/money problems

So i am financialy screwed, i just found out i have a 1200 ticket to pay, i dont get it, i have no money, i just honestly need a way to make money quick, i am only 19 and i dont get support or help with money from anyone, if anyone knows of any money guidelines, or how to be successful when i get older, or just how to make money quick, i would really appreciate it, i am a good kid, i just had expired registration, and didnt know i was taken off the insurance and than i got pulled over for it, showed them my insurance, than the cop told me that insurance was expired. man i live on my own, and have no money, and as appealing as the money sounds, i wouldnt want to be a stripper. anyone have advice for a stressed out college kid, just trying to make it.

Nagesh answers:

You are not alone/ join the ranks and you will survive

Jenny asks…

When you were and if you are a TEEN, how did/do you make money?

I’m not gunna go into details. Basically my family is getting royally screwed over and we can’t even afford to buy some toiletries anymore. My mom and I are both jobless and looking hard for jobs but can’t get hired.

What are ways for a teen to make money without having an actual job?
I know babysitting, mowing lawns, and being a dog walker. What else?

I’ll look into the dog walking thing but I dunno about babysitting cuz I have no experience with kids. And I’d mow lawns but no one’s mowing their lawns anymore cuz the cold weather.

I need ideas people! Quick!

Nagesh answers:

I have after school jobs.i had 2 actually but i got fired from 1 o.O
now i walk dogs.when i first started walkin them there were only 2 o.O but then i wrote a note and pasted them on all the tress in the neighbourhood including my number so people could connect to me…they did o.O now i”m walking them but i dont earn that much money…

Steven asks…

is mobile mass money a legit way to make good money?

im 14 (15 in November) i really want a legit job but cant yet because im not old enough for a workers permit, i found a link bringing me to this page about how some mom and her 13 and 14 year old kids make thousands every month and up to hundreds daily with this “amazing” mobile mass money thingy and to me it sounds like a tv paid program scam to get rich quick and you have to pay for the software that i myself would be buying with the last of my money so i need to know if this is real and i can turn my money around off this product or if id just be striking myself out please give real answers and no hate comments i know im young who cares id still like money to spend with friends n on girls since im bout to be a freshman. so yeah please help and if you dont know if its fake or not im also taking suggestions. thanks

Nagesh answers:

A typical come-on. You will more likely lose the money you pay for the software than make anything.

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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