Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Forums

George asks…

FREE PS3 – uk only, do u want one?

Please note this offer is only available in UK. Thanks

This is a genuine offer to get yourself a completely free, new Playstation 3 console delivered once it has been released. The offer has been accredited by the BBC and many people have got their consoles through this and similar schemes.

How it works:

Marketing companies value having their services viewed; these referral schemes generate traffic to the company’s websites, of which a percentage will purchase their product. This means that by signing up to this website and getting a small number of other people to do the same, at least 11 people view websites, of which perhaps 1 person goes ahead to buy their service, or keep a free trial going, and thus generates money. This is why the companies can afford to give away free consoles to you, even if you dont purchase a thing!

Proof it works

BBC Newsnight feature on how it works

The link below is to a website showing people who have got their items:

What to do:

1. Click this link

2. Sign up to the website and complete one offer ( I highly recommend the Screen Select/LoveFilm trial, as it is a completely free 30 day trial with no obligations. Simply register, put in all your details, choose 10 movies, sit back and wait a few days until the giveaway site gives you credit and cancel the trial, no need to pay a thing!)

3. Refer just 13 people to do the same (other sites ask for 22 referrals, honestly just check on Ebay). You can ask your friends, or make adverts on ebay like I am doing, and the referrals should rack up fairly quickly

4. wait for your free console to arrive once it is released. Just think others will be forking out £500-£600 for this. Maybe even more, you know how competitive these consoles can be when they are first released.

I have already received 2 X Box 360s using this offer. It is so simple. Go for it!!!!!!!

Email me if any questions. Manutdgiants5 at

Nagesh answers:


Michael asks…


Please note this offer is only available in UK. Thanks

This is a genuine offer to get yourself a completely free, new Playstation 3 console delivered once it has been released. The offer has been accredited by the BBC and many people have got their consoles through this and similar schemes.

How it works:

Marketing companies value having their services viewed; these referral schemes generate traffic to the company’s websites, of which a percentage will purchase their product. This means that by signing up to this website and getting a small number of other people to do the same, at least 11 people view websites, of which perhaps 1 person goes ahead to buy their service, or keep a free trial going, and thus generates money. This is why the companies can afford to give away free consoles to you, even if you dont purchase a thing!

Proof it works

BBC Newsnight feature on how it works

The link below is to a website showing people who have got their items:

What to do:

1. Click this link

2. Sign up to the website and complete one offer ( I highly recommend the Screen Select/LoveFilm trial, as it is a completely free 30 day trial with no obligations. Simply register, put in all your details, choose 10 movies, sit back and wait a few days until the giveaway site gives you credit and cancel the trial, no need to pay a thing!)

3. Refer just 13 people to do the same (other sites ask for 22 referrals, honestly just check on Ebay). You can ask your friends, or make adverts on ebay like I am doing, and the referrals should rack up fairly quickly

4. wait for your free console to arrive once it is released. Just think others will be forking out £500-£600 for this. Maybe even more, you know how competitive these consoles can be when they are first released.

I have already received 2 X Box 360s using this offer. It is so simple. Go for it!!!!!!!

Email me if any questions. Manutdgiants4 at

Nagesh answers:

I hope you get deported back to wherever you came from, and then when you get there and get off the plane the stewardess kicks you down the stairs.

Linda asks…

Does anyone in Scottish Football section drink firewater in the Met ?

Big Chief Sitting Bull go to Met looking for Oracle. Barman say he not here today, he clean toilets there for money. Big Chief Sitting Bull tell barman Oracle deserve scheme doing for telling heap big lie for long time. Barman say Big Chief Sitting Bull should not take liberty, Oracle simple-minded, tell so many big lie for long time need big book to write lie in so not forget them. Barman say Oracle phone Police at first sign of trouble. He say Oracle report all people question who know him big liar, then come on forum to make boast that other man not show up for fight. Big Chief Sitting Bull now feel sorry for Oracle. Want find him take medicine man for telling big lie long time.

He imagine he famous football player in airport, say football fans ask him for name from pen. He also think heap big money and big chief in heap big company. He imagine he know all big chief, not know everyone on forum know him big liar long time.

Please help Big Chief find sick man and see medicine man who stop him lie long time.

Nagesh answers:


Charles asks…

PS2 Free – this offer is uk only – thank you.?

Please note this offer is only available in UK. Thanks

This is a genuine offer to get yourself a completely free, new Playstation 3 console delivered once it has been released. The offer has been accredited by the BBC and many people have got their consoles through this and similar schemes.

How it works:

Marketing companies value having their services viewed; these referral schemes generate traffic to the company’s websites, of which a percentage will purchase their product. This means that by signing up to this website and getting a small number of other people to do the same, at least 11 people view websites, of which perhaps 1 person goes ahead to buy their service, or keep a free trial going, and thus generates money. This is why the companies can afford to give away free consoles to you, even if you dont purchase a thing!

Proof it works

BBC Newsnight feature on how it works

The link below is to a website showing people who have got their items:

What to do:

1. Click this link

2. Sign up to the website and complete one offer ( I highly recommend the Screen Select/LoveFilm trial, as it is a completely free 30 day trial with no obligations. Simply register, put in all your details, choose 10 movies, sit back and wait a few days until the giveaway site gives you credit and cancel the trial, no need to pay a thing!)

3. Refer just 13 people to do the same (other sites ask for 22 referrals, honestly just check on Ebay). You can ask your friends, or make adverts on ebay like I am doing, and the referrals should rack up fairly quickly

4. wait for your free console to arrive once it is released. Just think others will be forking out £500-£600 for this. Maybe even more, you know how competitive these consoles can be when they are first released.

I have already received 2 X Box 360s using this offer. It is so simple. Go for it!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

STOP POSTING SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert asks…

why are people in the wwe fan universe so heartless?

i made a plea to the fans of wrestling to donate to the muscular dystrophy and got very negative feedback wait till one of your family members or friends is stricken with one of the 40 different diseases unfortuanently my son will die from this before he is thirty dont you people care about human life stop donating to vince mcmahons pay per view get rich scheme alot of his guys do benefit shows and cena is the most requested wish from the make a wish foundation they sent my son my wife and afriend to disney all expenses paid this is money for research why am i posting this question in this forum i thought where can i reach the most people at one time i thought wwe fans have big hearts but i guess all they have is deep pockets

Nagesh answers:

Because they care about one thing…WWE! Believe me when I say if it was the child of any WWE employee especially a superstar or diva who had muscular dystrophy the wwe fan universe would be sending all kinds of money in. Unfourtunatly you are not a wwe employee so the wwe universe does not respond kindly to regular folk. Trust me, if I was more informed of your plea I would’ve been eager to help you. My sincerest apolgies to your son.

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Sunday, August 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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