Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mark asks…

What are some quick ways to get cash,Im a kid that sells candy at school.No stupid answers!!?

I need about 500 or 1,000 dollars.Im good at selling things and Im a good rapper.I am very smart.Need to get money for dirtbike. There was a 700$ dirtbike ad in the newspaper but I want a better one.

Nagesh answers:

Baby sit, mow lawns, shovel snow.

Daniel asks…

How can i make money fast?

iv been wanting some clothes from urban outfitters n such but i have little money to pay for it and was wondering what some quick ways were to get some money .
ps. im only 13 years old.
ps. im only 13 years old.

Nagesh answers:

You could try network marketing. It allows you to work around your schedule, kids, school, etc.

Find something that peaks your interest. Perhaps make-up, clothing, accessories, shoes, health products, cleaning products, baskets, etc.

Just find something that you can get excited about and then go for it.

David asks…

How to make money aside from having a job?

Apart from my paycheck, what are some ways to make money.
What things can I sell, or what can I do, that will make some quick cash.
Pawn shop?
I have a lot of books I can sell too, what can I do with those?

Nagesh answers:

You could also sell things on ebay or look into selling old kids items at places like once upon a child or your old clothes at plato’s closet.

James asks…

What’s a quick and easy way to make money ?

I’m 13 years old and i really need to make some money and try to save up. Is there any job besides babysitting i can do ?

Nagesh answers:

If you are babysitting at 13, you are way ahead of me. At 14, I was so sick of being broke that I took my mom’s electric typewriter and wrote my own stats over and over again and went to every mail box in my known neighborhood, which was as far as my feet would take me all day long. Within one week, I was hired to baby sit and my average take home pay per weekend was around 60 bucks.

Kudos if you are making money, babysitting. The reason why I was in demand, is because my full attention was on the kids, not my own needs.

After that, I don’t know what else you can do… Sell your baked goods? Or maybe, a weed pulling service?

Ken asks…

Ladies if you had kids who were starving would you sell your self on the streets to deed them?

If that was the only way to make quick money.
BQ: How much would you charge? Realistic amounts only.
Ok, take yourself out of your middle class world and imagine you live somewhere in a third world country where there are not many jobs to be had.

Nagesh answers:

If it was the only way? Then yes.

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Thursday, August 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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