Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

David asks…

Idea for some quick cash, I need advice/suggestions?

My friends, family, and classmates say I give the best massages. I’m only a college student but due to financial difficulties, I’m in need of some spending money just for gas and food. People have been telling me that I should get paid but I always joked about doing so. I actually want to. I’ve read and being a massuse is different from a massage therapist, as one only provides relaxation while the therapist is a professional for relaxation as well as for injuries, improving the body etc.
Bottom line: Can I make this a small business (flyers, word of mouth, inexpensive) or should I just find some other way? I do need the money, but it would be nice to help everyone around campus relax a little.

Nagesh answers:

My advice/suggestion: go for word of mouth and beyond that, keep your initial investment low. It will cost you less than 2 pennies to print up some of those tear-off phone number adverts that you’ve seen all over on bulletin boards and that’s including the push-pin (your time with the scissors to slice them into easy tear-offs will be more valuable than that, of course). Post them everywhere you’ve seen anything like that and you’ll likely get a few phone calls; if your random customers are happy, then you’ll get more word of mouth advertisement free.

Also consider whether your interest in massage is more than superficial. Professional training could give you fresh inspiration and sharpen your innate talent. Look around your local area for teachers; you might well be able to pursue massage education in addition to college.

And yes, you could make it a small business, but get some income going from informal channels before you start drawing up business plans 🙂

Ruth asks…

Relationship Question… what is your opinion?

Hi, my fiance and I are madly in love, we’ve been together for two years.

I am a student and money is tite, so for an entire year I did not eat lunch or breakfast so that I could save enough money to provide her with little surprises throughout the days (gifts, food, candies, jewlery, etc.) The reason I did this is because she comes from an extremely sheltered and overly protective home where her parents have shown her no affection at all, and she never had these surprises, so I wanted to be the one to give her everything she never had.

The problem is that my fiance is very over emotional and stubborn. When we argue, she will not budge unless I give the most heart warming apology imagineable, then maybe she will consider doing the same. I can not talk to her about her ‘flaws’ (though she has none outside of her overwhelmingly quick temper) or else she will because very very upset and I am viewed as this horrible person.

One time, we got in an argument and I wanted to surprise her by coming to her college campus. My car was broke, so I walked 8 miles to see her, where she eventually slapped me and even hit me across the face with a shoe..

Another time, during her finals, I had offered to drive forty five minutes in the snow to bring her a cappucino and nice chocolates because she was falling asleep and her parents would not let her out of the house to get something to wake up. She went on to call me a “fucking child” and screamed at me for a half hour for proposing such an offer.

Now, I can’t say i’m an angel by any means, but I can not talk to my fiance without her becoming upset and when she does, she does not stop. I wish she did not have her temper, and she has started going to a therapist and has worked hard on it, but it has gotten to the point that it is overwhelming.

I love her to death, but I can only take so much if she does not change. I wont leave her, but staying will make me very unhappy the way she is.

What is your opinion??

Nagesh answers:

You are madly in love, not your fiance, she is just mad. If you want to go through life being a whipping boy, that is up to you. If you want respect, respect yourself enough to leave. Never let anyone hit, mentally abuse you, or treat you with disrespect. Love yourself first and then you can get into a healthy relationship with someone who respects you.

Richard asks…

Should I choose the cheaper, all-right college or my expensive dream college?

Hi, I really need some college advice and I’m hoping you can give me some help in any way! Here’s the thing: I just got accepted into my dream school, Emory. I honestly didn’t think I would, so I planned on going to my not-so-dream school (but with quite the good education), Auburn, for more than half the price (and with scholarship!) But now being accepted to my dream school, I’m just drooling over the prospect of going there and having one of my life dreams fulfilled. Then I take a look at the price and I’m plummeting down to earth. In four years, the total cost will be over $250,000. I didn’t receive a scholarship, nor did I receive generous financial aid so I have no idea what I could do after college.
Of course, there are student loans, but with the career I’m planning to go into I won’t make enough money to pay it off in time, most likely. I don’t want to rely on my parents to pay my debts and I certainly don’t want to end up in the poor house. So should I forget about my dream school and the awesome career plan I wanted to pursue at Emory? Because that’s a lot of money just for an undergraduate degree. The deadline for acceptance is coming up quick and I have no idea if I should accept. Should I pay the price for my dream or just settle?

Thank you so much!

Nagesh answers:

Honestly, If I was in your shoes I would go with the cheaper school. Especially if it amounts to the same degree. Most employers care more about GPA and what your degree is than where you go to school. You should think of your college as what will give you your highest rate of return. In this case, it may be to go to Auburn instead of Emory as it is much cheaper to go there and you will have less student loans to pay off in the future. I know this is a very hard decision to make but if I were in your shoes that is what I would do! Hope this helps.

Mandy asks…

Ligitimate on-line jobs?

Im currently a 1st year college student studying in the Phillipines. I would like to find a ligitimate online job, but all i come across are scames and get rich quick scemes requiring me to pay. Im looking for a job that actually requires work, not some make money fast promo. Due to the “culture” within this country, most jobs only hire students who are college graduates (even some restraunt attendents), I already have a part time job that doesnt require me to be a college grad, but its not enough to pay my way through college (not to mention board and rent >.<).

