Your Questions About Money Making Schemes That Work

David asks…

Are there any online work from home schemes that actually work?

I’m broke. I work a dead-end minimum wage job and am forced to take loans from my parents so I can just barely get by. I would like to earn a little extra money online, but all the websites I’ve seen for making money are scams. Are there any legitimate websites out there that can help you make money online in your spare time? Every little bit would help a lot.

Nagesh answers:

The below link has more than 50 legal sites where you can make money online.


George asks…

Do you think that the Law academic industry is a bit of a con / money making scheme?

A lot of universities admit thousands of students every year, knowing that they have no chance at all of ever qualifying as solicitors or barristers, since most training contracts go to the very top students, of the very best universities.

So even if you’re a top student, but from a mid-level university, you still don’t stand a chance. And the requirements for qualifying as a solicitor are unlikely to be change for at least several years, with regards to the ‘training/work‘ element of the qualification.

And then still let them go on to do LPC, which costs a lot of money.

When dealing with Actuarial professions, for example, they don’t admit someone on the course who isn’t likely to have a very good chance of doing well. And while Law isn’t rocket science or maths, shouldn’t the universities be acting in the best interests of students? Or is it all about making money?

Is there an ethical issue here and do you think that the Law Society should do something about it?

Nagesh answers:

Yes but this is not just about Law but about the whole field of adult education in the UK. All the UK university policy makers are concerned with is getting more and more undergraduates by hook or by crook and that is why there are increasing numbers of Micky Mouse type degrees like “hair dressing science”.If the University Chancellors have their way the taxpayer will be milked to pay the cost. In fact I believe it is perfectly possible for anyone with half a brain to get a Law Degree through the Open University course after leaving school? Moreover it seems that migrant workers’ degrees
from eastern Europe or Commonwealth countries are now also getting into the quality jobs in preference to people with UK university degrees who end up on Job SeekersAllowance after graduating?

Daniel asks…

Are there any solutions to patella tendonitis that work and R not unrealistic solutions or 2 invasive?

I have had to stop running since 1995 when I was diagnosed with patella tendonitis. I really want to run again without the pain associated with pat.tendonitis. The solutions given me by physical therapist were ridiculous and unrealistic, and didnt work. Never used knee braces or straps…these too look like a simplistic money making scheme, though I am open to hearing from people who have found relief from these supports.

Nagesh answers:

1. Strengthen the muscles on either side of your knee… Quads, hamstrings and calf muscles. This will give better stability for your knee. So that your strong muscles can compensate for your week tendons.
2. Get properly fitted for a good pair of orthotics for your running shoes. This will give support and stability and, most importantly, will deal with the cause of your PT. NB- not all orthotics are created equally. Since you have a chronic problem, you need a good pair.

Helen asks…

Does anyone else realize the stupidity of the Climate Bill and that it’s a money making scheme?

I’ve never been so appauled in my life… Here we are barely getting by and the government wants to disguise a tax in the form of a burden to fossil-using companies which they know beyond a doubt will ultimately just make it that much harder for families to put food on the table all for a problem that has been a well known hoax for years.

Come on people… Seriously? This is bs. I’m all for being lean and green but we need to work on the problem down below.. Recycling and slowing down our dependency on land fills and to hell with the climate that‘s changed all of 3 degrees in the last 100 years.
The average climate is a cyclic process. It’s like taking the rise of a undulating wave and saying omg! We need to fix this..,

It’s stupid.., as your science teacher always told you, extrapolation will always get you in trouble.

Nagesh answers:


Just like the politicians can NEVER make “pi” equal 3, no matter HOW many votes they take on the matter, in favor of it.

I am in favor of finding a better source of energy, BUT in the meantime, the politicians are trying ANOTHER way to rob the citizens, “for the good of all”.

John asks…

Is college or career training a money-making scheme?

Why do career programs, colleges, universities, do it this way:

At the age of 18, when you have little life experience to go by, you are supposed to decide upon a career or job you THINK you might like, then you enroll in a school, pay all this money to attend, you learn about the career in THEORY by taking Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology etc., then at the end of your schooling, you finally get to actually TRY the job or career itself by doing an internship or practicum, but by that time you might have figured out that it’s not for you. You do this with only 18 years of experience of being on this earth which mainly included sitting in a public classroom since kindergarten, and hanging out with your friends, and doing sports.

Why don’t we allow people to try working in the field FIRST, and then if they like it, they can enroll in school.
Dear Watson,
Yes, that may be the case for fields like medicine, but what about Human Resources Management or something like it where you don’t learn a technical skill or craft?

Nagesh answers:

Because that costs money. You really think people care about our futures? They don’t care we waste half our lives in school for nothing…
When it comes to making personal decisions in life, no one gives a crap unless you got a check written in their name.

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Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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