Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

George asks…

Is it worth installing solar panels to your house?

I am led to believe that with the government scheme it has become attractive to invest in solar panels for your house. The installation costs are around £12,000 and I believe you only gain after about 25 or 30 years. Does anyone know if there are any calculations on cost and money saved over this period of time? It is certainly a long term investment. I would like to see the calcualtions before I spend this kind of money! Can anyone help? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

UK reply

We have installed solar panels that we own so know how the system works, as long as you are in Southern England, the further south you are the more money you make. Ideal position is facing due South, but SW – SE is OK. We are SSW.

“Free” panels are just that. The house owner gets the “free” use of electricity generated so you can save on your electric bill.
However to fully benefit you have to be careful when you use electricity. For example if you use a washing machine / dishwasher / tumble dryer at night when the panels aren’t generating you don’t/can’t get free electricity! During a sunny day the panels might be generating 1kw but if you switch on a 2kw appliance you pay for the excess1kw needed to run the appliance.
So yes you will save some money on your electric bill but probably only 40% certainly not 100% of your bill.

The owner of the panels (i.e us!) is the one to benefit. We have a 4kWh system (biggest allowed under Government subsidy) and get paid +/-46p per kilowatt hour generated. This is guaranteed by the Government for 25 years!

We all buy electricity from the Power Companies at 12-14p unit so it is a huge subsidy – which the rest of you are paying – not the Government – one reason why bills are so expensive now!

As a generalisation the capital cost was £12,000 but I expect to earn +/- £1600 year. To put another way although I still buy some electricity (at night time for example) and all gas in effect we will be getting all our energy “for free” and about £600 extra cash in hand!

We have gas heating (now only for space heating) but now heat our water electrically with combination of offpeak electricity at night (5p/unit) and from our panels during the day.

If you have the cash BUY YOUR OWN as the scheme is Government guaranteed for 25 years!
In investment terms it is a 8-12% TAX FREE return for 25 years – you can’t get anything like that anywhere else.

If you want more specific help email me and I can do the figures for your house and send some pictures of our installation, which took less than one day with minimal inconvenience.

Basically you have the panels on your roof, an inverter(converts the panels DC output to AC mains) in your loft, a conduit running down to your consumer unit and input meter. If it is carefully done all you can see is a conduit down your outside wall.

P.S. Even on dull days it still generates. Recently on a rainy grey overcast day we were still generating about 240w. So in January when it will be freezing with perhaps snow on the ground as long as the sun is shining we will be generating! It converts light to power – heat is not needed to make it work!

We have been running 8 weeks and generated 900kWh so far, that is about £400 to come from our Power Company!

Nancy asks…

How can i make money with my website?

I have a website that reviews other people’s website for free. How can I make money with it and how can I make more people to visit my website for free? My website had just been recently made and i’ve only recently reviewed 3 website. HELP

Nagesh answers:

To get more people to your site try these 10 low cost ways to promote your website

if you haven’t already i’d split your site into sections so you review all fishing websites in one section, motoring websites in another section and web hosting sites in another section, and so on. That way you can use targeted ads… I’d start off small with google ads or affiliate schemes such as and then once you build the site up and have a good flow of visitors to the site try approaching large firms who offer products/services to the people you are targeting

best of luck with it! Rebecca

Charles asks…

Whats the best on line credit card payment scheme that does not have a montly charge?

I cannot get the PayPay CC on-line payment system to work, so wonder if anyone knows of a good simple CC payment system that does NOT require a montly payment – ie a percentage is charged per transaction.
I just need to have a payment button on a web site that customers can click on and then make their payment.


Nagesh answers:

Don’t know what the problem is with Paypal (I presume that’s who you mean). We’ve used them for some time without any problems.

We did investigate Netbanx as an alternative because Paypal has a transaction limit of £650 unless the buyer has a Paypal account. Netbanx charges £20 a month or a percentage of your transactions, whichever is the larger amount. They seemed about the best bet and the delay in transferring money to your account was less than any of the other providers. They’re also based in the UK and it’s easy to talk to real people when you have questions!

Try persevering with Paypal as they’re the most economic solution.

Chris asks…

I am a stay at home mom considering divorce and want to go back to school.?

