Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Daniel asks…

Can I get financial help to help look after my child as I have mobility problems?

I have recently been diagnosed with 2 slipped discs and an impinged nerve in my back. I have a 16 month old son and am struggling to look after him while my partner’s at work as I can’t lift him or chase after him if needs be as I’m on crutches and in a lot of pain. Would I be eligible for financial help to have someone come in and help me?

Nagesh answers:

As someone else mentioned do apply for DLA as you sound entitled. You can also phone up your local social services adult help desk and ask for an OT assessment and social worker assessment. The OT will come out and assess what aides and adaptations you need and are eligible for. You can be lent a stair lift for example, if you need it, a bath lift or an electric bed.

The OT can also lend you a manual wheelchair. Would it be easier to follow your little one around the house in a chair? He can also sit on your lap if you need to transport him from room to room. If he’s a wriggler then a pair of reigns or similar child restraint can secure him to you. You can also borrow a wheelchair for free from the red cross.

There are disabled facilities grants of up to £15,000 to make adaptations to your home if necessary. I am waiting to have a wet room put in and a wheelchair height kitchen counter.

A social worker can help if possible with getting you some help in the house. It will depend on your partner’s earnings though. There is a scheme called direct payments. If you are eligible then you are given money to employ your own help.

Home start are a fantastic charity that helps parents who need advice or practical help with young children. They are there to help parents with all kinds of needs including sickness and disability. You can self refer. The link is
to see what help they offer a real family watch “saints and scroungers” series 3 episode 20 on bbc iplayer.

Ask the social worker for information on other charities that can help you. Also speak to your health visitor, she will be the woman in the know. There is help out there it’s just finding it to resource it.

Useful links:

if you find you do need financial help with ant equipment, then this is a great charity to approach:

i hope you get the help you need asap. Best wishes, A x

Susan asks…

(UK) what legal rights do I have regarding the return of my deposit from a rental property?

Never failed to pay rent
No damage to property
not in breach of tenancy agreement

Landlord refusing to discuss the return of my deposit – what legal rights do I have about this and where can I go for (free) help and support?

Do we have the right to keep our keys and some belongings at the property until our deposit is returned?

Nagesh answers:

The tenant can apply for a court order requiring the deposit to be safeguarded or the prescribed information to be given to him. Where the court is satisfied that the landlord has failed to comply with these requirements, or is not satisfied that the deposit is being held in accordance with an authorised scheme, the court must either –

order the landlord within 14 days of the making of the order to repay the deposit; or
order the landlord to pay the deposit into the designated account held by the custodial scheme administrator.
The court must also order the landlord to pay to the tenant (or person who paid the deposit on his/her behalf) an amount equivalent to three times the deposit amount within 14 days of the making of the order.

Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme for tenants
Are you a tenant renting from a private landlord?

Had problems getting your deposit returned?

If the answer to these two questions is yes, then you will need to be aware of new laws coming into force from 6th April 2007 which will require your landlord to protect your deposit.

Any deposit money you pay to your landlord from the 6th April 2007, must be placed with an approved scheme. This won’t apply if you have already paid your deposit before this date on an existing assured shorthold tenancy.

There are two schemes your landlord can choose to use. The Insurance Based Scheme and the Custodial Scheme. If there is a dispute over the return of your deposit then it will be passed to an Alternative Dispute Resolution service. This is an independent person who will decide if your money should be returned. Your landlord must give you legal information about which scheme they have used within 14 days of paying your deposit.

As a tenant it is important that you ask for a receipt from your landlord when you pay your deposit as this is your proof that you’ve paid it.

It will be good practice for your landlord to use inventories and schedules of condition. These are records about the property telling you what furniture is included and what standard the property is in eg chipped paint on doors. This will help both you and your landlord know what condition the property is in at the start of the tenancy.


If the landlord fails to look after your deposit and place in the approved scheme or fails to inform you about it, they will be unable to use the two month notice that asks you to leave the property. As a tenant you will be able to apply to the County Court by filling in the appropriate form, to order the landlord to either repay the deposit or order the landlord to pay the deposit into one of the two schemes. Your landlord would also be ordered to pay you three times the level of the deposit.

The reason for this new law is to encourage good renting practice so both landlords and tenants know their interests are protected.

Take lots of video proof of the condition of your houes and the landlord inspecting (covertly) so he cant arge the facts, if he says your wrecked it and get it in writing.

