Your Questions About Money Making Schemes That Work

Mark asks…

Is college or career training a money-making scheme? Read my question.?

Why do career programs, colleges, universities, do it this way:

At the age of 18, when you have little life experience to go by, you are supposed to decide upon a career or job you THINK you might like, then you enroll in a school, pay all this money to attend, you learn about the career in THEORY by taking Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology etc., then at the end of your schooling, you finally get to actually TRY the job or career itself by doing an internship or practicum, but by that time you might have figured out that it’s not for you. You do this with only 18 years of experience of being on this earth which mainly included sitting in a public classroom since kindergarten, and hanging out with your friends, and doing sports.

Why don’t we allow people to try working in the field FIRST, and then if they like it, they can enroll in school.

Nagesh answers:

That’s a lovely solution you propose. However, people would never be allowed to work in some fields without that education. And I love that you wrote “THEORY”, but in reality some fields actually do require a formal education.

William asks…

Do you work a second job? What is it?

They say more and more Americans are working a second job or have ways that they make a second income via a sideline business or other money making scheme. How about you? Do you have a second job or sideline business that gives you additional income over your regular full time gig? What is it and how much do you make?

Nagesh answers:

You can find it in tools on this website

George asks…

how ro recover your money when you are used in a scam?

After seeing one of Anthony’s infomercials on a cable TV
station in April 2010 I thought I would try to find out
more about it. Since most money making schemes hawked mainly
through infomercials are scams, I had no doubt that Hidden
Millionaires fell into this same category.
I was contacted and after much pain agreed to the program. It was $6330.00 for a system to buy ad words to generate leads for companies. And you are told
you have to buy the system then and there – you aren’t
given a few days to think about it. I was told all about millionaires making money after accounts are
set up. After being told all I had to do was do the work I bought
now i want my money back and to close the business I started while going through the plan.
The Tax Club also called me and set up an S corporation they have my credit card numbers and are sharing them. I closed the accounts. HELP

Nagesh answers:

Vickie, don’t get you legal advice online. Contact a licensed attorney to find out what recourse you may have, if any. Have at hand print-outs of their emails, any contract(s) you signed, their bills, proof they’ve shared your credit card information, etc.

You should also contact your state’s Attorney General.

Mary asks…

What is wrong with this make work scheme for America ?

Americans are upset because Mexicans keep getting in over the land border

Americans need jobs


Build a shipping land right though the border of the US and Mexico

That will employ a lot of people — it will also keep Mexicans out

It will then open up an avenue of income when you charge ships wanting to come from China Japan Australia and so on to the eastern parts of either north American or South America

————– So

Employs Americans

Keeps Mexicans out

And makes money after it is built


What is wrong with this scheme ?
The Panama canal — but bigger and all American build it 2 or 3 miles in from the border so you own both sides
Captain Falcon

Yes because engineers and accountants and payroll people are all blue collar workers? Along with those calloused hands of the architects which would be needed to construct such a major world wonder?
******** Tuna

I am willing to bet that thousands would show up with their own shovel and wait for orders from the guy in a suit

I am also sure that you have enough people in suits to direct them

I don’t know it is just a guess – I have never lived in the US and never wanted to — I just visit every now and then to enjoy the better weather — but if global warming turns out to be true – I won’t need to do that either

Nagesh answers:

I like it.

No…I LOVE it.

Grab a shovel and meet me in Juarez.

Helen asks…

Will her crazy plan work?

One of my friends who is always coming up with money making schemes says her next one is going to be going to places like amusement parks and malls and going to the lost and found and pretending she lost her wedding ring or other jewlery. She says she’l give a common description and then say she was all over the place that day and doesnt know when she lost it. She says when they show her the rings fitting her description she’ll pick the most expensive looking one, say its hers, and turn around and sell it. Could she possibly be onto something?

Nagesh answers:

That is stealing.
Not a good thing to try.
Because someone whos ring that is will come in and describe it.
Get it right.
She could be in real trouble.
Plus it is just wrong.
She needs a new plan

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Saturday, August 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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