Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

Thomas asks…

Does anyone know any ways to make money quick?

My Son is trying to save up for a laptop priced at 500 quid. Does anyone have any ways for him to make money

Nagesh answers:

It depends on how old he is. I don’t think that there are any legal ways to make “quick money”. If your son is too young to get a job, suggest these ideas: gift basket business (my sister made $72 net profit at the mall selling gift baskets and she’s 11), tutoring younger students, house sitting, babysitting, lawn care service, computer consultant, graphic design/web site design business, bike/skateboard repair, pet sitting, pet grooming and walking service, or washing cars.

Michael asks…

What are some ways to make quick money?

My friend and I really want to go on a road trip to California sometime this year but we are both broke. I am already trying to get some money babysitting but what are some other things we can do? Don’t tell us to get a job at a movie theatre or anything like that we won’t have any vacation time and we would have to quit. We are both 16 so nothing to crazy. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell things you no longer need. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don’t listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two.
2. Sell crafts. If you’re a dab hand at making something quickly that people want, do so and sell it either online (sites like Etsy are great for handmade goodies) or at local craft fairs or other community-based sales.
3. Sell stock photos. Stock photos are relatively easy to take and, once you’ve posted them to your stock-photo account, can make money fairly passively.
4. Sell scavenged valuables. If you have a metal detector, go to public places (especially parks, beaches, and other areas where people are likely to drop something unnoticed) and look for jewelry and other goods.
5. Sell things walking about the roadside. Entrepreneurial sorts sell things like cold drinks on hot days or hot nuts in winter. But it can be dangerous work and it may be illegal, so check the laws and watch the traffic with great care. A safer option is a roadside stall, where people have to park the car and come and see your wares.

Helen asks…

What are some good ways to make quick money?

I am a teenager saving to buy a PS3 but i need more money so what are some good methods. PS3’s are like 200 bucks so… i need some good methods.

Nagesh answers:

Depending how old you are get a job.if you live at home do extra chores.

Jenny asks…

what are some quick ways to make money without getting a job, i need money before 3 weeks is up?

i have untilll the 23rd to make some money 100$ or more, how do i do it if im only a 16 yr old girl?

Nagesh answers:

I dunno – what do you look like?????

Ken asks…

Quick ways to make money on Animal Crossing City Folk Wii?

It’s like so hard 2 get money… apart from fishing which is like so slow! I know there is that time changing one, which results in a lot of weeds- I don’t want that, and the fruit harvesting one.

Nagesh answers:

The money rock is a good one but it will take a while if you do the “dig holes” around you trick. Just keep pressing the directional toward the rock as you hit it so you don’t loose your balance. Also if you use a golden shovel you get an extra bag of cash. It takes practice to keep hitting the rock and getting all the cash out so just keep trying. Like I said the digging thing is to much because there are like 6 rocks in town. You usually get anywhere from $5000 to $8000. To get the golden shovel, bury a regular shovel, move 4 days ahead and dig it up.

Now the fruit thing is the most benifitial, but the most boring. Take a $500 fruit and plant a crap load of them outside of Nooks store. A pocket full will fetch you $7500 each time. Much faster than fishing or hitting rocks and much more productive. I have about 40 of them planted outside the shop. Advance to 4 days after you deplete them, that is how long it takes for them to bear more fruit. And when planting them take the time to water them with the watering can for a higher tree survival rate.

I know the harvesting thing is boring, but I already have my entire house paid off (yes the 598,000 loan) and made a $200,000 donation to the town fund which got me a new bridge. Now I’m just playing for fun and to buy some of that fancy furniture in town at Gracie Grace’s store lol!

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Wednesday, September 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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