Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Students

Maria asks…

Can someone help me earn a little money on ebay or any way online?

I am a college student and as most people know, students do not have much money. Let me put this out there first, I AM NOT TRYING TO FIND A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME. I am simply looking for a way to earn a little extra money to save up to pay my school debt. I currently have a job so please do not just tell me to go get a job. I was wondering about ebay. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make money using ebay? I am very interested in any type of sport especially golf and I thought about trying to sell golf items on ebay but I am really not sure how to get started. I do not want to just limit myself to just sports or just ebay though but it was an idea I had. Has anyone else had success making a little extra money on ebay? Any advice is appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Hi, You can join Onbux and Neobux. Onbux and Neobux are 2 great PTC site which means (Paid to Click) You get paid to click ads. It’s a great site to make money while you are online.
If you would like to join:

If you would like to join Onbux:

If you would like to join Neobux:

Good Luck!

Thomas asks…

Is there a way to make money over the internet?

Okay, I’m not just some lazy bum looking for a “get rich quick” scheme. I’m a full time college student and I’m having a horrible time finding a job. The city I live in has one of the highest unemployment rates and I literally have filled out hundreds of applications with no avail. I can’t seem to find a job that fits with my school schedule either and I really need some extra money.

Is there a legitimate way to make money over the internet? I’ve heard about people making money through putting advertisements on their websites and generating lots of traffic – but how does one get into that? I really just want to know what the best way to make money is? Does anyone have success stories? REAL ONES, not scams.

Nagesh answers:

Most at home Jobs with a start up fee are scams. You shouldn’t

have to pay to work. However, there are work at home business

with start up costs that are legit. In other words there’s a great big world out there, online and offline and google,s..,..your friend!

Betty asks…

how can i make money while in college?

i am a freshman university student who is taking a heavy course load. i currently have a job, but they are evil bloodsucking vampires and want to work me every second i am not in class. this does not bode well, because i have no time for homework, studies, friends, family and lover. i have seen many “work from home” sites (eg: surveys, mystery shoppers, from home customer support) and have signed up for a great many of them.
9 times out of 10 the places ask me to pay them up front a large sum that i cannot afford (most of those are pyramid schemes i think) or they just give me pennies on the dollar for a half hours work.
i wanted to know if there was any of these sites that is REAL and actually pays a decent wage. or any other suggestions for ways to make money in college without having to work all night after school.
also, my expenses each month total about 550 dollars, so around 600 a month is what im looking to earn

Nagesh answers:

I will say almost all of those things you describe are scams… Anything that asks for money to work for them is a scam… (I won’t say all, because there may be a legitimate offer somewhere, I haven’t found it, and probably won’t ever find it though)

Umm… That’s tough, you need to decide what’s most important… You probably won’t be able to equally squeeze in time for all of the things you listed; some are more important than others… Obviously if you don’t study and do your homework you won’t pass your classes so if those aren’t at least up at the top you won’t have to worry about going to school… Umm, sometimes you have to put your friends, family, and lover on the back-burners for now, because it is YOUR life, and thus YOU need to be the most important aspect of it.. Choose which of those things are most important and divide up your time accordingly…

If you don’t want to work that much, maybe try and find another job that will work better around your schedule, or tell your boss you can only work a certain amount of hours and you won’t budge.. If they value you as a worker they should work around your college schedule, and the time you need to do well in college… Jobs that might work are waiter, bartender, tutor, poker player, stripper (maybe?), run your own website (if you are good at that sort of thing), coffee shop, and a lot of smaller places privately owned are more flexible with shifts and hours you work

or you could just take out loans for your expanses, if you don’t mind having loans when you are done with school, which would give you more time with friends, family, and the lover.

Good luck

Laura asks…

How to make money from my dorm room?

I am a 20 year old college student living in a dorm. I am trying to find a convenient part time job. I go to school in a small town so there aren’t many opening for jobs and on campus jobs are all taken. I have heard of people making a large income from various jobs online but I have no idea where to begin. I am looking for something flexible with respect to hours. I know there are a lot of “get rich quick” schemes and I don’t want to get sucked into that trap. I also don’t feel comfortable paying a fee to get a job (that just doesn’t make sense to me). Is there even anything out there that would fit this situation? If so where do I find it?

Nagesh answers:

Oh my gosh BEWARE of the scams!!! The google kit comes to mind. If you are required to pay ANYTHING, even s&h on an information package, know right away its a scam. I found out the hard way. Are you creative? If so, you should look at its like an online ebay for creative people selling their goods, and its (well alot of it) are really nice things. I sell artwork online. If you aren’t particularly creative, there is always offering to type peoples papers for them for a fee or other school-geared things like that. I proofread english papers for 50 bucks a piece and that was 6 years ago. Put up a flyer in the english department! It was worth it to alot of people (think frat guys or athletes) bc i was good at english. Around test time, (like almost every week) i could make $50-$200 bucks at a time, especially when they told their friends. Of course english isn’t the only subject, lol it was just my favorite! Good luck

Lisa asks…

can the Nobel prize for economics really be unbiased given that it’s sponsored by Sveriges Riksbank?

Isn’t it a case of awarding a prize to whoever tells Sveriges Riksbank what they want to hear?

Is the Nobel prize for economics really just to give a veneer of academic credibility to the latest scheme for making money out of thin air?

Why are so many Nobel prizes for economics awarded to the Chicago School of Economics?

Why are so many Nobel prizes for economics awarded to American institutions?

How did the financial products and equations created by these “geniuses”
lead to the US and the UK becoming bankrupt? (the US is bankrupt according to the IMF)

Why were Nobel prizes handed out to these men who have managed to collapse our economy?

Is it thanks to Myron S. Scholes that the US is bankrupt?

for a new method to determine the value of derivatives” –

is it thanks to Robert C. Merton that students are drowning in debt?

“financial instruments, such as mortgages and student loans” –

Did any of these prize winning economists factor in collusion between governments and banks?

Did any of these prize winning economists factor in massive organised financial crime in government and banks? Refuse to investigate. Refuse to find. Refuse to prosecute. Refuse to jail!
Let’s face it, economics is more of a faith based religion than a science!
0bama: Making Whites Pay: I don’t know whose name is more ridiculous, mine or yours?!?

Nagesh answers:

Im not tellin

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Friday, April 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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