Im not looking for a high paying job, minimum wage ($7.00per hr) is gud for me. and nothing that requires me to pay for anything ( you dont pay your employer to work). If anyone could help, it’d be much apriciated.

PS: Preferably a job that pays through paypal.

Nagesh answers:

If you want to avoid the online job scams you can start your own home based online business for nothing but the amount you make will depend on your commitment & effort.

For all the details go here >>

Laura asks…

Help with trying to go college and financial aid for a career change for a single mother of 2 children?

I am a 39yr old registered dental assistant in the state of Tennessee. I was recently laid off in March and have been getting unemployment for the time being. I am the parent of a 2yr old and a 16yr old. I need to keep a home for us and my current car. The job market is pretty much saturated with new dental assistant graduates. Most practices want new and fresh out of school assistants that they can mold into the perfect assistant for their practice and not a seasoned assistant of 7 yrs like I me. they just assume that there isn’t any ( and I know this isn’t a real word but… ” teachability ” in an older assistant. I have all kinds of certifications and qualifications under my belt such as Coronal Polishing, Sealant Application, EKG monitoring, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Assistant, Radiology
Phlebotomy / Intravenous Sedation,CPR Certified,and Nitrous Oxide Monitoring, but all that can be both good and bad because the last place I sent my resume to said that I had too many qualifications and did not want to approach me because they were sure that my salary requirements would probably be way more than they were willing to pay. And the only way that I know that info is that I sent a resume to a practice that one of the student that I trained and she was there when they pulled my resume off the fax machine. She didn’t want them to know that she knew me because she had just gotten hired there and therefore didn’t want to seem like she was trying to pull strings. But the point I’m making is if that was what they thought of my resume, then I can just imagine what the rest of the offices I sent the resume is thinking. Also in Memphis (although I have looked and there are not many of them available but …) the minimum wage jobs will not get me anything close to what I need to support my family and definitely will not cove the cost of childcare or health insurance. To be blunt, I would just be working to pay for the childcare itself. In any case, I have always wanted to go back school but never had the nerve or the time. Since I am laid off and unemployment is covering almost half of my expenses, I feel like this is the best time to do so. When I went to Dental assisting school, it was a quick fix for when I was laid off from a warehouse job 8 yrs ago but now I need to do something real that has the potential to make some real money! I have been told that if I go to a 2 or 4 yr college there is a possibility that I can get financial aid and still get unemployment. I was also told that some loans or grants ( I don’t know which ) but they have said you sometimes can apply for more that you need to offset the cost of maintaining a place to stay. Not to get too personal but my rent is $700 a month and I have a car note of $450. a month and not to mention car insurance that I cannot drop of $165 a month. I have reluctantly applied and was approved for food stamps and Tenn-care health insurance. I also have my unemployment payments, plus child support and SSI Disability Insurance( that is paid for by my child’s father) all together is a total around $1100 a month. Now I’m sure that whatever loans or grants (If there is such a thing as the type I am inquiring about) won’t cover all expenses, but anything can help in this situation. If only I could have enough extra to cover the rent or the car note. I don’t have any help and will not have anywhere to go if I loose my place. I have excellent credit but with no employment I am not sure if that would change my outcome. What is the process for applying for these types of loans and is there help for single mother in the state of Tennessee? I need help soon. I only have enough money to live off of for the next 3 and a half months or so.. I need an outlet fast. Please help with any suggestions that you may have. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Well, you have several different issues to address:

1) Unemployment. Make sure you work with your unemployment office and get approval BEFORE you enroll in any educational program. In many states, they won’t continue your benefits while you are in school unless it is a program that they approved ahead of time. It’s also possible that they may be able to pay for part or all of the training, so it’s definitely worth talking to them first.

2) Overqualification: You don’t have to list all of your qualifications on your resume. If you’re willing to work for less money, just list the basics. Or address the problem in your cover letter, indicating that you are willing to accept an entry level position, and can offer them more experience and more skill for the same amount of money as a newbie. (Then negotiate for a raise later on when they love you and can’t do without you).

3)Financial Aid for School: You apply for federal student aid by completing the FAFSA (the Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online at This application will determine your eligibility for federal grants and loans, and is often also used as the basis for determining if you are eligible for state grants and school scholarships. The FAFSA uses your previous year’s tax return to determine your income level, so make sure the schools you are considering are aware that you are now unemployed and have a big change in that income.
If you are a full time student, you will probably be eligible for $9,500 per year in student loans, and possibly for up to $5,500 in a Pell grant. You may also be eligible for other aid from your state or your college.

4) Living Expense Money: Student aid is intended for educational expenses. It is sent directly to your school, where it is first applied to your school’s charges such as tuition and fees. At most private colleges and for-profit career schools, you will need all of your funding to pay these charges. However, if you are attending a low cost school such as a community college, you may have more aid than is needed to cover the charges. If that is the case, then the overage will be “refunded” back to you in the form of a check or debit card that can be used for other educational expenses such as books or other supplies. It is not intended for personal expenses and is not supposed to be used for things like rent or car payments, though it is unlikely that anyone will check up on you to see what you spend it on. It won’t be enough to live on, though, and in most cases, the money is a loan, not a grant, so you will have to repay it with interest after you graduate.

Hope that helps. Good Luck!

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Friday, October 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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