Michael asks…

Justice Minister plans tough prison regime in the UK do you agree with him?

Chris Grayling MP the Justice Minister plans to ban Sky TV in prisons, force prisoners to wear drab uniforms, give them less pocket money, have fewer TVs in cells and ban gay couples from sharing cells. He thinks this tough regime will cut crime. What are your views?.

Nagesh answers:

Whether it cuts crime or not it is a measure which ought to be applauded.

A prison sentence is, among other things, supposed to include an element of deterrent. Giving inmates a cushy life is therefore not appropriate.

Cutting crime will require a few more initiatives than just this though, I’d suggest longer sentences and an end to the automatic half-way release scheme. For example I believe even a first-time (caught, that is) dwelling house burglar should get five years. And that means five, not two and a half.

That coupled with a less luxurious stay in jail might concentrate some minds in the future that they don’t want to go through another five years (I’d make it seven for a second offence) and not commit the crime.

You can forget all those cosy ideas of rehabilitation: they simply don’t work and all the while the crims are out on the streets able and willing to do more crime. More victims. That must be what the lefties want! Why? All these hopelessly out-of-touch leftie academics ought to get into the real world for a change. One thing is irrefutable: while locked up a criminal can commit no crime.

And all this nonsense about ‘social justice’ (another posh trendy phrase which seems to mean that crims rather than victims ought to be given more) is misleading; people know they ought not to break into someone else’s house. It really is very simple. But all the time the left make excuses for them. Maybe somehow they have never been burgled?

I am sick of prisoners being given all the attention and rights; what about the poor innocent victims? Some people never recover from being burgled. It’s a particularly nasty crime.

Nancy asks…

So much blame for the economic crisis on irresponsible home buyers?

Predatory lenders are just to blame. Thousands more of long time homeowners are also going into foreclosure, not because they are irresponsible, but as a result of loss of long term jobs, paying out of pocket expenses for outrageous medical costs (including those not covered by their present or former employers) struggling with the high cost of inflation from every direction. Many have depleted their life savings. This economy has been going downhill for at least the past five years.

So what got us to this point?

All comments appreciated.

Thanks pstot, I was wondering where all the economists were tonight. Maybe in Washington!

Nagesh answers:

Criminals in high positions of power got us into this situation. Their greed and their taking advantage of the system, and their manipulation of politics to do away with most of the protections provided by the Constitution was key in setting up this mess.

And it was entirely intentional. It is another power grab.

If you frighten people enough then they will give up their freedoms and rights to you if you offer to provide a solution to their problems – this principle was the key behind Hitler’s rise to power and it was also behind 9/11 and the war in Iraq and now the current financial upsets. The bailout legislation contained wording that would allow Paulson to do whatever he wanted with the taxpayers’ 700 Billion, and it would place him above the law – wording to the effect that no federal court could prosecute him for anything he does was in the bill. And he is but one of the many evil men that now have control.

There is a website run by GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Association) that is at: where you can find many articles written by honest and knowledgeable financial experts – they have seen this coming for awhile.

Although this website is by subscription you can get a 2-week free membership. I highly recommend that you check it out. Right now there is an article on the suspect activities of Paulson and his cronies – past and present.

Here is a sample:

Financial Tsunami: The End of the World as we Knew it
By F. William Engdahl*
1 October 2008

The unexpected US Congress’ rejection of the Bush Administration financial rescue plan, TARP on September 29 has opened up the spectre for the first time of a 1931-style domino wave of worldwide bank failures. That is already underway across the US banking spectrum with the failure, nationalization or forced liquidation in the past two weeks of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, of the giant Washington Mutual mortgage lender, of the nation’s fourth largest deposit bank, Wachovia. That was on top of a wave of smaller bank failures that began with IndyMac in the spring. For some it is appealing and more simple to grasp the magnitude of these titanic events in the US-centered financial world by assuming it is all part of a pre-planned grand conspiracy by the Money Masters, what in the 1920s in the USA was termed the Money Trust, to control the entire financial world.

