Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Nancy asks…

Hillary Clinton has more tax and spend on the way. TEN BILLION FOR FOUR YEAR OLDS? no im not making it up!?

heres the link to forestall liberal whine

She said quality pre-kindergarten programs will more than pay for themselves because children will be less likely to enter special education programs, drop out of school or enter the welfare system. She also said preparing children for school also reduces behavioral problems.
“We consistently fail to invest in what will save us money.”
1.) To truly invest in what makes us money, what’s wrong with the economy by giving working people back more of what they earn. They will spend it and increase the gnp making more tax revenue instead of welfare schemes.
2.)If our four year olds need to depend on the government instead of parents and families to ready them for school, isnt that symptomatic and proof postive of the FAILURE of this type of social welfare diatribe ms. Clinton is proposing?
3.)Per dollar on special ed kids, how good is a univerasal spend spree?

Nagesh answers:

I saw that on the news. Hillary-ious. She’s in a vote-driven dream world.

Linda asks…

Our kids commit crime because they’re bored?

I just watched this video on the BBC News website about ‘Real Life on a Dewsbury estate’. I don’t agree with the comments made by certain members of the government, but listening to the woman being interviewed in her home I simply couldn’t agree with her when she claimed that most of the problems (underage drinking, disturbing of the peace, gangs etc) could be resolved if the kids ‘had something to do’ (and that it’s down to the government to provide this).

If these people are genuinely so desperate for an outlet for their energy and only fall into underage drinking and making a nuisance of themselves then surely they’d find a way without going to the government and saying ‘hey, we need money for schemes!’

Football clubs, athletics, golf, cricket, baseball, chess (!), computer programming, cross-country running, forming a band, learning an instrument, cycling, learning a trade. You don’t NEED ‘schemes‘ to do stuff like this. If enough like-minded people want to do something with their free time then they can. There’s only one thing worse than MPs speaking before they think, and that’s people passing the buck and acting like the victims.

But that’s just my opinion. I’d like to know yours.
Non Prophet Organisation: during the interview video when that was suggested, my thoughts were exactly the same as your comment there; it’d get wrecked.
I’m on my knees:

I appreciate what you’re saying, honestly. But I don’t see how having no free or very cheap schemes / centres / clubs for kids is excuse for behaving the way these kids do. Honestly, when I was a kid I spent a lot of my time playing tennis with my mates, kicking a football around, running, playing videogames (seriously- deprived area or not, a lot of people have playstations… you can pick up a second-hand PS1 or 2 and games for about 30 quid easily), writing and- here’s the thing- studying. Most of the kids getting into trouble are at the age where they should be putting their efforts into preparing for GCSEs and A-Levels or GNVQs. Anyone can sudy for free in the UK. It’s a privilage that people seem to forget about. If these people are the ‘victims’ and genuinely want to better themselves then there are ways outside of putting their hand out and demanding the government (and the tax payer for that matter) provide some kind of magical, cure-all youth centre.

Nagesh answers:

There’s a lot of truth to kids with resources and time to kill getting into trouble. Statistics show a huge rise in crime within one hour of when school gets out. Additionally, at college it’s the kids without responsibility and with plenty of money that get out of control and do nothing but party. It’s probably not the duty of the government, but it is a systemic problem that parents ought to be working on. Parents should be encouraging (maybe forcing) their kids to be involved in activities, working, clubs, etc. Rather than just running free.

Mark asks…

Question about starting up a food service business.?

I was thinking of trying to start a soup and sandwich “cart” at a couple of the local office parks. My plan was to walk around with a basket of goodies around lunchtime at the office parks close to my home, I used to work at the one I’m think of and would probably hit my old office up first.

I was thinking of offering fresh bread and a couple of different fresh homemade soups, and a few simple ham & cheese, turkey & cheese, or roast beef & cheese sandwiches on my fresh baked bread to start out with and maybe add some more items later. I want to keep my start up costs as low as possible until I know if this is a money making idea or not. I was going to try an start it “under the radar”, but I’m also wondering what licenses I might need to do this legitimately?