I am a remarried mother if 2 children who have special needs. Things are going down hill in my marriage and I want to go to college to support my children and myself. Any advice on making this happen and how to afford it is appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

You may need to consider studying with a college which has very flexible teaching time, such as the open university or night classes. That way you can keep a regular job and earn some money and then go to college at night.

Plus dont forget the child support from your now-husband. Your marriage may be going down the drain, but he probably still loves the children and wants to see them. Dont be afraid of asking him if you can work out how both of you can live your lives and get to see them/look after them in turns so you can still go to college and he can keep his job. Be prepared as part of the negotiation that if he does look after them a considerable amount that your share in child support will probably drop.

If you live in a country like the UK, you will be eligible to have a nurse look after your children for you quite a lot, or get money towards putting them in to a day centre where they can be looked after while you work.

Look in to any charitable or government run care schemes or community initiatives private/council run which would enable you to do what you need to do.

Donna asks…

What are the relative advantages of Geothermal heat pumps and Wind turbines? ?

If a heat-engine (Geothermal heat-pump) instead of a wind-turbine were installed instead of a wind-turbine, what difference would it make?
Chariotmender, . thank you for a comprehensive and informed answer.
If I’m allowed one supplementary question, please,
Then why aren’t we installing Geothermal heat pumps instead of windmills? -Or more accurately, I suppose, why are we building so many windmills instead of installing heat pumps in appropriate places?

Nagesh answers:


Clean. Geothermal power plants, like wind and solar power plants, do not have to burn fuels to manufacture steam to turn the turbines. Generating electricity with geothermal energy helps to conserve nonrenewable fossil fuels, and by decreasing the use of these fuels, we reduce emissions that harm our atmosphere. There is no smoky air around geothermal power plants — in fact some are built in the middle of farm crops and forests, and share land with cattle and local wildlife.

Easy on the land. The land area required for geothermal power plants is smaller per megawatt than for almost every other type of power plant. Geothermal installations don’t require damming of rivers or harvesting of forests — and there are no mine shafts, tunnels, open pits, waste heaps or oil spills.

Reliable. Geothermal power plants are designed to run 24 hours a day, all year. A geothermal power plant sits right on top of its fuel source. It is resistant to interruptions of power generation due to weather, natural disasters or political rifts that can interrupt transportation of fuels.

Flexible. Geothermal power plants can have modular designs, with additional units installed in increments when needed to fit growing demand for electricity.

Keeps £’s at Home. Money does not have to be exported to import fuel for geothermal power plants. Geothermal “fuel'” – like the sun and the wind – is always where the power plant is; economic benefits remain in the region and there are no fuel price shocks.

Helps Developing Countries Grow. Geothermal projects can offer all of the above benefits to help developing countries grow without pollution. And installations in remote locations can raise the standard of living and quality of life by bringing electricity to people far from “electrified” population centers.

Benefits of wind power

Apart from generating electricity without causing pollution, wind energy has numerous other advantages.

Widely distributed, indigenous supplies: More countries have sizeable wind power potential than have large resources of hydro-power or fossil fuel reserves.

Ideal for generating electricity at a local level: European wind schemes are typically in clusters of around 10 – 40 turbines, providing enough electricity for 4,000 to 16,000 households. Some countries such as Denmark and Germany also have a high proportion of single turbines. The electricity produced by these can be fed directly into the local distribution network, reducing power transmission losses. By contrast, the electricity from larger power stations has to be transmitted in high voltage power lines and travel long distances before it gets to the point of use.

Good for island communities: Wind energy systems on islands can be linked to diesel or solar systems to provide back-up when the wind is not blowing.

Low risk: The relatively small unit size of each individual wind turbine (or wind scheme) reduces the risk of technical failure or industrial action compared with larger generating units.

Energy diversity: It is sensible for any nation to have a balanced range of energy technology, rather than relying on one or two technologies or imported fuel. The energy mix among different European countries varies widely, with some countries more dependent on energy imports than others. The UK and Germany have a relatively diverse mix of fuels, whereas others are more dependent on oil (Spain and Greece), coal (Denmark) and nuclear (France and Belgium). Expanding the use of wind energy will increase energy diversity and improve the security of electricity supply. Energy diversity lessens the international political risks associated with fossil fuel reserves, the volatility of oil and gas prices, and the hazards associated with nuclear power.

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Sunday, April 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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