Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Maria asks…

What can you do to ensure a comfortable retirement?

My mother is retiring next year.

What can she do now, within the UK personal finance spectrum (savings schemes, tax credits, pension scheme tricks and tips, discount schemes for pensioners) that will mean she can enjoy a nice lump sum on retirement?

She worked for the NHS for a time, but now works in a private health care and I’m pretty sure she has a private pension scheme too. Does that change things?

All answers ABOVE BOARD please! :o]

Nagesh answers:

On the personal finance level, I can’t advise you – but in terms of your mum thinking about her health in future years, she should definitely look at setting up some kind of arrangement with you / other kids/ trustworthy relatives whereby she can sign her house over to you (that is, if she is an owner-occupier).

You probably know that if your mum goes into care, she will have to use any savings above 18k to pay for her care – i.e. In effect she would need to sell her home to pay for it.

IN the long run it may well therefore make a lot of sense for her to ‘give’ the house to you – and she uses the money for herself over the years – I think legally you would need to charge has a small nominal rent.

This is all entirely legal. It means your mum could enjoy the capital in her home right now and in ‘nearer’ future years, and then if she does need to move into local authority or housing association sheltered accommodation or a care home, the state would have to pay, rather than your mum using her own money.

Something else your mum could look at is whether her existing home is in tip-top condition to prepare her for retirement – increasing age and fraility etc. Check out if you have a ‘Home Improvement Agency’ in your area. They specialise in helping over-60s and/ or disabled people stay living in their own home for as long as possible – i.e. They are entirely trustworthy and will do repairs, adaptations – sometimes for free, sometimes for a small fee.

Laura asks…

Where can I get some information about moving to a different country?

I would like a list of skills that would make me eligible for a work visa in the UK.Also I would like to know how much money I would need to have in savings.I need numbers please.

Nagesh answers:

This is a basic guide to the ‘rare skills’ qualification for obtaining a visa/work permit in the UK ”The highly skilled migrant programme is a points based immigration scheme that looks at five main areas where points can be scored. These include: • educational qualifications • work experience • past earnings • your achievement in your chosen field • your husband’s, wife’s or unmarried partner’s achievements You need to score 65 points or more to qualify as a highly skilled migrant’

James asks…

Why is taxpayers money always wasted on silly things?

I have just read an article which cropped up when I went to check my emails. A girl named Josie Cunningham has had a £4,800 boob job on the NHS. She argued it was causing her “emotional distress” and that her new breasts will enhance her “glamour modelling career”. I thought the NHS was for people with medical problems etc? One of my Mums neighbours has terminal cancer; why cant there be money spent on helping someone like that rather than a silly little girl who wants big boobs?

A guy in my block of flats as well gets his rent paid and council tax paid for him. He is an alcoholic junkie and for months on end made everyones life a misery in the block by causing anti social behaviour. Everytime I went to lock up my front door, he would come down the stairs smashed off his face on Lambrini (would always carry ten empty bottles of it) and then he would start making nasty remarks to me. Every night was awful because he would shout and scream from 12am-6am. I’d have to get up early, that idiot would get to lounge around and sleep all day on taxpayers money.

In the UK, we have a Taxpayers Alliance. What is the purpose of it if money is still being wasted on people like this, or am I missing the point? Why can people not have a say on where they want their money to go? I know, this sounds like a ridiculous scheme, but a yearly vote e.g I want 50% of my tax to go on the army and helping soldiers in Afghanistan, 20% on the NHS, etc etc.
That’s my point Naheed. Why is money like that being wasted??

Joe- I would be interested in some examples that you mentioned.
Athena, I have no idea what you are talking about, this is no “cut and paste” question even though you seem to be under the illusion it is…

Nagesh answers:

I agree. Thieving bankers have stolen billions (STILL GOT BONUS PAY) and we, the tax payer bale them out !!!!! The world is mad.

Michael asks…

Does Labour really think that we can borrow our way out of our deficit?

Before the 2010 UK election , Labour said that deep cuts would have to be made in government spending , after the election .

After the election , they continued to say that deep cuts were necessary — but argued against every cut proposed by the Coalition government .

And now, for the past year they appear to have decided that any spending cuts are necessary at all .Instead , they have simply argued for a net reduction in taxation and an increase in borrowing , in order to pursue a dash for growth strategy .

