Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Maria asks…

Are there any legit home based jobs out there where I can make at least 3,000 a month?

I’m not looking to get rich just trying to make enough money to pay for my sex change operation.Please I need this operation I feel that I should have never have been born a man.

Nagesh answers:

If you could make 3000 a month working from home, we’d ALL be doing it. Most home-working schemes are scams, or pyramid schemes (like the ones linked above…) and you’ll end up losing money rather than making it.

I suggest you look here;
for some excellent advice on financing your transition.

Lizzie asks…

Is anyone a Cha Cha guide that can invite me to be one?

I am a stay at home mom and just learned of this job opportunity. I just need someone who is already a guide to invite me. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

It works LIKE a pyramid scheme be very careful about getting involved there pay rates are deceptive and your ability to continue to make any real income from this will require you to get others to become guides and for you to move up the “pyramid”. According to their site they start out paying $5.00 an hour, can you imagine how much time you will have to invest to actually search the net for info for others that will actually add up to an hours worth of work?
No search request equals no time working which means no pay. Sit and wait at the computer, do you really have time to do that as a stay at home mom?

with Cha Cha there are different levels of employment you receive a cut from the work of others and to move up a level those others move up and get a cut of others work. That is a “pyramid”. Apprentices, master and then pro levels are by definition a pyramid scheme. At the $.20 rate per message as noted by ‘Maggie A’ you would have to answer 25 messages an hour to make $5.00 per hour, you have that kind of time?
See the only way to make money is for others to make it for you………… “pyramid”!

William asks…

Can anyone tell me about the pros and cons for Skybridge Customer Services’ home based jobs?

I am looking for a legit home based job using my PC.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t worry, this isn’t some lame pyramid scheme or referral system.

Here’s the deal …

I work from home, and I absolutely love the freedom to set my own hours, and do what I want when I want. Trust me when I say that life really doesn’t get any better than this.

The problem is that I’ve grown my online business about as big as I can by myself, and I swore that I would never open an office or hire a bunch of employees no matter what.

I can no longer “scale” my business, which means I can’t really grow my income any more.

Sure I could just keep doing what I’m doing, but I’d be bored to death. I have a lot of free time, and I love the challenge and the “game” of figuring out ways to make more and more money online.

So I came up with a new gameplan to take my online business to the next level. And in a nutshell, I’m now offering to help people like you because in return I’ll make even more money.

It really is as simple as that. And the cool thing for both of us is that …

… The additional money I’ll make WILL NOT be coming out of YOUR pocket.

On top of that, the more money YOU make the more money I’ll make – so I have a vested interest in helping you as much as I can and making sure that you’re super successful.

Nancy asks…

Why can’t we choose to allocate our federal taxes to our state of residence?

What happens…I pay federal taxes, they take a cut, waste it, then pretend to be generous and give money back to the states as “federal money?” How about only 20% goes to the Fed to run the military and 80% can go to the state where I live. It would certainly cut out the middle man and the state would end up with more money.

Nagesh answers:

Because then you shut down the biggest money making scheme that ever existed…? You thing the government going to let that money go somewhere else…? O.o

That’s what I was screamin’ when the auto industry and banking industry got their “bailout”… Give the money BACK to the people, it’s OUR MONEY… There is NO OTHER WAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE MONEY… That’s not “entitlement”, either… How can it be “entitlement” when it’s already yours?

No other way to get the economy moving again, than to let the people spend THEIR money… Let the people keep their homes, which generates incomes back into the community, schools, etc…

Great question btw =)

Donna asks…

What is the point of money and education?

If you had a pretty much knew where your food source was and where you will dwell…or be nomadic… would there be any point in money? Why does money mean more outside of providing us a home and food? Education, unless you love learning, is the source of gaining more money.
you could build a home…. you can gather food…. i am just saying…. you don’t need money

Nagesh answers:

You make a good point. The only reason money has any value is the context in which we live. It has no value on its own – the material and ink used for a $5 is no more valuable than that used for a $100.

If our economy was subsistence-based – if we possessed and utilized all required survival skills, like the ability to grow, hunt, prepare, store and preserve our own food and build our own shelter, money would have no value at all. Nor would money have any value if we strictly bartered goods and services. Because of what it can buy and the status it implies, money now seems to have value of its own… I’d go out on a limb, though, and say that money is only considered to have “intrinsic” value by a certain group with whom I’d not particularly care to associate.

All that aside, education may have value in itself… Not necessarily the way most of us are educated in this country (the U.S.), but a life of exploration, reflection, and discovery can be seen, in my opinion, as much more valuable, purposeful, meaningful (and meaning-filled) and, thus, richer, than a life of accumulation of material wealth.

I’m a little sad, actually, that you’d suggest that the only purpose of education is to get more money. Perhaps this attitude, which many share with you, is an outgrowth of our materialism, and contributes to the majority’s distaste for the study of philosophy (that, and circular argumentation). I tend to try to stay away from the dead white men when studying philosophy, but I think they deserve a tip of the hat here – the advantages of philosophical inquiry and the unsurpassed beauty and richness of the philosophic life are addressed quite frequently by Sokrates and Plato. It may not matter in the grand scheme, but I tend to believe that a life well-lived is a life of deep, broad thinking and enthusiastic learning.

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Saturday, July 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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