Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Charles asks…

Online Business?? Please help a struggling college student!?

I am a 19 year old college student with a bit of a problem :/

Problem: I work a full time job at a warehouse, where everyday I seem to be breaking my back just to pay the bills. I get home very tired and feel like my school work suffers. I support myself and rent a single room, pay for gas, food etc. just like everyone else.

Question: Is there some way I can make money online that pays decent and is NOT a scam? I have a lot of internet experience, I can type 60wpm. I learn very quickly and
I DO expect to actually work for my money, just….. online

This seems better for me so I can have more time to study. And I am not looking for some get rich quick scheme, I only need to make around 1000$ a month to cover necessities

I have seen these “drop shipping” and “data entry” jobs and “online businesses” and
I just don’t know what’s right for me

Online Business?? Please help a struggling college student!

Nagesh answers:

Well, you could check out that SMC thing Tom Bosley from Happy Days is spokesperson for….

But why not just start you own little business. Go the entrepreneurial route.

If you’re good a typing and have a strong command of word processor and publishing programs on your computer, start a publishing service. Nothing big or fancy. Resumes, newsletters, maybe even offer typing services to other college students on research papers.

All that would take is a little advertising on campus or setting up a little website for advertising and contact purposes. Start-up expenses shouldn’t be too demanding for your budget.

Another option is offering freelance clerical/secretarial assistance to businesses. Again a website would help.

You might also check your local small business bureau on any requirements you’d have to meet to operate as a sole-proprietor business.

Hope that helps.

P.S. – Though your goal of $1,000 may seem excessive to some answerers, don’t let their voices become splinters of doubt in your mind.

Here’s a little exercise that might help:

Set your goals. Envision yourself already having accomplished them (really put yourself into that moment in your mind). Then, as if looking back from that perspective on the process, imagine how you got there. What path did you take to get there? What pitfalls do you imagine having happened that you overcame.

Then, (like Nike says) just do it.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

Interested in stocks but not sure about the return?

Hey guys,
A little about myself. I’m 21, college student working part time for a real estate company as a web developer and was looking into other money solutions and I thought about Stocks. Though I’m financially stable right now, I’m still not the biggest on money (and jargon) so I don’t even know how to look at stocks. Dont know what bonds are, and I dont know how to get started, but I’d like to invest if all possible.

Truthfully, I’m not looking for a “get rich quick program” or anything but I want to maximize my dollar so I can fund something else like my music and other things I’m getting into. I dont make much right now, but I currently can do that on my check and if all possible, and if stocks are the way to make a decent return, then I’ll pay for them. But what will I get back? When will I get it back? Am I in the right position to properly invest in things like this?

Nagesh answers:

I love the stock market if its going up or down …

If you use $5000 & buy 500 shares @ $10/share & it goes to $11 than you just made 10% thats $500 &this happens all day everyday!!!

Or if you think a stock will go don in value just “short” the stock so when the price goes down in value u make money!

Once you sell you can withdraw your money in about 3-6days depending on your broker & how fast it takes for your fund to clear

but 1st you need to take acouple months to do alotttttt of research about the market & how stocks really work & find some stocks to watch to see how they about any news that might help or hurt the stock & test your knowledge

open a practice account & practice trading/investing with play money

you can study, get examples, & open a practice account all at

even if your good at your practice account remember investing with your REAL MONEY is alot different because emotions get involved


Laura asks…

What are some quick/easy ways to make money?

I’m a college student, sophomore. 19 years old and have been looking for a part-time job since I was 16. Had a job about 6-8 months ago and it only lasted 2 weeks because I was not ‘fit’ for the job apparently. It was a food place. I recently got a job at McDonalds, haven’t started yet, but I’m scared this will fall through as well. (I’m only working one day this week.)
My bf just got a job and started right away and has been working everyday. I’m so jealous. I want to make some money fast because I want to move out as soon as possible. I don’t want it to drag.
What can I do to make money as soon as possible?

Nagesh answers:

Register at a convinent store?

Helen asks…

Whats an easy way to make $2,000?

I’m a high school student that has high grades & this month i received two letters in the mail to go to New York City this summer for one week to study medicine. The program is AMAZING. It’s my dream to attend it. Even though this is an excellent program, it costs over $2,000 & it’s pretty pricey considering my mother is a single mother of two. When i graduate, I was to attend a college in NYC to study sports medicine & orthopedics. Do you know a simple, quick way to raise money that doesn’t involve getting a job?

Nagesh answers:

Reselling things, a loan, a garage/yard sale, maybe offer to teach people a skill you have (like if you are good at math, know a second language, or canplay an insturment). Or maybe offer a service (babysitting, cleaning, etc.). Good luck

Susan asks…

This pig of a co-worker of mine…?

There’s a ‘boy’ who is 26 years old from Hong Kong that I work with – sit right next to in fact. Here’s a quick briefing on how he interacts with me and his background. He came to the US during high school and attended high school in NY. He moved to California to go to college and majored in Business Administration. Before working where he is now, he sold items he and his wife bought for cheap through Hong Kong stores and had shipped here from friends and then sold them on ebay. On his statement of purpose for the MBA program he applied to, he called selling products on ebay his own ‘enterprise’ that he co-founded with a friend :/ He has a younger brother and sister who seem ok, albeit the brother is a Justin Bieber type Asian. This co-worker of mine married a girl when she was 18 – initally it was for him to be able to stay in the country since she is a US citizen and he was done with his degree. It is 2 years later almost, and they are separated because she cheated on him numerous times, and he likes to visit whorehouses since he can’t find a ‘slutty girl’ good enough for him apparently. Btw, he is obsessed with slutty looking girls as he refers to them and is almost all he talks about at work and is constantly showing me pictures of girls and pointing out girls around campus. He is up for his permanent green card in a few months, but now that he’s separated from his wife and living in his own $500/month shared house bedroom, if he gets called for an interview, he is offering to pay his wife to lie for him and pretend their marriage is still good so he can keep his green card. So already he has committed 2 crimes – a pretentious marriage and engaging in sex with paid professionals. Another thing – he applied to the job he currently holds so he could get a mostly paid for MBA degree. The university he works for pays for some of the tuition and now that he has a green card, he got student loans to cover the rest. But if he got fired from this job, he would lose that tuition benefit. To be frank, he really sucks at his job – we both have the same title, but his productivity and integrity is -500% below mine. The supervisor here is super nice, and knows how much of a loser/slacker this guy is, but yet when raise time came around, we got the same salary raise. This is not the way the world should work. When it comes to work etiquette, he talks on the phone all day long in Cantonese talking about slutty girls with his guy friends, talking about going to bars to hit on women, etc. I’m sure this would fall under some kind of sexual harassment category. Besides the incessant chatting, he brings the integrity of our work down by miscalculating numbers, evaluating a lot of the work incorrectly, among many other things – he has been here for almost 2 years now, and is the only one in the office who ‘doesn’t get it’ – the supervisor and myself have asked him to constantly remember to do ‘this’ and ‘that’, but nothing has changed. His attitude towards the job is so poor and selfish. He once spoke to me of trying to find ways to make money by accepting bribes from students to change their grades, etc. He offers to give me things in liu of me reporting to the supervisor the mistakes in his work reported to me by clients of ours. The fact that he is still at this job, very recently got the same pay raise as I just baffles me…….I need some explanation as to why this person has not been fired yet – I want the supervisor to see what I see….please help!
Oh and also, he has no tact for other people he doesn’t like – he constantly comments about others and how he hates “the n word” and other people we work with…

Nagesh answers:

Whew! Is right!
But is there a question here?

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Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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