Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Steven asks…

Anyone made themselves bankrupt? UK please?

I am considering making myself bankrupt because I am pregnant and due to go on maternity leave anyday now so all I will be living on is maternity pay. I am currently on a debt management scheme where I pay 100 quid a month (all my debts rolled into one) but thats the lowest repayment I can do a month. I currently rent a house with my partner and we share a car which he pays the monthly fee (we had to take out a loan for the car but he pays it back to his parents – they paid the loan off) on that. All our money goes on each month is rent/council tax/water/electricity/gas/loan/debt management/car insurance/fuel/food/contents insurance etc. We have literally hardly any money left over and this is only gonna get worse when I go on maternity. We could do the easy option and get a council house but I dont wanna scrounge. Would it be easier for me to make myself bankrupt so that will be 100 quid less a month I will have to pay and that will come in handy for the baby?

Nagesh answers:

Old question.

Richard asks…

How to safeguard money if EURO Fails?

Hey, Im an 18 year old guy from ireland.
Day after day, the liklihood of eurozone failure becomes more more inevitable. and it is very very worrying. I see news that British Banks are preparing for a total collapse of the Euro Currency.
All my savings are In Euro, Obvioulsy. and what would happen to a small country like Ireland if the single currency looks grim. seriously grim.
If the currency does fail, obvioulsy a new currency must be put in place. Two options for Ireland i see is its old currency Punts, or the UK currency Pounds.
I think going back to punts will be disastrous for us, as clearly we owe ridiculous amounts of money to the IMF, our currency would rapidly devalue, leaving the cost of goods and services extremly expensive for us. so clearly pound would leave us under a better security blanket. I see rapid inflation happening, like a 1920’s Germany.

Point is, if the Euro collapses, my savings more then likely is going to devalue, and not be protected as the truth is ireland has no money for protecting its savings, even though there is bank guarentee in place, the fact is, its going to make the whole problem worse if it uses the bank guarentee scheme.

I want to plan Now, and take action today protect my savings, obviously its not millions of euros, i wouldnt be getting advice here if it was, but I want my money safer, and worth something to international standards, if that makes sense.

What should I do with my savings ??
Convert it to US$, Aussie$, Yen?? british Pounds (doesnt seem so wise,) or invest in gold, ?? what should i really do ?? in your opinion???

Nagesh answers:

Buy gold or another commodity. The reason precious metal prices jump during recessions is that people are afraid of currency, so they put their money into metals.

Mary asks…

do many small businesses….such as landscapers, building sub contractors keep up with the stock market too?

as everything is dependant on how much money the people at the top are making isnt it? if they are not making lots of money in the ponzi scheme…how can the guy cutting the grass every week be paid ?



Nagesh answers:

It’s a good idea to invest (including save) some of what your business earns. Becoming a smart investor means learning how markets work.

Lizzie asks…

Q over deposit and douch landlord! uk only please!?

Ok so moved into house year ago, signed a tenancy agreement, no inventory, and just realised no deposit scheme sheet thing. Moved out, house was immaculate, no damage to anything. Douch landlord has told us that he’s keeping £120 for the fridge. Apparantly the fridge in the house isn’t the original fridge (it is) and apparantly they don’t need a signed inventory, they go off memory and they have pictures and a receipt. This is bull btw! In the contract it states ‘2.4, … And if any item on the inventory requires repair, replacing or cleaning pay for the same’ so my question is.
1. If we didn’t sign something that says our deposit is in scheme does that mean its illegally in a scheme? What can we do?
2. With no signed inventory, do they have a leg to stand on in regards to claiming money on a different fridge even though there is a working, original fridge in there??! Are we likely to win?

We took our last landlords to the TDS and won our deposit back so we know how it works, but these douches are adamant they are in the right so its making me doubt my knowlege on deposits and the dispute system!

Thank you so much in advance!

Zoe (ryanpst’s better half)

Nagesh answers:

I think you need legal help.

Linda asks…

Help! Bad Landlord? UK advice please!?

Me and my partner are renting a garden flat.We’ve been living here since 25th June this year although our paper work was all signed on 29th May, we were moving a long way and had to put rent down to cover June although we didn’t actually move in until 25th.

Anyway, after being here a few days we noticed our rather poorly built conservatory was leaking. I don’t think it was originally a conservatory i believe it was a green house as it’s got corrugated plastic roof. It was leaking down one beam on the inside of the roof and we had to put a pan down to catch the drips. We rang the Landlord loads and after a month he eventually sent a bloke out that was recommended to him. He turned out to be a cowboy and sprayed some of that ‘No More Gaps’ stuff in the corner of the room where he believed it was coming in. So we now have a great green blob in the corner of the room and it didn’t even work. It hasn’t stopped the water coming in it has merely allowed the water to travel down other beams and walls. So now we have to put several pans down. We also have a plug out there that doesn’t have an on/off switch so is constantly on, the water runs down this wall and we have had to put blu tack along the wall to steer the water away from the plug.

It is now December and our roof is still leaking. He came out last week (for the FIRST TIME since we moved in) with his financial advisor to look at the exterior of the property for some reason and didn’t even mention our roof. He did how ever have a moan at us about water marks on the carpet out there and said it was from our 2dogs (who are both house trained) and not the roof and that it was going to be expensive to replace after we leave! I’d like to say now that the carpet out there is very old and had a rip in it before we moved in, this is all covered in our inspection papers before we moved in and we all signed it. Which is good but i’m still worried that he might take some of our deposit for the carpet even though it already needed replacing before we moved in. He’s using the water marks as an excuse to keep our money to replace an already damaged carpet. We cannot help the watermarks – if we are at work and it rains no one is here to put the pans down. And we aren’t moving out anyway.

This morning we were looking through our Tenancy Agreement and in the ‘Landlord agrees to…’ bit it says he is responsible for the upkeep of the structure of the building. Which he hasn’t done and it’s now been over 6months. It also says that he keeps the deposit until we leave and doesn’t say anything about it being protected. We’ve found out that from April 2007 all deposits are to be legally protected by government approved, registered protection schemes. We have lived in other rented property before and we were told our deposit was protected and was given a certificate number so if we were to dispute with our Landlord for keeping any deposit we did it through the protection scheme. But since moving here we haven’t received anything telling us our deposit has been protected. So as that is now law does that make our Tenancy Agreement void because he hasn’t done what he is meant to do with the upkeep of the building and has broke the law by not having our deposit protected? We tried to ring his financial advisor on the number he has given us but the line just goes dead. The Landlord also hasn’t given us his personal address so how are we meant to write to him to report anything? If everything is done by phone there is no proof of what has been said. He has given us the address of his financial advisor but if the phone numbers a dud the address might be too.

Any help much appreciated x
Bog off charterman u useless waste of space. My question was for people who actually know what they are talking about. You obviously don’t or you wouldn’t be telling me to fix it. You wanna send me the money so it can be done? It’s not up to me to fix a frigging roof it is upto the landlord dumbass. Anyone with atleast a brain cell knows that tenants aren’t allowed to fix anything to do with the structure of the building as if it were done wrong i’d lose more than my deposit and will have another bill to put it right. Twat.

Nagesh answers:

Sounds as if you’ve got a badd’un here, after Christmas go to C.A.B….in the meanwhile take photographs of the water dripping and the pans etc. Assume that you deposit isn’t protected and effectively write it off as the landlord is likely to use the dogs as an excuse to keep it, keep a diary of every problem

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Saturday, November 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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