Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Michael asks…

What is the best way for making money on Neopets?

i am sick of playing game and need a quick way, does anyone know any?

Nagesh answers:

Trading post
1) Pick 10 items you want to specialize in.
Like codestones, bottled faeries, map pc’s, neggs, etc….

2) Go to the wiz, find the lowest price they are selling for. Record this.
This will be the price you will sell the items for in your shop.

3) Go to the trading post and bid 500 nps less than the price you will sell the item for in your
shop. If someone has not accepted your offer within 15 minutes, take it down and bid on another.
Once you have the item, put it in your shop for the price you recorded from the wiz.

Neopets games–Go play each game the 3 times allowed or more if the game will continue giving

Guild games–visit each of the 5 pages once a week and play each game listed.

You can rack up a ton of np’s playing games.

Go to the guild home page and click on the link for freebie on the right hand side.

Linda asks…

What is the quickest/best way to remove cat odors from home?

A year ago, we purchased a new-to-us home and the previous owners had several cats. Apparently the (indoor) cats were predominately in the basement and were not litter box trained. It is a cement floor and I’ve heard they can be very porous. We’ve cleaned the basement several times and it seems like we have gotten rid of the odors, however when it rains or is humid, the odors return and spread through out the house. Any ideas on how to get rid of these smells once and for all?!

Thanks for the help!

Nagesh answers:

Time and fresh air will eventually do it; but how much time and the expense of a good ventilation system??
Just bust loose with some cash and hire a licensed professional. In the long run you will save money, time and frustration. The porous cement as well as not knowing what to treat, where and with what is gonna be at odds with you during this whole process.

Thomas asks…

How can I get out of my Bluegreen timeshare?

Bought a Bluegreen timeshare with good intentions but haven’t been able to use it at all so the money is being wasted. I would love to sell it, but most companies who say they will list timeshares want to charge ridiculous fees up-front with no guarantee of a sale.

Does anybody know the cheapest and quickest way to get rid of/sell a Bluegreen timeshare?

Nagesh answers:

If there is a mail box or a community bulletin board at your home resort, you can put a “For sale” sign. This will pressure the developer specially if they sell it for $20,000 USD and you offer it for $5,000. Sometimes on the fine print of some sale agreements says that the developer has the first right to buy if your place is ever sold. I have heard of developers paying the money (as long as is not too much) just to take the sign out.

To resale or rent a timeshare is a hard task, the basic rule is not to pay money up-front, don’t be another victim of a scam.

Unfortunately over 50% of people that really need to sell their timeshare falls for these resale scams where they charge money upfront and less than 10% of them use their only real option which is to post it or offer it trough free advertising options as much and as many sites as they can (it is ok to pay a few dollars to post in a great place but no more that $20 to $30).

Timeshares do not have resale value and in most situations you would take a loss in what you paid for, as they resale for less than $2000 USD.

There are some free classified where you can post:


Mary asks…

What is the quickest way to move out of my parents house asap?

None of my friends have enough money to move out yet and i haven’t seen anyone yet that needs roommates yet. Im trying to go to school next semester and i might have to switch to part time which im not sure if its even possible because i was hired as a full time employee. i make around 12 an hour, roughly 400 a week any ideas some people seem to do it effortlessly.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

William asks…

What are some quick ways to earn money?

I have a full time job, but I’m still not making enough money. I need a little job on the side, but not something that will take up too much time. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from home for 4 1/2 years.

It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email:

I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email (obviously for free)

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Monday, June 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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