Do they really think that we can simply borrow our way out of our deficit/debt — or is this just a cynical ploy to get elected?
Mac: Any fool can say something like — If we borrow £100 at 2% interest per annum ,over 20 years ,and invest that £100 so as to get a return of £8 per annum , then since the loan only costs us £5 per annum in capital repayments and £2 per annum in interest charges, then we will make a £1 profit every year .

That’s the problem with such “if” scenarios, they are meaningless as you can make them prove anything .
More trustworthy is the fact that experience has taught us that no government , particularly Labour governments, have ever managed to pull off that trick –if they could , we would be living in a tax free society .

Nagesh answers:

In the run up to the election the Tories said they would cut the deficit in one parliament, Labour said they would do it over a longer period whilst investing in growth.
We actually came out of recession thanks to Labour, then the Tories came in and pulled the rug out from under the recovery by deep cuts and no investment in growth and the economy. At the rate the Tories are going, it will take 400yrs to clear our debt, proof that all they said and all they are doing is bollo/cks.
The Tories are borrowing billions over what they said they would, the problem is they aren’t doing anything with it to create growth and stimulate the economy. Borrowing is not necessarily a bad thing if it creates jobs and growth as the extra taxes from this along, with having less benefits to pay out, will offset the cost.
We can borrow at present at an historically low rate of 2%, so there’s no reason not to borrow now and start the infrastructure projects that we will need to start at some point in the future. I would suggest starting with a massive rental accommodation program. At the end of the day there are 2.5 million people unemployed. Many of these will get just as much in benefits if they were working, so they might as well be working.

Heres a scenario of how you can borrow money to get out of debt:

Let’s say you are in debt owing £300 and someone offers you a job of work for a month earning £500 a week and getting paid at the end of the month, the only problem is it’s miles away and you haven’t got the money for transport to get there. So you see a freind and ask if you can borrow £100 to cover your transport costs, he says he wants 2% interest on the money, you agree to this, work for a month, pick up £2000, pay your friend £102, pay off your original debt of £300 and you make £598. All done by borrowing money and investing in something that would make you a decent profit in the long term.

Labour have also promised to tax the bankers and spend the money on getting the million young unemployed into work with apprentiseships and such things. They have also promised to cut VAT which will also stimulate the economy as people will be able to buy more for their money. They have also promised tax breaks for firms that pay the living wage, although in my opinion they should just bring in the living wage without the tax breaks. It shouldn’t be up to the taxpayer to subsidise workers wages. The only businesses that should get tax breaks are small ones, not large corparations that make billions.

You need to look into how the country was transformed under Bevan with a house building scheme in the depression.
The basics at present are that we are paying millions of people benefits and could employ them at just the same cost, that means much of the labour for anything that is done will technically cost no more than it’s costing now, so basically free labour. We are going to need to build rental accommodation, so it makes sense to do it now. Once people have a home then they have to fill it with the usual things, everything from beds, cookers, fridges, tv’s to knives and forks, that would be a boost for the economy in itself.
Your attitude seems to be to let the Tories carrying on borrowing billions without seeing any real growth at all, that’s just insane. In case you haven’t noticed, austerity isn’t working, so something else needs to be tried, but that’s not going to happen under the stupid, arrogant chancellor that we have at present.
As for you saying what I wrote was stupid, I just gave you a scenario of how many can be made by borrowing, to show that there are times that borrowing can be good in the long term, it just depends what you borrow it for. But surely borrowing to build something at a time when interest is historically low and employment is high, is better than leaving it until the rates rise and we have low unemployment.

Ruth asks…

How can this woman keep giving all this money away?

Does it make her feel important? I thought that the european economy was in free-fall!
Bear, you forgot to mention all the pocket linings required too for the politicians!

Nagesh answers:

What a bloody joke she is, we should leave Africa to sort out it’s own affairs and we should also be very choosy about who we allow into Europe. We give money to Africa, and then we give some more, then even more, and nothing changes. Instead of giving money I think we should give them the idiots who come up with these hare brained schemes instead. We must look after our own people first, but politicians don’t want to do that and ignore us as we are just the ignorant fools that elected them in the first place. They arrogantly think that they know what’s best but they really don’t.

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Wednesday, August 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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