Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Susan asks…

How can i get money quick?

i need help i have a baby luckily i have people that care enough to take care of her but its not for long i need a job but every time i apply i never get a call back are there any ways to make some quick cash something like a quick job like a whole day helping with construction some one told me to go wait at home depot in the morning for some one to come by and offer me a jobbut im not sure.

Nagesh answers:

How about trying day labor, that way you only work when you want too. Also there are temporary employment services that will find you a job. Many times, if the employer likes you, they will hire you on permanently. I have had several jobs like that over the years.

Richard asks…

What is a way that I can earn money and work from home?

i am a stay at home mom with a 5yro and a 4moi would like to make some extra money not like a get rich quick but like a real thing here i actually make some cash

Nagesh answers:

The best way that I have found to be free during the day is a company called Pure Romance. We are an in home party plan that caters to women. I get to make a full time income on just 6 hours a week, but you can work more or less depending on your needs. I love my job! I get paid to party! That way, when you do spend time away from your children to work, it is adult time. You get to laugh and tell stories. Best of all, you make up to $200 an hour! Can’t beat that.

I’d love to chat with you about if Pure Romance could work in your life. I have helped lots of women acheive their career goals with this company. Please visit my website for more infomation, including my phone number if you want to call me with questions.

Robert asks…

Ways to make money at 13?

I Know: Babysitting( i have no one to babysit) Dog walking(no one owns dogs around here) Lemonade Stand(That’s not quick enough)E bay, Craigslist, etc.(my mom won’t let me sell things on websites) i don’t go to school(I’m home school) so i can’t sell anything there.

I need the money for Christmas presents(like 3) i just had a lot of things going on, and i forgot all about getting presents! i only have like 4-5 days to make at Least 30 dollars(or more)

Is there ANY way to get extra money at 13?!
I can’t do extra chores around the house for extra money right now!
i wouldn’t feel right taking money from an elderly person just for helping them a little. and i can’t even get a lawn mower started…. 🙁

Nagesh answers:

Well, if you have a special talent you could try busking, the malls are extremely busy (obviously) and a lot of people are very generous this time of the year. Or, see if you’ll be allowed to set up a stall of Christmassy food (like a bake sale) outside the mall or something, you could probably make a decent (ish) amount doing that.

OR if all that fails you could always make something from the heart, your family and friends will probably appreciate the time you took thinking of them even more than money spent on them. You could get ideas from here :;_ylt=AgblJdB8QmsombOc9XBh1_bHPYpQ;_ylv=3?qid=20071129194655AAzPoah,
as well as the other bajillions of websites you could potentially find. 🙂

William asks…

any legitamate asembleing crafts at home jobs??

i was just wondering if there are any legitamate asembleing crafts at home jobs…not the get rich quick scams, just a way to make a little extra cash on the side….if you have any websites or information that would be great…or any other quick money making ideas??

Nagesh answers:

There are none. You will have to pay to get the materials to make the crafts. Then you make them send them back and they tell you none of them are up to their standards. Make things and sell them yourself. Either on consignment in some store or get a booth at the fairs in your area or even on e-bay. Good luck.

Donald asks…

How do I make a quick $25 to $50?

I need a quick relatively easy way to make an extra $25 to $50. Christmas is coming soon and I need the extra cash for gifts. My job barely pays the bills and feeds me and unfortunately donating Plasma is out of the question because of the diabetes medicine I take. I’ve tried recycling at home and that helps with bills in the long run but in the short term it is kinda useless for money. Oh and no car so delivering or moving something is sadly out of the question.

Willing to consider any legal idea.


Nagesh answers:

Go to the local grocery store and ask to speak to the manager. Tell him for $50.00 you will clean the windows, pick up the trash in the parking lot, and sweep and mop the floors. It will take work, but you’ll get your 50. Make sure you do a good and thorough job. Don’t cut corners. To make money you must exchange it for value. The only value you can offer are your services. The more valuable your skill set is, the more you can charge.

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Monday, June 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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