Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Helen asks…

How can I make some quick cash?

okay, so I’m 15 years old and I do the whole babysitting/pet sitting thing…One problem…We moved right before summer began so the pet sitting thing has slowed down (Babysitting, not so much. We can drive where I need to go) since I’m not right there and I can’t walk to my normal clients houses to feed their pets at 6am.

You probably think, “Hey, why didn’t just put posters up around your new neighborhood instead?” Well, because, A: I don’t know people that well. B: I have swim team in June and July.

Yeah. It would be kinda weird if I suddenly -at the end of summer- I were to put posters around for pet sitting. People aren’t going away right now, they’re too busy getting ready for school. So I need help finding a way to make money without babysitting, pet sitting, or yard work (there’s already a bunch of kids who do that around here).

If you read all of this and have some ideas for me that would be really great!
Thank you!! 😀
I really don’t want any “Legit” money making websites. Thanks! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Get a jobb

James asks…

Friend witth kids moving in with new guy to soon? Should I say something or not?

Alright I have this friend we’re not best friends just friends that will hang out and talk when our kids play and what not. Sometimes she will come over just to talk. Well her and her husband has been on again off again for the past year. They are already divorced for quite awhile but have gotten back together a few times since the divorce to try and make it work. Well the other night they split again because he is doing drugs and refused to stop. Well she is already hooked up with someone else. From the outside looking in I think its more for money and sex not so much love. I mean I could be wrong but that have not been together more than a week.

And here is where I need the advice. She has all 3 of her boys 1. because daddy dearst is druggie and 2. Saturday night he got arrested for a bunch of things and is probably going away for a while. She is already fixing to move in with the guy in a small pull along trailer with all 3 boys. I have been trying to tell her to just stay with her sister for a bit because our landlord is about to have 2 properties about to become empty. But she seems so excited to move in with a guy she barely knows. And yesterday I pulled her aside and told her to be careful moving in with this guy to soon that she does not really know him. But all she can tell me is that well he will take care of the kids, gives me money for the kids with no questions, etc. BTW she doesn’t work I have tried to help her get a job, offered to drive her to interviews, baby sit her boys etc but she has not gotten one yet.

If she was a single female I honestly would not have such an issue with her moving in with someone so fast. But to me with 3 kids she should not do this so quick. It must be confusing for her boys (7,5,and 3 are roughly the ages) for them to leave dads and mom hop in with a new guy so quickly. Already the oldest one is saying he does not want to go. She just kinda shrugs her shoulders.

So my question I guess is Am I wrong to think she is moving this way to quick? And if I am not wrong how can I approach this without breaking a friendship.

P.S. I am friends with her mom as well (me and the mom are closer friends) thinks her doing this is crazy as well.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think you are wrong at all. But it seems like you’ve already given her your opinion and advice, which she hasn’t chosen to heed. There isn’t much more that you can do. But if you really want to help her, try to be there for her anyways. And watch those kids. If you see any signs that they are being abused or neglected, call CPS. It sounds like she is just scared to be alone and is taking the first offer that comes up. She probably figures that nothing could happen while she’s living there that would be worse than struggling to support 3 kids on her own. Try to boost her self confidence. Tell her that you admire her for kicking the husband to the curb and you’re excited to see how well she is going to do at being a single mother. Tell her you admire her strength. Offer to help her in any way you can, make sure she feels comfortable asking for help. That’s about all you can do.

Ruth asks…

Make Quick $40 in 2 weeks?

I am in the process of starting a new job; however, I won’t get paid until the 15th of next month. I need money before the 1st. About $40 for gas. What are some ways I could go about getting an extra $40? I don’t know anyone in the area that has kids so babysitting is out of the question. I’ve listed all of my older items on craigslist to see if anyone will buy them (I’ve been listing them for about 3 months). Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Making 40 dollars in two weeks is actually pretty easy. Its a lot more realistic than people who are looking to make 1000 dollars in one day.
Not sure about the validity of the other two sites. If you would like, email me, and I’ll tell you about some ways to make money on the computer online if you are at least 18. (Not porn or anything like that, you just have to be 18 because otherwise we are not allowed to discuss financial opportunities with you.)
If you would like, depending on the items you are trying to sell, and the price you are looking for, we may post them on our website, and depending on your price, we may be able to guarantee a sale.
If you are interested, just email me.

Lizzie asks…

What can you do on sims 2 for ps2?

everyone says you can have kids do woo-hoo marry someone but i dont know how to do it and also what else can we do.And how do I make a 1 level house 2 levels.And what is a quick way to get more money

Nagesh answers:

I’ve played this game and even finished it, but:

You cannot have kids,

You can WooHoo,

You can marry.

In PS2, there is only one fan floor as there are no stairs.

The only way you can earn more money is by getting promotions.

I really got so sick of this game, that i started playing it on the PC
It is soooo cool! You can build 5 storeys, have as many kids as you want, you can start your own bussiness. Get the Sims2 on PC, and you’ll have a lot of fun! It’s the best game ever, with lots of expansion packs!
Good Luck!

Mary asks…

whats the quickest way to increase your credit score. I have 545 and own a home 3k credit debt?

i don’t make much money. 41k, pay about 1000 a mth for my condo. Am not reckless w/ money. Been late on payments before but want to increase score. Am also about to buy a used car. Also have school loans ( 45K) and have not defaulted but need to pay it off of course. Single. No kids.

Nagesh answers:

Just keep paying ontime. Sounds like that is what has hurt you the most.

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Sunday, April 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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