Your Questions About Money Making Schemes In India

Chris asks…

Intersting Business Opportunity?

I have a business opportunity for whoever wants to start a business with limited resource in all parts of INdia, its about schools and Institutes and their students.

This scheme benifits everybody – the school, their children and the society as a whole and most importantly this programme is backed by govt .

I’m looking for business associates all over India to be a part of this; as this is really very good ; money making and intersting, please fell free whoever wants to start business of their own, with limited investments. And do answer with your email at least for corrospondance. Am looking for areas which are still not taken.

Nagesh answers:

Send details.

John asks…

Business Opportunity?

I have a business opportunity for whoever wants to start a business with limited resource in all parts of INdia, its about schools and Institutes and their students.

This scheme benifits everybody – the school, their children and the society as a whole and most importantly this programme is backed by govt .

I’m looking for business associates all over India to be a part of this; as this is really very good ; money making and intersting, please fell free whoever wants to start business of their own, with limited investments. And do answer with your email at least for corrospondance. Am looking for areas which are still not taken.

Nagesh answers:

Why not advertise in free add in you rplace and also in dailies like Times of India, Express, Hindu, etc it may attract many more prospective interested ones.*

Charles asks…

Are big business companies really corrupt?

I am having trouble understanding a few things about the economy and how big business works. Right now the economy is in big trouble, we have the Banks that needed to be bailed out by the United States government, but the bank raises the fees for bounced checks and let more people go so there are fewer workers in the bank to take care of customers. Yet the CEO’s and anyone higher up the chain get bigger bonuses and more goodies even though they had to downsize; how does that make things right?

I used to work for Gateway as a customer support technician. They decided to move the operations overseas to India to save money so they could develop newer technologies and create new jobs. The only place they created anything is in their pockets. They may have developed newer computers faster smaller and all sorts of goodies, but this was all done over seas where the labor is cheaper, and they lined their pockets with more money.

About 5 years ago there was an airline that the workers were going to go on strike. The company CEO went to the Union Leaders and said look if you go for more money we will be forced into bankruptcy. He really pleaded and made the union think that they were all going to loose if they persisted. So the Union backed down. Guess what the CEO and board of directors did, they all gave themselves a pat on the back for avoiding a strike and lined their pockets with big fat bonuses. This did not sit well with the workers, in the end the Board of Directors found it prudent to return that nice little bonus and give it to the workers who are actually making the money for those idiots.

I wondered if we all got together and started to boycott certain business for a set period of time to really shake these jerks up a little and make them think about how they really do have it too nice. Would that make a difference?

One other thing right now there is a guy accused of insider trading. His name is Mark Cuban if he is found guilty I think it only fair that he pays back all of the funds that he made plus a fine in fact he should be kicked down to the bottom of the ladder. He is not just stealing money from insider trading we ALL suffer as it affects all of us. It devalues every bodies stocks and retirement funds. Look up past insider trading and see if after some sanctimonious CEO and board of directors who decided on a get rich scheme did not affect you retirement account.

I think all CEOs and anyone on the board of directors are overpaid and need to return all bonuses and perks until the US has a stable economy. Or do I have a warped view of the way it all works?

For every ones information the way they calculate the unemployment figures is BASED on people who are actually drawing an unemployment check, not the ones who have lost their benefits or those denied unemployment because they were terminated with cause.

Nagesh answers:

Ok. I wanted to answer this but I’m not reading this entire thing. So I am only going to answer your basic question, “Are big business companies really corrupt?”

Anything involving people can be corrupt. Big business or small. Public, private, or government sponsored companies. Also the government can be as well as non profits companies, churches, or any other club, group, or organization.

Don’t take my statement to mean that everything and everyone is corrupt. I just mean that anything has the ability to be corrupted.

Laura asks…

Ways to raise money for college/trip?

I would like some good ideas to raise money quickly. Not a “get rich quick scheme”, I want some ways that take effort, but won’t take me months or years go get going. I want to raise a few thousand dollars for a trip to India because I plan to study abroad for a year or two. I am going to try to get a job, but the way the economy is I definitely want some extra help!!!! 8] I know my mom and I used to make and sell ornaments so I might do that this months….let me know and if you could help with any of my other questions that would be great too!!!! YAHOO IM: (You can IM me to help or just because!) Thank you in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Organize a soccer tournament. Charge each team $50 entry fee. Buy a $20 trophy. You have to referee.

Paint the front of your neighbor’s house for $250 if she buys paint and brushes.

Susan asks…

mona chhalwani financial advisor for R.S.INVESTMENT?





As per survey taken by ‘’RS.INVESTMENT’s’’ 68% of people in Mumbai don’t know
How to manage their finance neither they can afford to pay the high fee of financial advisor

In today’s world getting knowledge for ur finance is very important. But when we ask for any knowledge the CFP do charge to manage our finance

I have written to president and education minister regarding this that there should be subject in every stream after 12th STD where student can understand about capital market and financial market. So according to that each an every individual can plan there finances.
At this time they do have basic knowledge and some chapter of stock market which is not enough.

I have also sent a original copy of letter which has been signed by 15 different college principal’s, And over 1200 students which include F.Y.JC, S.YJC,

‘Barclaycard’ brand name and big bank in U.K to help their customer what they did they went and given interest free period for all the card holder who lost their job in this global meldown
they also reduce the interest rate for all the customer and also min payment was reduce from 2.50% to 2.00% which help the customer a lot in U.K.they also started giving advice over the phone to all customer how to manage their finance in this global melldown,and they didn’t charge for that free financial advice.

When they can do it why cant we give free financial advice where India is an developing country

Savings Bank Account ,Money Market Funds (also known as liquid funds) ,Bank Fixed Deposit (Bank FDs) ,Post Office Savings Schemes (POSS), Public Provident Fund (PPF) ,Company Fixed Deposits (FDs) ,Bonds and Debentures , Mutual Funds

These are the basic things where we should be having knowledge about
And I demand for free advise in today’s market so that the people in India should save money not book losses in capital market

Every time when there is big market correction we always here suicide cases through out India

I will be writing to BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE as well to get each and every broker and operator should be given training for capital market advice and financial advice So while making trade for their client the can make their suggestion as well

Nagesh answers:

I have carefully read your question. This question involved the financial policies of the Govt. Of India over which you have no effective control. I don’t agree with you that the Govt of India will come out to impart financial advice to the people regarding investments in Stock Exchange market.. Idnia is a developing country, like Pakistan and Bangla Desh, but the financial policies of each country is based on other factors, such as obtaining financial aid from IMF or other loan giving Agencies. The developing structure of India is not as good you are require that they must give Bombay Stock Exchange authority to give market advice to the clients and give suggestions.
However, if you compare the Financial Position of India with Pakistan, I am 100% confident that the Indian Finance Ministry is doing much better than that of Pakistan and India is not bound to accept IMF instructions which involve to unjustifiably increase prices of essential commodities, like petrol and electricity inasmuch as the Supreme Court of Pakistan had to take Sumitomo notice of the unprecedented rise in the prices of petrol and electricity. Here in Pakistan masses are suffering too much at the hands of politicians IMF(as the presen Govt.. Has taken Loan from this agency) and IMF is bent upon to increase the prices of commodities without taking due cognizance of the sufferings of the masses. I think you will now understand what I mean. Good Luck Take Care.

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Sunday, March 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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