I’m a stay at home mom, my husband works from home, but the kids take a nap everyday from around 11-2 so I could spend a couple hours a day making a few bucks while they sleep and Dad can continue to work while he keeps an ear out for them. We are really struggling right now so I’m just trying to think of someway to help out. I love to cook, I’m always feeding someone anyway, I make a quite a few hearty REALLY good soups with all fresh ingredients, and my bread has been called phenomenal.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

Maybe if you work at an office would you be likely to buy lunch from someone like me, I’m 36, a clean cut, typical mid western housewife?

And if anyone knows what permits and licenses I should get?

Sorry I’m not interested in ANY other make money from home schemes, just advise on this particular idea would be helpful. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First you will need a business license and sales tax number from your state and maybe city. A food handlers permit probably with a TB test at least and some food safety training. You won’t make your own food in your kitchen because you don’t have a commercial kitchen with inspections you will need to rent a kitchen.

If you have a roach couch that is a catering truck with a kitchen you could cook in that but not at home.

We had this service where I worked before and it does seem like a good idea. That lady had a handcart/dolly and two ice chest. Early in the morning she rented a tavern kitchen to make salads and sandwiches then she loaded the cold food and beverages into ice chest with ice. She sold canned pop and some bottled juice and packaged rice krispy squares and big cookies I think the tavern made and packaged. She would park and put her ice chest on the hand cart and bring it in the building. The receptionist would announce her over the loud speakers and anyone who wanted to buy would come to the lobby. She arrived about 10am but people know already if they want to buy lunch.

So her day was probably started at 5-6AM with deliveries from 8-12:30 or so, not a lunch time only thing.

I wouldn’t buy from someone I thought was making food in a home kitchen with children and pets in the house.

Helen asks…

Is tycoon cash flow a scam or legit way to make extra money online?

My wife showed me a video on YouTube of a kid talking to his mother. Real popular video with 31,000,000 views. On the corner was an add for a way to make money. Claiming that the “system” can earn you $3500 a week or some crazy number.

I went to the page to satisfy my wife who asks me “why can’t you convert your online time to income?”

so that was a link to tycoon cash flow. 
I don’t know what to think of this program. It asks you for like, $49 to start which is not a lot of money but right now that $50 seems like a lot to us (the economy in Vegas sucks worse than the rest of the country) and so i am really skeptical to pay it. 

It doesn’t seem like it’s mlm (multiple level marketing AKA pyramid scheme) and claims to be a program that anyone could in theory do for free if they had the know how.
What they “sell” you is 14 videos that explain how to place ads to drive traffic to products you do not sell but you make a comission from a second party selling the product

It does promise huge profits though. That I am very wary of. There is no get rich quick system. 

I read a review that was titles “tycoon cash flow SCAM” but then said that it makes money! Talk about confusing. The review says that it will generate Income but definitely not as fast as the creators imply.

Then I get an email from the same site (the main tycoon cash flow site) after I did not “act now!!” and purchase at first offering me a FREE course because I am their “friend” (haha!) and it is about six long pages that do seem full of info but no demands to “buy now!”

Has anyone tried this? I am a computer “nerd” and have been online since 1995 or so. Don’t need to take any wooden nickles but i do want to have an honest shot at now being cheated and making my utility bills (phone/tv/electric) go away with some extra income.

Thanks for reading. I am not affiliated with the program at all. I am not trying to get a hundred replies from ppl that want to sell me their system. I just want some opinions.

Thanks again

Steven in Las Vegas   

Nagesh answers:

Its just another of the countless scams.

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Steven asks…

If you can’t beat ’em…at least make some money. .?

My boss said that to me my first day of work in Jan.2002 .

It is very funny how Christians and catholics alike will buy anything.The company I used to work for near central P.A. makes religious paraphernalia for many religions, I learned that Christians will buy any piece of crap that says Jesus on it, or indirectly implies Jesus. We used a pyramid scheme to get kids to sell our products at home,church, and in school. My question is do you know anyone else taking advantage of this eternal business opportunity. And what ideas do you have for a “new” ground breaking Christian product.
P.S. the company is owned by an atheist. I am agnostic.

Nagesh answers:

So that’s where the baby Jesus b-u-t-t p-l-u-g came from…

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Saturday, April 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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