Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Thomas asks…

Based on the Parable of the Talents, is Jesus for or against business investment in a free market?

The Parable of the Talents is related in Matthew 25:14-30 and in Luke 19:12-28.

A parable uses ordinary human situations to point to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus’ purpose is to explain God’s plan and purposes, but we can also look at the human side of the parable to infer Jesus’ outlook on ordinary life, in this case, on the economics of investment.

Liberal Christians tend to assume Jesus is a socialist who wants an egalitarian redistribution of wealth and opposes capitalist schemes to make money. Is that view consistent with the evidence in this parable?

Nagesh answers:

He is for investment and against fear and laziness.Nowhere did Jesus ever tell anyone to give OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.

Linda asks…

Why do they still make Pennies in the US?

It costs about 2 cents to make a penny. The government is constantly losing money by making pennies that nobody spends. I have never been able to buy anything with a penny. Why do we still have them?

Nagesh answers:

It’s largely tradition–we’ve had them so long that people think they would miss them. But the government keeps churning them out–they made over 4 billion of them last year. The mint is required by law to mint coins for public use, and the cent is one of the coins they’re required to make. Until a law is passed calling for production to end, the mint has to make them.

Despite what some think, there is no evidence that getting rid of the cent would cause inflation. In fact, when Australia got rid of their one cent coin, inflation went _down_. Stores would still be free to price things at $X.99, and every rounding scheme I’ve ever seen calls for the total purchase _only_ to be rounded to the nearest 5 cents, and then only for cash purchases. The idea of “one cent” would still be around–only the coin wouldn’t be produced any more.

Besides, since the Lincoln design was first introduced in 1909, the government has made close to 460 _billion_ cents. That’s enough to make a pile stretching almost from the earth to the moon. Twice. I have a feeling that even after they stop making them, cents will be floating around for a number of years.

Lizzie asks…

Has anybody tried to make profit with all digital express? How long did it take?

Can anybody tell me how much money you can truly make with this business?

Nagesh answers:

I got the email about the multi media digital download website for $47.00.
The promise that you NEVER had to do a thing. That they did it all !
Come on man. You think they are going to pay for search engines to send all the business to YOUR website when they could send it to their own ?
You never have to pay another penny !
You never have to do a thing but check your email and rake in the dough ! And they even update your site for free !
……and if you need support just send them an email to their GMAIL address ?
If they are a legitimate company making millions of dollars, then why are they using a free email address ?
You can’t find any information on
A subsidiary of Fusion Global Limited based in the Netherlands ?
Try to check them out ! You won’t find out anything.
Check out this guys experience with PlugInSales out of Baton Rouge, La. Http://

When you click on About Us, at the bottom of the offer page headed DIGITAL EXPRESS. . . . Do you really get any information about them ?

Do yourself a favor and save your $47.00. Any offer that expires in 36 hours or less, or by midnight of the same day it was given, or any short limited time. . . . . Is not worth your efforts. They are preying on the impulse buyer ! And believe me, there are thousands of them out there. Personally, I would be ashamed to be associated with an organization that tries to make a living that way. Deception, limited information, no way to research the companies, and the worse thing . . . . . They have all your contact info when you sign up. They know everything about you. Name, address, phone number, email, and you know nothing about them. They even have your financial information. Have you ever noticed that the very same information they get from you is the very same information requested in all those scam emails wanting to send you millions to your US account if you will just help them out. Oh yea, and it is usually in the name of God Bless You. They can apply for credit cards with all the information you release.
Common sense tells you the only real way to become financially successful is with hard work and smart work. There are no get-rich-quick schemes. Proverbs has a little saying that goes like this. “Like a dog returns to his own vomit, so does a fool to his folly.”

Ken asks…

How much have you ever won on a crossword?

How much money have you ever won an one of those $3 crossword scratchies from the newsagents.

Nagesh answers:

Ummm are u talking about a scratch card or a crossword haha?i didnt know they gave prizes for crosswords.sometimes we get free stratch cards and we always win someting but i think its a scam or something.we rang up once just to see if there are prizes but the phone call was so long which is obviously their money making scheme.i dont remember what happened but we didnt get anything,we could have got a camera if we followed their steps or something.

Laura asks…

Who should receive most of the blame for the economic collapse in late 2008 and why?

A) Former Republican President George W. Bush
B) The Democrats in Congress, because they had held majorities at that time
C) Wall Street corporate slimeballs who manipulate the free market using schemes to make themselves wealthier at the expense of the average citizen
D) We, the citizens, for not paying enough attention to our own personal finances and over-spending habits in our households on a daily basis

Please pick one or two and explain why you selected that as your choice or choices.

Nagesh answers:

C and D

To be honest, Wall Street was greedy, and played with things that they shouldn’t have. The shell game fell flat, and they are now paying for it hard.

And we share a part of the blame for living so much on credit, as well as allowing to be drawn into the bigger and better ideal. Just because someone approved you for a $300,000 loan when you make $40K per year doesn’t mean that you should TAKE it. There was no self-control, and thus, things fell flat when the money was due and no one could pay it.

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Saturday, July 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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