Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Betty asks…

What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank?

Dear sir

It has come to my attention that you and not the government of Canada print money and loan it to the Canadian government . This deception has lead to the average Canadian wrongly believing they as a nation are in debt when in truth the Canadian people have been robbed and held hostage to pay interest on the theft

It has come to my attention that you are not an elected official and that by wrongly lending money to the government of Canada and holding hostage the peoples that you have become the owner of the government and by controlling the circulation of money with no oversight or democratic representation

This is clearly in my opinion a charge of treason and interference with many elected governments Provincially and federally I believe there is ample evidence of a bloodless coup

I therefore ask that you surrender yourself to the nearest RCMP detachment and make a full confession available in order to avoid further costs for a trial

Because you are not the government of Canada the money you have printed is counterfeit and not the currency of this land Because you have used these counter fit notes to purchase to the government you should immediately confess to treason interference counterfeiting and holding hostage the peoples of Canada in a racketeering scheme of absolute evil with the purposeful design in mind of enslaving the peoples of this Dominion

What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank


A free beating

A restraining order

A job offer

A confused secretary who tosses it in the rubbish bin right away ?

— Something completely different ?

Nagesh answers:

I think you’ll hear the sounds of crickets in the night. Nothing. I think it will get passed up the chain until it reaches the first person who knows what your Central Bank actually is, and then you’ll be put on a watch list. I hear there are over 1 million American citizens on the no-fly list (I’m more than likely one of them). I have no info on Canada, but I can look it up.
So Trout, you get the deal with your currency, but you buy right into Climate Change? Why? Don’t you realize that they are both being done by the same bunch of Progressive hucksters?

Laura asks…

How can I honorably become a multimillionaire in ten years?

I’m just a 20 year old middleclass person wondering where i should invest most of my energy for the next ten years. and yes money is everything. are there any multimilllionaire who spend time on yahoo answers!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Drastically reduce your spending, cut down on you standard of living. Stop taking vacations. Instead INVEST all your free money in diversified stocks.
Say you make 60,000(do-able after college with good major, accounting, or computer engineering and 2 years of experience — starting age 25). You can easily survive on 20,000 though.This gives you 40,000 a year to invest. Assume 7% return rate.
After a quick calculation in 10 years you will have: $552657. Not exactly a multimillionaire but getting there.
So to REALLY become a multimillionaire in 10 years you will have to take risks that pay more then average. Then again if you take those risks you can loose a lot too!

P.S. If you stick with the scheme i described for 24 years you will hit $2137445! If you are 25 now multimillionaire by age 50 is not TOO bad.

Ruth asks…

What can I do to be rich? Can I go abroad to make first Capital?

What can I do to be rich?
Can I go abroad to make first Capital? Where? How?
Please give me Your Kind advices

Nagesh answers:

I have a site that I work off of and its totally free, just put your time in it, answer questions and the money is unlimited. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. You can make a ton of money if you put your time in and are motivated. You sound like the kind of person that could really make a lot of money with this. Its been out less than a year, registered with the Better Business Bureau. I will send you the web page and you can watch the video and determine if its for you or not. You want to ask me questions about the program, that’s what I’m here for. Good luck

Susan asks…

Why does Government waste billions on solar and other green iniatives when consumers won’t buy them?

Liberal tree huggers just don’t make sense. I can meet someone in the middle on pollution and keeping the earth clean, but fruit cakes on the left are dreamers.
Will Obama and the left eventually ‘force’ us to buy them by manipulating prices (s/a high gasoline prices to punish us for oil dependence) ?

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately it’s a money laundering scheme. Alternative energy companies hire a bundler who collects donations to reelect Obama and other dems, the use the money to get access. Once they have access they lobby for special treatment and in some cases low interest loan like Solyndra. And that’s it the laundering is done and it’s a great return on investment. The green companies might give Obama a couple hundred thousand – the. Obamas energy department flush with “stimulus” funds writes a check for 500,000,000 or half a billion. The green company doesn’t sell any product or very little instead uses it pay employees and management big bonuses.?

I just wanted to address some of the other answers. While its true solar and wind do produce energy it’s too expensive to be produced in a free market. Do you recall T boon Pickens a tx billionaire thought he would make invest heavily in wind energy, while he did and he lost his shirt. It’s not practical. Given the current abundance and low cost of nuclear, natural gas, coal, and oil for the next 20-100 years there is no free market demand for alternative energy. The only way to produce alt energy is through fascism (government private collusion or crony capitalism). The government argues that we need to keep up with other fascist governments like china or they will have a break through and corner the market! Really china is going to corner the market on wind and the sun? Explain that to me?

Solar and wind energy production would not exist on this planet without government incentives (fascism) for the purpose of money laundering and getting reelected that is the goal and it’s been effective at that.

Maria asks…

Are there any good work from home jobs?

I am a stay at home mother and am looking for extra income to help with bills. I have four kids so getting a job and putting them in day care would not be helpful. Are there any good work from home jobs that are not scams? Please only reply if you have experience or know someone that has experience from working from home. I am sick of looking at websites that promise money but are just a scam.

Nagesh answers:

I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home “jobs” and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $4500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can’t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

You can research the company at


10. Craft Assembly

9. Medical Billing

8. Email/Rebate Processing

7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”

6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)

1. Envelope Stuffing

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit:

Good luck to you in your search. A

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Friday, January 2nd, 2015 Money Making Schemes

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