As the details of the present crisis reveal, there are huge ideological fault lines making for chaos and a potential meltdown of the Laissez Faire financial system. That present system, which was built on the back of Wall Street financial and banking deregulation since 1987 when Alan Greenspan, a devout follower and close friend of radical individualist Ayn Rand, became Wall Street’s man at the Federal Reserve for almost 19 years, is over now with the failure of the Henry Paulson $700 billion bailout scheme. Governments worldwide now face no alternative but to begin the painful process of putting the financial genie back in the bottle and re-regulating an out-of-control financial system. The failure of the UK Government and the US Government to address that fundamental issue is behind the present crisis of confidence.

A brief look at history

The Great Depression in Germany in 1931 began with a seemingly minor event—the collapse of a bank in Vienna, Creditanstalt, that May. For readers interested in more on the remarkable parallels between that crisis and that of today, I recommend the treatment in my earlier volume, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order.

That Vienna bank collapse in turn was triggered by a political decision in Paris to sabotage an emerging German-Austrian economic cooperation agreement by pulling down the weakest link of the post-Versailles system, the Vienna Creditanstalt. In the process, Paris triggered a series of tragic events that led to the failure of the German banking system over a period of several weeks. The post-1919 Versailles System, much like the post-1999 US Securitization System, was built on a house of cards with no foundation. When one card was removed, the entire international financial edifice crumbled.
Then, in 1931, there was an inept Brüning government in Germany, which believed severe austerity was the only solution, merely feeding unemployment lines to pay the Young Plan German reparations to the new Bank for International Settlements in Basle.

Then, in 1931 George Harrison, a Germano-phobe, was the inexperienced Governor of the powerful New York Federal Reserve. Harrison was a member of the anglophile Skull & Bones, the elite Yale University secret society which also included George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush as initiates. Harrison, who went on to coordinate the secret Manhattan Project on the development of the Atomic bomb under fellow Skull & Bones member, War Secretary Henry Stimson, believed the crisis had started not from abroad but with German bankers trying to make a prof

David asks…

What is the role of the royal family within Britain’s governmental hierarchy?

Are they just a horse and pony show.. or is there a real function of the royal family, do they have power and how are they paid?

Nagesh answers:

They support the Queen and only a few members of the family receive money to run their offices;they don’t get paid to be royal.
They don’t have political powers,just influence:

“Members of the Royal Family support The Queen in her many State and national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the areas of public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and stability.

Those who undertake official duties are members of The Queen’s close family: her children and their spouses, and The Queen’s cousins (the children of King George VI’s brothers) and their spouses.
Younger members of the Royal Family who are presently in education or military training – such as Prince William and Prince Harry – do not undertake official duties full-time, but often play a role in important national events and commemorations.
Every year the Royal Family as a whole carries out over 2,000 official engagements throughout the UK and worldwide.
These engagements may include official State responsibilities. Members of the Royal Family often carry out official duties in the UK and abroad where The Queen cannot be present in person. The Prince of Wales and The Princess Royal, for example, may present members of the public with their honours at an Investiture.
When official events such as receptions, State banquets and garden parties are held, the Royal Family supports The Queen in making her guests welcome.
Members of the Royal Family also often represent The Queen and the nation in Commonwealth or other countries, at events such as State funerals or national festivities, or through longer visits to strengthen Britain’s diplomatic and economic relations.
The Royal Family also plays an important role in supporting and encouraging the public and charity sectors. About 3,000 organisations list a member of the Royal Family as patron or president.
The huge range of these organisations – covering every subject from education to the environment, hospitals to housing – allows members of the Royal Family to meet people from a wide spectrum of national and local life, and to understand their interests, problems and concerns.
2,000: the number of official engagements carried out by the Royal Family each year in the UK and overseas.
70,000: the number of people entertained each year to dinners, lunches, receptions and garden parties at the Royal residences.
100,000: the number of letters received and answered each year by the Royal Family.
Some members of the Royal Family have also established their own charities – for example, The Prince’s Trust, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, a charity which provides advice and support for people acting as carers.
The Royal Family also plays an important role in recognising and supporting the work of the Armed Services. Members of the Royal Family have official relationships with many units of the Forces, paying regular visits to soldiers, sailors and airmen serving at home and abroad.
Finally, the Royal Family as a whole plays a role in strengthening national unity. Members of the Royal Family are able to recognise and participate in community and local events in every part of the UK, from the opening of new buildings to celebrations or acts of commemoration.
The Queen working by herself would be unable to attend every engagement to which she is invited. Members of the Royal Family can undertake local or specialist engagements which would otherwise have to be declined. “

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Thursday, November 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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