Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Linda asks…

What’s a good way to make money as a stay at home mommy (:?

My son is 4 months old and I need a quick way to make money but still being at home.. I don’t want to sell anything because i soo wouldn’t be good at that. I’ve already tried avon! Help me please!!

Nagesh answers:

Some of my friends are going to school for medical billing. Sometimes you can do that at home. I’ve also known a couple of stay at home parents that did tech support (they were even trained and provided a computer) and data entry. It’s difficult to find a good work-from-home job. So many of them are scams.

Chris asks…

To New York Residents: What is the quickest way to get accepted to Housing?

I’m 17 yrs old and I don’t live with my parents. My father is away and my mother and I made a choice that is was best for me to leave my home because our lack of relationship and communication. Though we still talk when we can. I moved into my boyfriends home which is owned by his mother. At the time I moved in I had a stable job for over 18 months but was fired due to an emergency trip for a family member and I gave no notification. Now my boyfriend works in clothing store and I receive unemployment while still looking for a job. We made an agreement with his mom that we would move out Oct. 16. A couple of weeks after we both turn 18, but we haven’t been able to save money and have no place to go when we do need to leave. Now I want to apply for Housing, but I only want it to be temporarily until we get everything together. I would like to know what is the quickest way to get accepted or to receive a rapid response from Housing. I still have my application, what should I add?
To add I’m looking for a Housing Apartment. The Housing Application Office usually puts you in a housing project. I hope that was enough info, if you didn’t understand housing.
Also!! I do clean in this home, I do pay rent monthly. I also pay for the phone, T.V and internet. I have bought plenty of things for this house. But a signed agreement is a signed agreement. Because it also involved the landlord. She explained to him she was renting a room so that we would have the responsibilty of paying for that room.

Nagesh answers:

I did some researching into government housing (I live in NY State) while trying to find a place for a friend. It doesn’t seem to be based on your living situation or how sad of a story you have. If they have a vacancy and you can pay for it, you fill out the application and they accept you (if you pass the credit check, etc., normal stuff for applying for any apartment.) Rent, however, seems to be based on your income.

I’m no expert. I just did a little digging for a friend.

Steven asks…

Distance from home to university, how does it affect you?

I live in Newcastle and am looking to go to university in Southampton. However, what’s putting me off is the distance. The two cities are very far apart and there are quick ways to get back home from the university but they are expensive and we don’t have a lot of money. Is there anyone who is currently in this situation who can advise me on the best/cheapest ways to travel to and fro? Or any general advice?

Nagesh answers:

You can do advanced bookings for rail travel at the beginning and end of term.

You’ll probably find plenty in Southampton for the term time and won’t need to go home. (Besides, your mother deserves a break from the laundry.)

Charles asks…

How do I make money online from my home?

Does anyone know any ways of making money online from home? No scams please, im tired of them already. I would appreciate any ideas, thank you

Nagesh answers:

There are many different ways that are not scams, most however will require you to do a lot of work and learn, there is no such thing as a quick few grand, all those are scams.

– you can start a blog and gain a readership, then monetize it with ads
– you can try affiliate marketing
– you may offer a consulting service online if you have a skill (e.g. Graphic design)
– you can become a freelance writer, lots of work for those around
– you may become a freelance programmer

It all depends on your skills and how hard you’re willing to work.

Mark asks…

Quickest way to get through to a radio station for competitions?

What is the quickest way to get through everytime I dial I can never get through. There are so many radio stations giving away money for the holidays and I am trying to win some .

Nagesh answers:

Every day thousands of people win prizes from radio stations. My first winning was in 1960 – I won two tix to the Harlem Globetrotters from WFUN in Miami (or was it WQAM? – they were in a huge battle and WFUN was the new station in town), I was in Jr. High at the time; now called Middle School. The best part: my busy executive dad actually took me!

Just remember that a big station in a big city has tens of thousands of listeners and everyone wants to win; esp. Jonas Brothers.

Here’s some tips, though:

Whether you get through or how fast is dependent on where you live and the way your phone company is set up – true.

It is also based on the luck of the draw. These are all perfectly legal.

If you really want to win something, get as many people as you can together with the number programmed into their cell phone and when the buzzer buzzes, or whatever the signal is everybody just keeps hitting redial ’til they hear the busy signal, then does it again and again until your hear ringing, or the DJ says he has a winner. Be careful you don’t get so excited you hang up when you hear actual ringing, or a pause instead of the busy signal.

Or do the same thing on your home phone with one person trying for each line you have (some people have more than one line at their house). Home phones are generally quicker than cellphones. Also hook a phone into any fax lines you have.

Another method works, but only if the station has given a hint as to approximately when they will have the contest and you’ve done some homework.

“Clock” the station. Write down what happens and when, each hour, for a few days to get the station’s “format clock.” If you keep good notes you will discover at what time in the hour they play music and when they stop the music to play commercials, traffic, contests etc. (a “break”).

If they say “in the nine o’clock hour,” starting at the beginning of the anticipated first “break,” start calling.

Just have as many people calling as possible starting from about 10 seconds before each “element” ends. An element can be a song, commercial, traffic report etc. You may get lucky and sneak in just after they clear the phones for the contest.

Whether you are No 100 or whatever isn’t always important. If you get through and are quick with your story, sometimes you can talk the jock into letting you be the contestant. Remember they want someone who will sound excited (but not out-of-control) on the promo they’ll make of the winner ;<)

Make sure you have clear agreement with your friends on who goes if you do, by some miracle, win.

Good Luck!

-a guy named duh

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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