Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Donald asks…

A good job to do remotely while living in another country?

My goal is to live in another country and make money from a job in the US. I have a Bachelors degree in Business Management and International Studies and my background is in Sales. I am 26.

What would be good job options while living in another country and working remotely?

I think any job that allows you to work remotely would work. I would be willing to learn a new vocation to make it happen. Anything that makes decent money ($40k+) and no lame work at home schemes, Multi-Level Marketing MLM schemes.

Any ideas would be appreciated!


Nagesh answers:

Sound ideal. A few such jobs that I’ve heard of are:

**Technology support or programming — Would require a field change for you, but not impossible
**Consulting in the local country — would require travel back to the US, but I’d imagine you can spend a good amount of time in the country of choice.
**Writing — be a columnist for a magazine or website. You can make money if you’re successful, but might be hard to break into the field.

You mention working remotely — but wouldn’t the situation be the same if you were an expat? With your business background and sales experience, you could probably get a job at an international company or financial services firm. They could place you in a country like India or Belgium or Brazil or Indonesia on an expat package. You’d live quite nicely.

Good luck!

John asks…

Is there a better business opportunity than this one?

I am looking to start a home based business and I have been searching for just the right one to promote. I found a business that sells Noni juice at that seems perfect, but I just want to make sure if there is something better out there.

What I do know is that:

• I do not want to take surveys to make money
• I am not interested in MLM or Network Marketing businesses
• I want to stay away from the get rich schemes

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Unlike what “psychic-j” or “Mexico4me” says about By My Noni being just another MLM company, I believe the technical name is 2-tier Affiliate marketing that is entirely different than a MLM company that “Mexico4Me is involved with. I can’t comment on “Psychic-J web site because honestly it had way too much text to read through so a clicked out.

What you should look for in a product is the price and ingredients. I believe from the clues Mexico4Me left in his message is that he is peddling “Himalayan Goji”. So if you take a look at their price of $186 for four bottles you would think you are getting an excellent product, but take a look at the ingredients:

Reconstituted goji juice from whole Lycium barbarum fruit, grape juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, apple juice concentrate, pear puree and natural flavor, with sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate added to maintain freshness.

When you see the word “reconstituted” on a product label that means they add water to it. The amazing thing about this product is that they add preservatives to the juice. Unlike at Tru Noni and their product is 100% pure at half the price.

MLM companies tend to have outrageous pricing and the product ingredients tend to be sub standard.

After looking at Buy My Noni’s web site and Tru Noni I would say it is an excellent opportunity for you.

Mandy asks…

How can I work out money issues with my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been together for three and a half years, living together for one and a half years. Lately I have been thinking a lot about some issues we are having and how to overcome them before we decide to possibly take things to the next level.

I make about twice as much money as him. I knew this moving in together and it did not seem like an issue. I made sure I found us an apartment that we could both afford and we split the bills 50/50. He then said he was having financial problems and was wondering if we could change it to 60/40. I said that was fine because I would rather him have enough money for us to one day buy a home and have a good future together.

Then he started skimping on his monthly payments to me for rent, utilities, and other payments (we financed our TV, couch, and bed). He said he had other debts to pay from money he borrowed from his mother and brother. I told him he would have to pay me back and I started keeping a log of what he owes.

Now whenever I bring up the money he owes, he gets very defensive. He says I make so much more money than him and I shouldn’t be upset over a couple hundred dollars. In the grand scheme of things, I shouldn’t be; however, it is starting to take a toll on me financially. I may make more money than him; however, I have a LOT more student loans and a higher car payment so after crunching numbers recently I realized after expenses we are making about the same.

I feel like I got myself into a slippery slope because he keeps slowing cutting back every month on how much he is giving me. I feel so angry towards him now every time he goes out with his friends or spends money on frivolous things. How can I discuss this money issue with him without getting him or myself upset?

Nagesh answers:

You need to settle this now before it goes any further.

And i’m going to put this out there — it could very possibly come to you moving out, if he’s going to continue to be so irresponsible with his money and bills.

Sit him down, show him all the bills, show him what he owes you. And ask him what you two can come up with to get everything on the straight and narrow again. If you’re fine with sticking with the 60/40 arrangement, great. Then work out paying you back. Maybe so much can go to you every paycheck until it’s payed back.

If he’s unwilling to come to a compromise to settle these issues now, then you better just cut your losses and leave…before these problems get worse. If he proves to you that he’s not interested in helping out and keeping up his responsibility (which is what he’s already been doing), do you really want a life with him? Do you really want to take on more responsibilities with him?

Richard asks…

how long till i can leave this abusive guy?

i want to leave an abusive relationship (tried with help from womens aid and all that) they made matters worse. I dont trust the police.

I have to do this by myself. I have to leave or die, i cant live like this anymore, he is to mean and i am always in the wrong. If i point out that i am right, he makes me feel guilty. I have never hurt him, just shouted.
I am going to set up a website (free one so he cant trace it) and join loads of affilaite schemes and make money that way. (they dont pay much and i have to hide the money some how) but he doesnt let me on comp when he is here, but he has realised i am better on comp than him, so wants to cut it off.
I have no link to anyone (i havent been out of the house for 3 yrs, no phone cos he checks the bills) This is the only way i can do it
How long will it take me roughly, so i can at least dream of the day?
What do i need to organise?

Please help, he will be home soon.
i have no family and no friends (they died when i was young and we moved from friends)
i went to a womans refuge, but he came there and as for police, they are not helpful where we come from, they like an easy life. I wish i could show you what life is like for me to prove this is the truth.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry – but this doesn’t sound real. This is the 21st century, no-body needs to live like this anymore. Get a job, and move on.

Lisa asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

The potential for income with Arbonne (a health and wellness company) is incredible, but it takes a great deal of work and discipline to success, but thousands of men and women do it every day. PM me through Yahoo if you’d like to know more.

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Saturday, December 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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