Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Mandy asks…

If i had optic fibre in ground and house a 120 mbps abbo for internet would that make my dos attack strong?

If i had optic fibre in ground and house a 120 mbps abbo for internet would that make my dos attack strong enough to take down a small site ?

Nagesh answers:

No, First why would you wont to do that in the first place

Degraded service and lost business from DoS or DDoS can be the most expensive attack that your company can experience. Evolving from the mischief makers of a few years ago, sophisticated DDoS schemes are often run by organized crime, who extort money from online companies to “protect” them from receiving further attacks. What can you do to protect your firm?
Read about TippingPoint’s approach to DoS and DDoS Protection
What is the anatomy of a DoS or DDoS attack? Why are they different and why should you care?
What are the four most common DoS attacks and how you can protect yourself?
What are the “must haves” in your arsenal to protect against DoS and DDoS attacks?

Ken asks…

What is a good part time job I can pursue in this economy that will allow me time to be creative?

I need a job that is less stressful and tiring so I can pursue my creativity as a second carreer. I need to earn at least $30-35 k I think for a day or night job so I can survive and ivest in my dream career. Any suggestions? Heck, I might even be able to survive off $25k if taxes arent taken.

Nagesh answers:

Be careful with the make tons of money opportunities working from home programs you see online. I’ll tell you, you will not make thousands per week working only a few hours a week. If you want to make money, you have to be willing to work a bit. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

I work full time but wanted to supplement my income somehow online. I read all of the get rich schemes but they are all scams. Then I found this opportunity called “Build a Niche Store”. It’s called BANS for short. How it works is you purchase this software package (for a minimal cost) and build your own website stores around a niche of your chosing (something you are interested in selling online). You also sign up to be an eBay affiliate. Then when you build your site and drive traffic to it, you will get a 50% commission on the ebay sales that you help generate via your store (which is essentially a front end to ebay). The nice thing about the softare is that once you buy it, you can creat as many store as you want. The more stores you build, the more money you make. I have two store up and running right now and they both are making a decent monthly income. Not enough to live on, but definitely enough to pay some bills. My goal is to have 10-12 store up and running by the end of the year. With these stores, you will get what you put into it. If you don’t work at improving the sites and marketing them, you will not get traffic. The key is to get traffic.

Here is the URL for the software program.


If you would like to take a look at the sites I built to get an understanding of how they work, just visit – or

I’d say on average a store can make anywhere from $100 to $500 in monthly commissions. Let’s take a fairly conservative number – $250. If you have 10 store up and running and they all pull in that commission that is $2,500 a month. Multiply that by 12 months and you are looking at $30,000 working from home (part-time).

Chris asks…

How can i make a million on the Internet with minimal effort?

Nagesh answers:

By engaging in the work at home jobs and home business opportunities on the internet.

But to be honest, a lot of work at home jobs are scams and schemes, so you have to be very careful when choosing any business opportunity. However, there are also many legitimate work at home jobs as well as home based business opportunities on the internet that can help you make a lot of money online fast.

There are some important factors to look for when searching for a legitimate work at home job or home based business opportunities as follows:

Must have very good products or services to promote
Must be in good standing with Business Regulation Agencies
Must send paychecks out at least once per month (on time)
Must have been successfully in business for at least three years or above
Must have a great support, training and leadership

James asks…

do anyone know a trust-worthy website to work and earn online from home?

i am a house wife with a 6 months old baby. i would like to go for job. but having a child i couldn’t. i would like to work online. if anyone know any website plse share.

Nagesh answers:

I would suggest being VERY, VERY careful with this. There are scams, galore in this, and it is hard to tell the difference in scamming techniques. Whether the perpetrator simply wants you to be one of their numbers in a “click-on” game, wants your personal information, or wants access to your computer to download advertising and viruses, you are at risk, in many ways. Even with simple job forms for a job in your own area, you will often find the forms asking for personal information, such as your social security number or a bank account number, Just sharing your email can be very damaging to your computer. You might have people giving you links, in answer to this question. Be sure you check out the links at a spam-detecting site or just avoid them, entirely. As a new mother, it is wonderful that you want to be with your baby. Maybe you can do something with Ebay. In that way, you would have the control, could find things that interest you that you could sell, and do it from home.There are lots of books about this, and possibly other books about making money online. Just be cautious. Others want to make money this way, too, and you are often part of their scheme.

If you are artistic, you could do your work and make a site to sell it, online. But, if you can’f find something like this, you might consider running a child-care from your home (advertise throught your local church, www.craigslist, schools, word-of-mouth, etc.) or find a little part-time job for yourself. That would help you keep in touch with other people, which is a common problem with new mothers. It sounds nice to be at home, all the time with the baby, but sometimes it is nice to have someone to talk to, get tips, and just a tiny bit of time to get away. I know of one company that hires, worldwide and hires for days, or nights. It only requires you to be able to do basic counting, show up on time and do what you are told. The company is called RGIS, which is an inventory company. They have their own site, but you can also find them through phone information, the corporate office being in Auburn Hills, MI, but offices in all states and in other countries. They used to hire more people, and I don’t know if they are hiring, now. But, try your local stores or whatever is around you. Or, try studying something that interests you,in order to broaden your goals. Good luck with your new baby and your own endeavors. Be VERY careful with online things . . .

Richard asks…

How can I legitimately make money online without any scams, cookies and paying?

Nagesh answers:

How could you ask this question and not expect people to hawk their stupid schemes and dead-end business ploys. Just because you are asking an honest question, don’t think that people now are going to all of a sudden give you an honest answer.

In any case, if you hear of a “business venture” that you might be interested in, research it online.

For example: SMC is what Lila is suggesting. I’ve heard nothing but crap about that stupid company and their dollar store merchandise. Read reviews and comments online.

Do your homework.

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Monday, December 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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